I'm looking at the possibility of turning [Tclhttpd] into a [Windows] (NT, 2000, etc.) service. Currently, I'm using [ActiveState]'s Tcl Dev Kit to facilitate this. Does anyone have experiences or advice to relate on this topic? - [WJR] ---- [JH] This is possible starting with [Tcl Dev Kit]. You have to watch out for the various special handling that Windows services require. If you have timeout startup issues, you need to look for bare ====== vwait forever ====== which is typical in server scripts to start the event loop, but must not exist for NT Tcl services. This is correct: ====== if {![info exists tcl_service] && ![info exists tk_version]} { vwait forever } ====== For those wanting to create an actual starpack (single-file executable) out of tclhttpd on Windows, you will need [Tcl Dev Kit] 3.0, which includes a base kit designed for use as an NT service. ---- [WJR] For Tclhttpd 3.4.2, 'vwait forever' is line 328 in tclhttpd3.4.2/bin/httpd.tcl. After I made this change, the service worked like a charm. In my case, I'm using version 2.6.1 of the Tcl Dev Kit, using the httpd.tcl script as the service (I'm not using a Starkit). Some things to look into: * In bin/tclhttpd.rc, my logs should be written to ../logs, but for some reason they're being put into C:\WINDOWS\logs * I had to put the Tcllib dir on the same level as the Tclhttpd dir. * CGI scripts don't seem to work. Windows event log errors are generated. ---- [WJR] I seem to be having difficulties with [auto_path]. As I mentioned above, I had to put Tcllib in the same directory as Tclhttpd. The Tcllib libs are found OK, but I want to use other libraries like Tclx, etc. I try to append the appropriate directory in httpd.tcl's auto_path, but that doesn't seem to help. It seems that the Tcl Dev Kit Service component may set it's own auto_path, but I'm just guessing at this point. I should also note that this problem doesn't occur when I run the same Tclhttpd through Tclsh or Wish. ---- [JH] All base kits set their own auto_path for system portability so that they only look inside themselves by default. If you use TclApp, it creates a starpack that should allow you to simply ''package require mylib'' without any auto_path manipulation. If you place the packages inside the starpack yourself, you will need to correct auto_path accordingly. TclX is known for not liking being moved around though, and I am fairly sure this is an error in the way the package is created. If it continues to cause problems, this must be examined in detail. ---- [WJR] In my case, I not creating a Starkit, I'm creating the service using the Tcl script. I understand how to include packages using when creating Starpacks, but I'd prefer not create a Starpack if I don't have to. I guess what I'm not understanding is how to correct the auto_path: Do I need to do this in httpd.tcl (as there is an auto_path setting there), or do I somehow do it within tclsvckit.exe? ---- [WJR] [JH] kindly supplied instructions that addressed the problems I was having: Use tclsvc84.exe instead of tclsvckit.exe (which is apparently going away in the next release of the Tcl Dev Kit). Here's what you need to do: 1. Uninstall all services using the Tcl Service Manager. 1. Remove tclsvckit.exe. I simply renamed it to tclsvckit.tmp. 1. Reinstall services using the Tcl Service Manager. My auto_path problem is gone, and Tclhttpd is running great as a service. A few outstanding problems remain, logs are still being written to c:\winnt, and CGI scripts still don't work, but these are minor for my setup. ---- [JH] TDK3 will use its tclsvc84.exe executable by default, so this will not be an issue. That means TDK Tcl services as scripts will have the same [auto_path] behave as the regular Tcl installation. Starpacks as services (using TDK's base tclsvc kit) will need to be sensitive to the restricted auto_path (they should be fully self-contained). As for the logs and such, this is something you have to correct over time. ---- [WJR] The log file path mentioned above was fixed by specifying an absolute path to the logfile directory in the TclHttpd config file. ---- [MHo] Take a look at [Tclhttpd Winservice]! ---- JKM has tclhttpd3.5.1 running as a service with instsrv.exe and srvany.exe and it has worked very well. Name the service with "instsrv NameOfYourService C:/Path/To/srvany.exe". Add "tclsh C:/Path/To/TclWebServer/tclhttpd3.5.1/bin/httpd.tcl –port 2010" to the registry. Start the service. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q137890/ for details pd 2017/3/26 This still works on Windows 10. Download link for https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17657%|%Resource Kit%|% <>TclHttpd|Windows