[Scott Beasley] 2008-05-26: This was a weekend project from about 8 years ago. It's an ALMOST working Scott Adams Text adventure [http://www.msadams.com/downloads.htm] game interpreter. I hope someone will find some good in it. Enjoy. ====== if 0 { [A text adventure game engine] [Scott Beasley] 2008-05-26 } # Game Engine - Save as TclAdamsEng.tcl ############################################################################# ## TclAdamsEng.tcl ## Package to play Scott Adams Adventure game files in the TRS-80 format ## (ScottFree). ## ## Author: Scott Beasley (scottbeasley@gmail.com) ## Feel free to *itch, or send patches to the above address :-) ## ############################################################################# # Declare and build some "noseeums" for the game. set dirs {N NO NOR NORTH\ S SO SOU SOUTH\ E EA EAS EAST\ W WE WES WEST\ U UP\ D DO DOW DOWN} # Used to map direction letter to noun number. set dirmap {N 0 S 1 E 2 W 3 U 4 D 5} set dirnames [list NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST UP DOWN] proc GetRandomNumber { } { set inum [expr {int (rand()*101)}] return $inum } # Clean-up game dB read data. proc Clean {args} { foreach argval $args { upvar $argval ptr set ptr [string trim $ptr {" }] } } # Read in all chars from a file, between two '"' # Note: This is a quick hack at it, feel free to replace :-) proc ReadQuotedMsg {fd} { set msg_buff {} set QuoteCnt 0 set char {} while {1} { if {$char == {"}} { incr QuoteCnt if {$QuoteCnt == 2} { break } } else { append msg_buff $char } set char [read $fd 1] } return $msg_buff } proc CountCarriedInv {strGameInfo} { upvar $strGameInfo GameInfo set indx 0 foreach item_info $GameInfo(items) { if {[lindex $item_info 1] == -1} { incr indx } } return $indx } ## Return the verb number for a given verb string. proc GetVerbNo {strGameInfo verb} { upvar $strGameInfo GameInfo set verb_no 0 set found_one 0 set verb [string range $verb 0 [expr {$GameInfo(WordLen)-1}]] foreach verb_noun $GameInfo(words) { set WasSynonym 0 set game_verb [lindex $verb_noun 0] if {[string index $game_verb 0] != "*"} { set curr_verb_no $verb_no } else { set game_verb [string range $game_verb 1 end] set WasSynonym 1 } if {$verb == $game_verb} { set found_one 1 if {$WasSynonym} { set verb_no $curr_verb_no } break } incr verb_no } if {!$found_one} { return -1 } return $verb_no } ## Return the noun number for a given noun string. proc GetNounNo {strGameInfo noun} { upvar $strGameInfo GameInfo set noun_no 0 set found_one 0 set noun [string range $noun 0 [expr {$GameInfo(WordLen)-1}]] foreach verb_noun $GameInfo(words) { set WasSynonym 0 set game_noun [lindex $verb_noun 1] if {[string index $game_noun 0] != "*"} { set curr_noun_no $noun_no } else { set game_noun [string range $game_noun 1 end] set WasSynonym 1 } if {$noun == $game_noun} { set found_one 1 if {$WasSynonym} { set noun_no $curr_noun_no } break } incr noun_no } if {!$found_one} { return -1 } return $noun_no } proc Look {strGameInfo} { upvar $strGameInfo GameInfo global dirnames set room $GameInfo(CurrentRoom) # Get exits to location... set room_info [lindex $GameInfo(locations) $room] set GameInfo(RoomText) [lindex $room_info 6] if {[string index $GameInfo(RoomText) 0] == "*"} { set GameInfo(RoomText) [string range $GameInfo(RoomText) 1 end] } set dirs [lrange $room_info 0 5] set dir_txt {} set dir_ndx 0 foreach dir $dirs { if {$dir != 0} { append dir_txt "[lindex $dirnames $dir_ndx] " } incr dir_ndx } set GameInfo(RoomExits) $dir_txt ## Get Items at location... set GameInfo(ItemsInRoom) {} foreach item_info $GameInfo(items) { if {[lindex $item_info 1] == $room} { set item_desc [lindex [split [lindex $item_info 0] {/}] 0] lappend GameInfo(ItemsInRoom) $item_desc } } return 0 } proc ItemLocationChange {strGameInfo item_no room} { upvar $strGameInfo GameInfo set item_info [lindex $GameInfo(items) $item_no] set GameInfo(items) [lreplace $GameInfo(items) $item_no \ $item_no [list [lindex $item_info 0] $room\ [lindex $item_info 2]]] } proc GetOrDrop {strGameInfo action item {static_ignore {}}} { upvar $strGameInfo GameInfo set iRet 4 ## This will let us match it from the noun part of the table ## And handle the user typing syn's also. set noun_ndx [GetNounNo GameInfo $item] if {$noun_ndx > -1} { set item [lindex [lindex $GameInfo(words) $noun_ndx] 1] } # Get... if {!$action} { set item_ndx 0 foreach item_info $GameInfo(items) { set item_desc [lindex [split [lindex $item_info 0] {/}] 0] set item_name [string trim [lindex [split [lindex \ $item_info 0] {/}] 1]] set item_loc [lindex $item_info 1] if {($item_name == $item && $item_loc == $GameInfo(CurrentRoom))} { if {[CountCarriedInv GameInfo] >= $GameInfo(MaxItemsCarry)} { set iRet 10 break } ## Is the item static? if {$item_name == ""} { if {$static_ignore == ""} { set iRet 5 } break } ## See if we have it already... if {$item_loc == -1} { set iRet 6 break } set iRet 0 ItemLocationChange GameInfo $item_ndx -1 break } incr item_ndx } } ## Drop... if {$action} { set item_ndx 0 foreach item_info $GameInfo(items) { set item_desc [lindex [split [lindex $item_info 0] {/}] 0] set item_name [string trim [lindex [split [lindex \ $item_info 0] {/}] 1]] set item_loc [lindex $item_info 1] ## Yet another hack fix.... ## Doing this helps with Items that have the same name. ## Pirate's Cove was really bad about this. if {$item_loc == 0} { incr item_ndx continue } if {$item_name == $item} { if {$item_loc == -1} { set iRet 0 ItemLocationChange GameInfo $item_ndx $GameInfo(CurrentRoom) break } else { set iRet 9 break } } incr item_ndx } } return $iRet } proc MoveInDirection {strGameInfo dir_no} { upvar $strGameInfo GameInfo set room_info [lindex $GameInfo(locations) $GameInfo(CurrentRoom)] set room [lindex $room_info $dir_no] if {$room} { set GameInfo(CurrentRoom) $room } else { return 3 } return 0 } proc CheckConditions {strGameInfo conds_lst} { upvar $strGameInfo GameInfo ## Clear the param list here. set GameInfo(param_lst) {} foreach condition $conds_lst { set cond 1 set cond_val [expr {$condition%20}] set arg_val [expr {$condition/20}] ## Check for one of 19 condition types. switch $cond_val { 0 { lappend GameInfo(param_lst) $arg_val } 1 { set item_info [lindex $GameInfo(items) $arg_val] if {[lindex $item_info 1] != -1} { set cond 0 } } 2 { set item_info [lindex $GameInfo(items) $arg_val] if {[lindex $item_info 1] != $GameInfo(CurrentRoom)} { set cond 0 } } 3 { set item_info [lindex $GameInfo(items) $arg_val] if {[lindex $item_info 1] != $GameInfo(CurrentRoom) && \ [lindex $item_info 1] != -1} { set cond 0 } } 4 { if {$arg_val != $GameInfo(CurrentRoom)} { set cond 0 } } 5 { set item_info [lindex $GameInfo(items) $arg_val] if {[lindex $item_info 1] == $GameInfo(CurrentRoom)} { set cond 0 } } 6 { set item_info [lindex $GameInfo(items) $arg_val] if {[lindex $item_info 1] == -1} { set cond 0 } } 7 { if {$arg_val == $GameInfo(CurrentRoom)} { set cond 0 } } 8 { if {!$GameInfo(Flag-$arg_val)} { set cond 0 } } 9 { if {$GameInfo(Flag-$arg_val)} { set cond 0 } } 10 { if {![CountCarriedInv GameInfo]} { set cond 0 } } 11 { if {[CountCarriedInv GameInfo]} { set cond 0 } } 12 { set item_info [lindex $GameInfo(items) $arg_val] if {[lindex $item_info 1] == $GameInfo(CurrentRoom) || \ [lindex $item_info 1] == -1} { set cond 0 } } 13 { set item_info [lindex $GameInfo(items) $arg_val] if {![lindex $item_info 1]} { set cond 0 } } 14 { set item_info [lindex $GameInfo(items) $arg_val] if {[lindex $item_info 1]} { set cond 0 } } 15 { if {[CountCarriedInv GameInfo] > $arg_val} { set cond 0 } } 16 { if {[CountCarriedInv GameInfo] <= $arg_val} { set cond 0 } } 17 { set item_info [lindex $GameInfo(items) $arg_val] if {[lindex $item_info 1] != [lindex $item_info 2]} { set cond 0 } } 18 { set item_info [lindex $GameInfo(items) $arg_val] if {[lindex $item_info 1] == [lindex $item_info 2]} { set cond 0 } } 19 { if {$GameInfo(CurrentCounter) != $arg_val} { set cond 0 } } } if {!$cond} { set GameInfo(ConditionFailed) 1 break } else { set GameInfo(ConditionFailed) 0 } } return $cond } proc DoActions {strGameInfo action_lls} { upvar $strGameInfo GameInfo set GameInfo(param_ndx) 0 foreach action $action_lls { if {!$action} { continue } ## Append any msg's to the current msg list. if {$action >= 1 && $action < 52} { lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) [lindex $GameInfo(messages) $action] continue } if {$action > 101} { lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) [lindex $GameInfo(messages) \ [expr {$action-50}]] continue } set arg_param [lindex $GameInfo(param_lst) $GameInfo(param_ndx)] ## See if it was another type of action. switch $action { 52 { if {[CountCarriedInv GameInfo] >= $GameInfo(MaxItemsCarry)} { lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) "You are carrying to much!\n" break } ItemLocationChange GameInfo $arg_param -1 incr GameInfo(param_ndx) set GameInfo(DidGetOrDrop) 1 } 53 { ItemLocationChange GameInfo $arg_param $GameInfo(CurrentRoom) incr GameInfo(param_ndx) set GameInfo(DidGetOrDrop) 1 } 54 { set GameInfo(CurrentRoom) $arg_param incr GameInfo(param_ndx) } 55 - 59 { ItemLocationChange GameInfo $arg_param 0 incr GameInfo(param_ndx) } 56 { set GameInfo(IsDark) 1 set GameInfo(Flag-15) 1 } 57 { set GameInfo(IsDark) 0 set GameInfo(Flag-15) 0 } 58 - 60 { set GameInfo(Flag-$arg_param) [expr {$action==60?0:1}] incr GameInfo(param_ndx) } 61 { set GameInfo(IsDead) 1 set GameInfo(IsDark) 0 set GameInfo(Flag-15) 0 set GameInfo(CurrentRoom) [expr {$GameInfo(NumberOfRooms)-1}] } 62 { incr GameInfo(param_ndx) set iroom [lindex $GameInfo(param_lst) $GameInfo(param_ndx)] ItemLocationChange GameInfo $arg_param $iroom incr GameInfo(param_ndx) } 63 { set GameInfo(GameOver) 0 if {$GameInfo(GameOverFunc) != ""} { eval $GameInfo(GameOverFunc) } } 64 - 76 { if {$GameInfo(LookFunc) != ""} { eval $GameInfo(LookFunc) } } 65 { set iTreasureCnt 0 foreach item_info $GameInfo(items) { if {([lindex $item_info 1] == $GameInfo(TreasureRoom)) && \ [string index [lindex $item_info 0] 0] == "*"} { incr iTreasureCnt } } set iScore [expr {$iTreasureCnt*100/$GameInfo(TotalTreasures)}] if {$GameInfo(TotalTreasures) == $iTreasureCnt} { lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) "\nYou Win!" } lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) "\nYou have stored away\ $iTreasureCnt of $GameInfo(TotalTreasures) total\ treasures." "Your score is $iScore." } 66 { lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) "\nYou are carrying:" if {![CountCarriedInv GameInfo]} { lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) "Nothing." } set iLineLen 0 set iDivder 0 set InvLine {} foreach item_info $GameInfo(items) { if {[lindex $item_info 1] != -1} { continue } set item [lindex [split [lindex $item_info 0] {/}] 0] append InvLine "$item. " if {[expr {$iLineLen+[string length $item]+2}] >= \ $GameInfo(MaxDisplayWidth)} { lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) "$InvLine\n" set iLineLen 0 set InvLine {} } incr iLineLen [expr {[string length $item]+2}] } lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) "$InvLine\n" } 67 { set GameInfo(Flag-0) 1 } 68 { set GameInfo(Flag-0) 0 } 69 { set GameInfo(LightCountDown) $GameInfo(TotalLightTime) ## Item number 9 is always the light source. ItemLocationChange GameInfo 9 -1 set GameInfo(IsDark) 0 set GameInfo(Flag-15) 0 } 70 { ## set GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) {} if {$GameInfo(ClearFunc) != ""} { eval $GameInfo(ClearFunc) } } 71 { if {$GameInfo(SaveGameFunc) != ""} { eval $GameInfo(SaveGameFunc) } } 72 { set item_no1 $arg_param incr GameInfo(param_ndx) set item_no2 [lindex $GameInfo(param_lst) $GameInfo(param_ndx)] set item_loc1 [lindex [lindex $GameInfo(items) $item_no1] 1] set item_loc2 [lindex [lindex $GameInfo(items) $item_no2] 1] ItemLocationChange GameInfo $item_no1 $item_loc2 ItemLocationChange GameInfo $item_no2 $item_loc1 incr GameInfo(param_ndx) } 73 { set GameInfo(Continue) 1 } 74 { ItemLocationChange GameInfo $arg_param -1 incr GameInfo(param_ndx) } 75 { set item_no1 $arg_param incr GameInfo(param_ndx) set item_no2 [lindex $GameInfo(param_lst) $GameInfo(param_ndx)] set item_loc2 [lindex [lindex $GameInfo(items) $item_no2] 1] ItemLocationChange GameInfo $item_no1 $item_loc2 incr GameInfo(param_ndx) } 77 { if {$GameInfo(CurrentCounter) >= 0} { incr GameInfo(CurrentCounter) -1 } } 78 { lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) $GameInfo(CurrentCounter) } 79 { set GameInfo(CurrentCounter) $arg_param incr GameInfo(param_ndx) } 80 { set iSwap $GameInfo(RoomNumberHold) set GameInfo(RoomNumberHold) $GameInfo(CurrentRoom) set GameInfo(CurrentRoom) $iSwap } 81 { set iSwap $GameInfo(CurrentCounter) set GameInfo(CurrentCounter) $GameInfo(Counter-$arg_param) set GameInfo(Counter-$arg_param) $iSwap incr GameInfo(param_ndx) } 82 { incr GameInfo(CurrentCounter) $arg_param incr GameInfo(param_ndx) } 83 { set arg_val "-$arg_param" incr GameInfo(CurrentCounter) $arg_val incr GameInfo(param_ndx) } 84 { lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) $GameInfo(TypedNoun) } 85 { lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) $GameInfo(TypedNoun) "\n" } 86 { lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) "\n" } 87 { set iSwap $GameInfo(CurrentRoom) set GameInfo(CurrentRoom) $GameInfo(RoomStack-$arg_param) set GameInfo(RoomStack-$arg_param) $iSwap incr GameInfo(param_ndx) } 88 { after 2000 } 89 { incr GameInfo(param_ndx) } } } } proc CheckActions {strGameInfo verb_no noun_no} { upvar $strGameInfo GameInfo set repeat 0 set iWasAction 0 ## Clear the param list counter here. set GameInfo(param_ndx) 0 ## Loop all the actions in the list and see if we have a hit. foreach action_info $GameInfo(actions) { set vocab [lindex $action_info 0] set action_verb [expr {$vocab/150}] set action_noun [expr {$vocab%150}] set cond1 [lindex $action_info 1] set cond2 [lindex $action_info 2] set cond3 [lindex $action_info 3] set cond4 [lindex $action_info 4] set cond5 [lindex $action_info 5] if {($action_verb == $verb_no || !$action_verb) || ($repeat && !$action_verb)} { if {($action_noun == $noun_no || !$action_noun) || !$action_verb} { ## Code for conditions that are only checked n% of the time. if {(!$action_verb && \ ([GetRandomNumber] >= $action_noun)) && !$repeat} { continue } set condition [CheckConditions GameInfo [list $cond1 $cond2 \ $cond3 $cond4 $cond5]] if {$condition} { set action1 [lindex $action_info 6] set action2 [lindex $action_info 7] set act0 [expr {$action1/150}] set act1 [expr {$action1%150}] set act2 [expr {$action2/150}] set act3 [expr {$action2%150}] DoActions GameInfo [list $act0 $act1 $act2 $act3] set iWasAction 1 ## I guess this is right? if {$GameInfo(Continue)} { set GameInfo(Continue) 0 set repeat 1 } if {$action_verb && !$repeat} { break } } } } if {$action_verb} { set repeat 0 } } return $iWasAction } proc ParseUserInput {strGameInfo cmdln_in} { upvar $strGameInfo GameInfo global dirs dirmap set iVerbNo -1 set iNounNo 0 set iGetAll 0 set iret 0 set GameInfo(TypedNoun) {} set GameInfo(ConditionFailed) 0 set GameInfo(DidGetOrDrop) 0 set GameInfo(WasHelp) 0 incr GameInfo(TurnCnt) if {!$GameInfo(LightCountDown)} { set GameInfo(IsDark) 1 set GameInfo(Flag-15) 1 return 11 } else { incr GameInfo(LightCountDown) -1 } foreach {verb noun} [string trim [split $cmdln_in]] {} set GameInfo(TypedNoun) $noun set verb [string toupper $verb] set noun [string toupper $noun] if {$verb == {QUIT} || $verb == {EXIT} || $verb == {Q}} { set GameInfo(Playing) 0 if {$GameInfo(GameOverFunc) != ""} { eval $GameInfo(GameOverFunc) } return 0 } set iVerbNo [GetVerbNo GameInfo $verb] ## Check and see if it was a direction. if {$iVerbNo == 1 && $noun == ""} { return 2 } if {$iVerbNo == 1 || $noun == ""} { if {$noun != ""} { set possiable_dir $noun } else { set possiable_dir $verb } foreach dir [string trim [split $dirs]] { if {$possiable_dir == $dir} { set dir [string range $possiable_dir 0 0] set iVerbNo 1 set iNounNo [string map $dirmap $dir] set iret [MoveInDirection GameInfo $iNounNo] } } } ## Extra hack for 'Inventory'. if {$verb == {I}} { set iVerbNo [GetVerbNo GameInfo "INV"] } ## Extra hack for get/drop all. if {($iVerbNo == 10 || $iVerbNo == 18) && $noun == "ALL"} { set iGetAll 1 } ## Check for unknown command, or match a noun if there was one. if {$iVerbNo == -1} { return 7 } else { if {$noun != "" && !$iGetAll} { set iNounNo [GetNounNo GameInfo $noun] if {$iNounNo == -1} { return 8 } } } ## Check for any actions to perform. set iWasAction [CheckActions GameInfo $iVerbNo $iNounNo] if {$verb == "HELP" && !$GameInfo(ConditionFailed)} { set GameInfo(WasHelp) 1 if {$GameInfo(HelpFunc) != ""} { eval $GameInfo(HelpFunc) } } ## See if it was a 'GET' or 'DROP'. if {($iVerbNo == 10 || $iVerbNo == 18) && \ !$GameInfo(DidGetOrDrop) && $GameInfo(ConditionFailed)} { if {$noun == "ALL"} { foreach item_info $GameInfo(items) { if {[lindex $item_info 1] != $GameInfo(CurrentRoom)} { continue } set item [string trim [lindex [split [lindex \ $item_info 0] {/}] 1]] set iret [GetOrDrop GameInfo [expr {$iVerbNo==10?0:1}] $item 1] if {!$iret} { set item_desc [string trim [lindex [split [lindex \ $item_info 0] {/}] 0]] lappend GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) "$item_desc: O.K." } } } else { set iret [GetOrDrop GameInfo [expr {$iVerbNo==10?0:1}] $noun] } ## Hackish way to get certain events to happen. ## Maybe not the best place for it, but.... CheckActions GameInfo $iVerbNo $iNounNo } return $iret } proc ReadAdventureFile {strGameInfo gamefile} { upvar $strGameInfo GameInfo unset GameInfo ## Init the game play vars. set GameInfo(datfile) $gamefile set GameInfo(Playing) 1 set GameInfo(GameOver) 0 set GameInfo(Continue) 0 set GameInfo(IsDark) 0 set GameInfo(IsDead) 0 set GameInfo(TurnCnt) 0 set GameInfo(param_lst) {} set GameInfo(param_ndx) 0 set GameInfo(BitFlags) 0 set GameInfo(CurrentCounter) 0 set GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) {} set GameInfo(CurrentUserMsgs) {} set GameInfo(TypedNoun) {} set GameInfo(RoomNumberHold) 0 set GameInfo(DidGetOrDrop) 0 set GameInfo(WasHelp) 0 set GameInfo(SaveGameFunc) {} set GameInfo(ClearFunc) {} set GameInfo(LookFunc) {} set GameInfo(GameOverFunc) {} set GameInfo(HelpFunc) {} set GameInfo(MaxDisplayWidth) 80 set GameInfo(ConditionFailed) 0 ## I go a little more on the counters and flags just for the future. for {set iNdx 0} {$iNdx < 32} {incr iNdx} { set GameInfo(Counter-$iNdx) 0 } ## I do the flags like this... Because I can :-). for {set iNdx 0} {$iNdx < 32} {incr iNdx} { set GameInfo(Flag-$iNdx) 0 } for {set iNdx 0} {$iNdx < 32} {incr iNdx} { set GameInfo(RoomStack-$iNdx) 0 } set fd [open $GameInfo(datfile) "r"] fconfigure $fd -buffersize 256000 ## Read in the Game file info, and store it. set filler [gets $fd] set GameInfo(NumberOfItems) [string trim [gets $fd]] set GameInfo(NumberOfActions) [string trim [gets $fd]] set GameInfo(NumberOfWords) [string trim [gets $fd]] set GameInfo(NumberOfRooms) [string trim [gets $fd]] set GameInfo(MaxItemsCarry) [string trim [gets $fd]] set GameInfo(StartingRoom) [string trim [gets $fd]] set GameInfo(TotalTreasures) [string trim [gets $fd]] set GameInfo(WordLen) [string trim [gets $fd]] set GameInfo(TotalLightTime) [string trim [gets $fd]] set GameInfo(NumberOfMsgs) [string trim [gets $fd]] set GameInfo(TreasureRoom) [string trim [gets $fd]] set GameInfo(CurrentRoom) $GameInfo(StartingRoom) set GameInfo(LightCountDown) $GameInfo(TotalLightTime) set ActCnt 0 incr GameInfo(NumberOfActions) while {$ActCnt < $GameInfo(NumberOfActions)} { set Vocab [gets $fd] set Condition1 [gets $fd]; set Condition2 [gets $fd] set Condition3 [gets $fd]; set Condition4 [gets $fd] set Condition5 [gets $fd] set Action1 [gets $fd]; set Action2 [gets $fd] Clean Vocab Condition1 Condition2 Condition3 \ Condition4 Condition5 Action1 Action2 lappend GameInfo(actions) [list $Vocab $Condition1 $Condition2\ $Condition3 $Condition4\ $Condition5 $Action1 $Action2] incr ActCnt } set WordCnt 0 incr GameInfo(NumberOfWords) while {$WordCnt < $GameInfo(NumberOfWords)} { set Verb [gets $fd]; set Noun [gets $fd] Clean Verb Noun lappend GameInfo(words) [list $Verb $Noun] incr WordCnt } set RoomCnt 0 incr GameInfo(NumberOfRooms) while {$RoomCnt < $GameInfo(NumberOfRooms)} { set Exit1 [gets $fd]; set Exit2 [gets $fd] set Exit3 [gets $fd]; set Exit4 [gets $fd] set Exit5 [gets $fd]; set Exit6 [gets $fd] set Desc [ReadQuotedMsg $fd] ## Eat the extra space and nl after the room txt. gets $fd Clean Exit1 Exit2 Exit3 Exit4 Exit5 Exit6 Desc lappend GameInfo(locations) [list $Exit1 $Exit2 $Exit3\ $Exit4 $Exit5 $Exit6 $Desc] incr RoomCnt } set MsgCnt 0 incr GameInfo(NumberOfMsgs) while {$MsgCnt < $GameInfo(NumberOfMsgs)} { set msg [ReadQuotedMsg $fd] Clean msg lappend GameInfo(messages) $msg incr MsgCnt } set ItemCnt 0 incr GameInfo(NumberOfItems) while {$ItemCnt < $GameInfo(NumberOfItems)} { set Item [ReadQuotedMsg $fd] set Location [gets $fd] Clean Item Location lappend GameInfo(items) [list $Item $Location $Location] incr ItemCnt } set ActCnt 0 while {$ActCnt < $GameInfo(NumberOfActions)} { set ActionCmd [ReadQuotedMsg $fd] Clean ActionCmd lappend GameInfo(actioncmds) [string trim $ActionCmd "\n\r"] incr ActCnt } } ---- Text based driver - ##!/bin/sh ## \ exec tclsh "$0" $@ ############################################################################## ## TclAdams.tcl ## ## Txt Driver to test Scott Adams Adventure game engine written in TCL. ## ## Author: Scott Beasley (scottbeasley@gmail.com) ## Feel free to *itch, or send patches to the above address :-) ## ############################################################################## source TclAdamsEng.tcl ## Test it all out with a puny little driver. set GameInfo {} if {$argc < 1} { puts "We need a game file to play!\nUsage:\ TclAdams gamedatfile" exit 1 } else { set GameFile [lindex $argv 0] } ReadAdventureFile GameInfo $GameFile fconfigure stdout -buffering none CheckActions GameInfo 0 0 while {$GameInfo(Playing)} { puts "*******************************************" Look GameInfo foreach msg $GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) { set msg [string trimright $msg "\n"] if {$msg != ""} { puts $msg } } puts "\nLocation:\n$GameInfo(RoomText)" set iLineLen 0 set iDivder 0 if {[llength $GameInfo(ItemsInRoom)]} { puts -nonewline "You see: " foreach item $GameInfo(ItemsInRoom) { if {$iDivder} { puts -nonewline " - " } else { set iDivder 1 } if {[expr {$iLineLen+[string length $item]+3}] >= 70} { puts "" set iLineLen 0 } incr iLineLen [expr {[string length $item]+3}] puts -nonewline $item } } puts "\nObvious exits: $GameInfo(RoomExits)\n" while 1 { puts -nonewline "What do you want to do? " set cmd_ln [string trim [gets stdin]] puts {} if {$cmd_ln != ""} { break } puts "Pardon?\n" } set GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) {} if {$cmd_ln == ""} { continue } set iRet [ParseUserInput GameInfo $cmd_ln] switch $iRet { 2 { puts "You must supply a direction.\n" } 3 { puts "You can't go in that direction.\n" } 5 { puts "It's beyond your power to do that!\n" } 6 { puts "You are carring that already...\n" } 7 { puts "You speak unknown words!\n" } 8 { puts "Don't know what that is?\n" } 9 { puts "You are not carring that...\n" } 10 { puts "You are carring to much!\n" } 11 { puts "It's too dark to do it!\n" } } } ## puny driver end. ---- Gui based Driver - ##!/bin/sh ## \ exec wish "$0" $@ ############################################################################## ## TkAdams.tcl ## ## Tk driver to test Scott Adams Adventure game engine written in TCL. ## ## Author: Scott Beasley (scottbeasley@gmail.com) ## Feel free to *itch, or send patches to the above address :-) ## ############################################################################## source TclAdamsEng.tcl proc LoadAdventFile {{GameFile {}}} { global GameInfo set GameInfo(MaxDisplayWidth) 85 if {$GameFile == ""} { set types { {{Adams Games Files} {.dat} TEXT} {{All Files} * } } set filename [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types] if {$filename != ""} { set GameFile $filename } } if {$GameFile != ""} { ReadAdventureFile GameInfo $GameFile CheckActions GameInfo 0 0 MakeAWish 1 focus .fr_one_wish.e_command } } proc UserError {errormsg} { .fr_one.txt_action_msgs configure -state normal .fr_one.txt_action_msgs delete 1.0 end .fr_one.txt_action_msgs insert 1.0 $errormsg .fr_one.txt_action_msgs configure -state disabled } proc DescriptPuts {line} { .fr_one.txt_room_and_item_info configure -state normal .fr_one.txt_room_and_item_info insert end $line .fr_one.txt_room_and_item_info configure -state disabled } proc ActionPuts {line} { set line [string trimright $line] .fr_one.txt_action_msgs configure -state normal .fr_one.txt_action_msgs insert end $line .fr_one.txt_action_msgs insert end "\n" .fr_one.txt_action_msgs configure -state disabled } proc SetDirButtonsAllowed {} { global GameInfo dirnames foreach dir $dirnames { ".fr_two.b_[string tolower $dir]" configure -state disabled } if {[string trim $GameInfo(RoomExits)] != ""} { foreach dir [split $GameInfo(RoomExits)] { if {[string trim $dir] != ""} { ".fr_two.b_[string tolower $dir]" configure -state active } } } } proc MakeAWish {{noparse 0}} { global UsersWish GameInfo if {$noparse} { set iRet 0 } else { set GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) {} set UsersWish [string trim $UsersWish] if {$UsersWish == ""} { return } set iRet [ParseUserInput GameInfo $UsersWish] } set UsersWish {} Look GameInfo .fr_one.txt_action_msgs configure -state normal .fr_one.txt_room_and_item_info configure -state normal .fr_one.txt_action_msgs delete 1.0 end .fr_one.txt_room_and_item_info delete 1.0 end .fr_one.txt_action_msgs configure -state disabled .fr_one.txt_room_and_item_info configure -state disabled switch $iRet { 2 { UserError "You must supply a direction.\n" } 3 { UserError "You can't go in that direction.\n" } 5 { UserError "It's beyond your power to do that!\n" } 6 { UserError "You are carring that already...\n" } 7 { UserError "You speak unknown words!\n" } 8 { UserError "Don't know what that is?\n" } 9 { UserError "You are not carring that...\n" } 10 { UserError "You are carring to much!\n" } 11 { UserError "It's too dark to do it!\n" } } set iFirstActMsg 0 foreach msg $GameInfo(CurrentMsgs) { if {!$iFirstActMsg} { set msg [string trimleft $msg "\n"] set iFirstActMsg 1 } set msg [string trimright $msg "\n"] if {$msg != ""} { ActionPuts "$msg\n" } } DescriptPuts "You are in a $GameInfo(RoomText)\n" set iLineLen 0 set iDivder 0 if {[llength $GameInfo(ItemsInRoom)]} { DescriptPuts "You see: " foreach item $GameInfo(ItemsInRoom) { if {$iDivder} { DescriptPuts ". " } else { set iDivder 1 } if {[expr {$iLineLen+[string length $item]+2}] >= \ $GameInfo(MaxDisplayWidth)} { DescriptPuts "\n" set iLineLen 0 } incr iLineLen [expr {[string length $item]+2}] DescriptPuts $item } } ## DescriptPuts "\nObvious exits: $GameInfo(RoomExits)\n" SetDirButtonsAllowed } proc DoDirection {dir} { global UsersWish set UsersWish $dir MakeAWish } ## TkAdams Driver. # Build the window. wm title . {tkAdams} wm resizable . 0 0 wm deiconify . frame .fr_one -borderwidth 0 -height 75 -relief groove -width 340 text .fr_one.txt_action_msgs -height 10 -state disabled text .fr_one.txt_room_and_item_info -height 10 -state disabled frame .fr_one_wish -borderwidth 0 -height 75 -relief groove -width 340 label .fr_one_wish.l_your_wish -borderwidth 1 -relief flat \ -text {What is your wish?} -width 18 entry .fr_one_wish.e_command -textvariable UsersWish -width 25 grid .fr_one -in . -column 0 -row 3 -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 grid .fr_one.txt_action_msgs -in .fr_one -column 0 -row 2 \ -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 grid .fr_one.txt_room_and_item_info -in .fr_one -column 0 -row 3 \ -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 grid .fr_one_wish -in .fr_one -column 0 -row 4 -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 grid .fr_one_wish.l_your_wish -in .fr_one_wish -column 0 -row 0 \ -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 grid .fr_one_wish.e_command -in .fr_one_wish -column 1 -row 0 \ -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 frame .fr_two -borderwidth 0 -height 75 -relief groove -width 125 grid .fr_two -in . -column 0 -row 4 -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 set colndx 1 foreach dir $dirnames { button ".fr_two.b_[string tolower $dir]" -text $dir \ -command "DoDirection $dir" -width 8 -state disabled grid ".fr_two.b_[string tolower $dir]" -in .fr_two -column $colndx \ -row 1 -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 incr colndx } frame .fr_three -borderwidth 0 -height 75 -relief groove -width 200 grid .fr_three -in . -column 0 -row 5 -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 button .fr_three.b_quit -text "Quit" \ -command "exit" -width 8 -state normal button .fr_three.b_save -text "Save Game" -padx 10 \ -command "SaveGame" -width 8 -state normal button .fr_three.b_load_game -text "Load Game" -padx 10 \ -command "SaveGame" -width 8 -state normal button .fr_three.b_load -text "Load New Adventure" -padx 40 \ -command "LoadAdventFile" -width 8 -state normal grid .fr_three.b_quit -in .fr_three -column 0 \ -row 5 -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 grid .fr_three.b_save -in .fr_three -column 2 \ -row 5 -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 -sticky nsew grid .fr_three.b_load_game -in .fr_three -column 3 \ -row 5 -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 -sticky nsew grid .fr_three.b_load -in .fr_three -column 4 \ -row 5 -columnspan 2 -rowspan 1 -sticky nsew bind .fr_one_wish.e_command "MakeAWish" set GameFile {} if {$argc >= 1} { set GameFile [lindex $argv 0] } LoadAdventFile $GameFile ## end TkAdams ====== <> Games