Version 4 of The L Programming Language

Updated 2007-11-07 19:44:08 by PT

L is a programming language started by Larry McVoy, with extensive help from Jeffrey Hobbs, Oscar Bonilla, and Tim Daly, Jr.

Roughly speaking, it's an attempt to wrap C-like syntax around core Tcl functionality. It's described as a language "designed to peacefully coexist with Tcl rather than replace Tcl".

As of late 2006, an introductory paper is at:

A Wikit wiki on the L programming language is at:

(Note: On 2006-10-27 the above link was down. Maybe they moved their wiki?)

A mailing list is available. The archives are at:

As of late 2006, a related IRC channel named "##l" existed on the network.

A seminar on the language was presented in 2006 at the Thirteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference.

PT 07-Nov-2007: I built some tclkit executables that contain L for Windows - see [L1 ]

Category Language