. http://mini.net/files/q.jpg [Richard Suchenwirth] 2002-11-17 - In Douglas Hofstadter's book ''Goedel, Escher, Bach'' I found mention of "a little mystery in number theory", the heavily recursive Q function Q(n) = Q(n - Q(n-1)) + Q(n - Q(n - 2)) if n>2 Q(1) = Q(2) = 1 which, though clearly defined (sort of Fibonacchi to the second power), produces a sequence of ever more puzzling numbers. Reason enough to start up a ''tclsh'' and try myself... } proc Q n { if {$n<=2} {return 1} expr {[Q [expr {$n - [Q [expr {$n - 1}]]}]] + [Q [expr {$n - [Q [expr {$n - 2}]]}]]} } if 0 {Whew, seven closing braces/brackets! More than [Lisp] would need parens! And this can be expected to run slow, due to the four recursions in every non-trivial call, so I very soon added a caching (memoizing) version, which remembers previous results and only does what's really needed, for comparing performance:} proc Q' n { global Q if {![info exists Q($n)]} { if {$n<=2} { set Q($n) 1 } else { set Q($n) [expr {[Q' [expr {$n - [Q' [expr {$n - 1}]]}]] + [Q' [expr {$n - [Q' [expr {$n - 2}]]}]]}] } } set Q($n) } if 0 {Both return the sample results in Hofstadter's book, so appear correct. Timing however is very different (even when duly clearing the cache before testing Q' - [[Q 30]] was already intolerably slow on my box at home): % time {catch {unset Q};Q 10} 17624 microseconds per iteration % time {catch {unset Q};Q' 10} 4873 microseconds per iteration % time {catch {unset Q};Q 20} 2683731 microseconds per iteration % time {catch {unset Q};Q' 20} 10278 microseconds per iteration 10 % time {catch {unset Q};Q 30} 337324223 microseconds per iteration 11 % time {catch {unset Q};Q' 30} 15633 microseconds per iteration Runtime of the non-cached version Q grows '''very''' exponentially, while the cached Q' runs in linear time (~510 usec - YMMV). So this is a case where [result caching] clearly pays off. Now to visualize the results on a [canvas] - good-bye ''tclsh'', hello ''wish''. I draw a little black rectangle at every result of the Q function (positive y goes down as usual on a canvas, but this gives us a good diagonal irrespective of canvas size, so I didn't transform it). A red line connects the points - the Q function is not continuous, but this indicates how chaotic the values "burst" at certain times (in regular intervals), mostly so after a short stretch of constant values. The oscillations then slowly calm down again, but still not in an evident pattern... For closer examination of the puzzling result sequence, zoom in with left, out with right mousebutton. } package require Tk proc point {w x y {color black}} { $w create rect [expr {$x-.5}] [expr {$y-.5}] \ [expr {$x+.5}] [expr {$y+.5}] -fill $color } pack [canvas .c -bg white] -fill both -expand 1 set line [.c create line 0 0 0 0 -fill red] for {set i 1} {$i<800} {incr i} { point .c $i [Q' $i] .c coords $line [concat [.c coords $line] $i [Q' $i]] update } bind .c <1> {.c scale all %x %y 2 2} bind .c <3> {.c scale all %x %y .5 .5} bind . {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} bind . {console show}