Version 11 of The Strange World of Programming

Updated 2002-10-01 14:35:52

Programming can be a very frustrating thing to do at any level.

There are a few things that have kept me going:

  • Be excited when little things work
  • Realize that from little things big things are built
  • Everybody is still learning (even Knuth)
  • Focus on being the best programmer you can be, rather than as good as someone else
  • Realize that holy/language wars just bring upset and the best thing to do is to fix the problem than complain
  • Don't be intimidated by 500+ page books (almost everybody finds them frustrating)
  • Remember your past difficulties when helping new programmers

Please extend this list.

MSW: In fact I love 500+ pages technical books :)

  • Enjoy bugs. Remember, they are there to be fixed by you - be excited when you fix that thing.
  • Enjoy interaction with your users: They will show you ways to use your program you've never thought about before.
  • Expect credits for minimal, ridiculous changes you do, but don't for abstract flexible frameworks: You get cheered on for what they see.
  • The smile on the faces of your users when you implement their wishes quickly
  • Humor. You'll often laugh hard when you read code you wrote years ago - especially if you are now more fluent in that programming language

DKF - It's books that are over a thousand pages that are intimidating. Especially when used on cow-orkers... ;^)

  • Sometimes failure isn't really failure. When you learn from a project it can in a way be considered a success.
  • Keep reaching for the sky. If you only do coding that is easy you won't make the gains that you may seek.

[Economic absurdities ...]

The most dangerous moment is when you have a vision and say to yourself, "Hey, I could code that!" The next thing you know, no one has seen you for a week and you've perpetrated yet another Tcl object system. -- [WHD}