05Aug03 - [Brian Theado] - I was trying to do a site:mini.net search on Google to search this wiki and it came back with empty results. Is the wiki purposefully being blocked from search engine spidering or is it something else? Even searching for "Tclers Wiki" doesn't return mini.net (http://www.google.com/search?q=Tclers+wiki). I thought that I've searched the wiki via Google in the past. Maybe I misremember. No, you remember correctly. The wiki can be searched. What specific search did you try? 05Aug03 - [CM] - Strange... I tried your link and got some mini.net answers. Also searching for "site:mini.net tcl" currently returns 8,430 web pages! and searching for "site:mini.net tcl threads" only two. So it seems it is possible to use google and the statically cached pages to find information (although the search feature of [Wikit] seems faster). [Brian Theado] - I guess I picked some words that I knew were present and it didn't return any results. Some examples are "site:mini.net prototype", "site:mini.net xotcl" "site:mini.net algorithm". If I try tcl I do get over 8000 pages (I should have thought of that). I guess I expected google to find it if the word occurs somewhere. Some other disappointing results are list (7 pages), object (2 pages), threads (2 pages). In each of these cases a simple title search on the wiki returns many more pages than that. Maybe my expectations for Google are too high. [Ro]: Google has got a bunch of servers and depending on which one you're using (transparent to you and I) you get different results back. Try repeating searches multiple times over the course of a day and you'll see what I mean. You could attribute that phenomenon to google updating itself but I have read before about google's varied servers and their associated varied search results. ---- [[ [Category Tcler's Wiki] ]]