* [Chinlish] * [taiku: a little Chinese editor] * [Chinese numbers] * [Fun with Chinese characters] * [Animated Kanji] * [fan2jian and jian2fan] * [Easy input of Pinyin] ---- A Chinese website dedicated to Tcl/Tk: http://www.tclchina.com/ (2006-05-30) 中文成? ---- [RS] 2007-08-29: Here's a converter from Chinese characters in Unicode to decimal GB2312 numbers: proc c2gb str { set res "" foreach c [split $str ""] { binary scan [encoding convertto gb2312 $c] cc a b set a [expr {($a+0x100) % 0x100 - 160}] set b [expr {($b+0x100) % 0x100 - 160}] lappend res [format %02d%02d $a $b] } set res } % c2gb 上海 4147 2603 ---- [ZU] 2007-08-09: Could you please tell me how can I use that, wenn I use [TclKit] zu show some character with chinise charaters? And I have tried puts "\u2603" ;# the second nummber above And I get ☃. May I ask why? [AM] (31 august 2007) That is interesting in itself too :) but the problem is really that Unicode expects hexadecimal numbers, whereas the above are decimal. - [RS]: Yes. The Unicodes of these example characters can be [scan]ned out: % u2x 上海 \u4E0A\u6D77 ---- [LV] 2008 Jan 31 I was asked, today, whether Tcl supports the GBK or GB18030 chinese character encodings. I don't see it among the encodings listed when I type: === $ tclsh8.5 % encoding names cp860 cp861 cp862 cp863 tis-620 cp864 cp865 cp866 gb12345 gb2312-raw cp949 cp950 cp869 dingbats ksc5601 macCentEuro cp874 macUkraine jis0201 gb2312 euc-cn euc-jp macThai iso8859-10 jis0208 iso2022-jp macIceland iso2022 iso8859-13 jis0212 iso8859-14 iso8859-15 cp737 iso8859-16 big5 euc-kr macRomania macTurkish gb1988 iso2022-kr macGreek ascii cp437 macRoman iso8859-1 iso8859-2 iso8859-3 macCroatian koi8-r iso8859-4 ebcdic iso8859-5 cp1250 macCyrillic iso8859-6 cp1251 macDingbats koi8-u iso8859-7 cp1252 iso8859-8 cp1253 iso8859-9 cp1254 cp1255 cp850 cp1256 cp932 identity cp1257 cp852 macJapan cp1258 shiftjis utf-8 cp855 cp936 symbol cp775 unicode cp857 === Has anyone out there worked out the issues? ---- [WJP] 2008 Jan 31 iconv supports this GBK and GB18030, so it might be helpful to look at the source, or possibly just run iconv. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Human Language] |% [i18n - Tcl for the world] | [Natural Languages] !!!!!!