Bravo! 24 Sept 2003 [Mike Tuxford]: I assume this is in celebration of reaching a 10000 link milestone? ''FYI - half of the page numbers are assigned but not filled in, so this represents roughly 5000 pages / 17 Mb of collectively created information (about 45 Mb of history in CVS).'' 25 Sept 2003 [TR] Dear Wiki! Congratulations to reaching this page! I have thought for months about what to put on this page if I got the chance to be the first to reach it. But I could not come up with something brilliant enough to respectfully represent this stage of Tcl-Wiki evolution. Yes, perhaps the best is to collect some congratulations here! Cheers for the Wiki! For a long and information-rich future ... 25 Sept 2003 [PS] Perhaps a short history of the wiki, with most active IPs/posters would be a nice purpose for this page. ''This wiki was started in Jan 1999. No big plans, just to scratch an itch. See the Tcl/Tk 2002 presentation at [] for details. -[jcw]'' 15 Sept 2003 [US] Congratulations [] 25 Sept 2003 [Juan-Carlos Gil] 10000 feathers of wisdom. Cheers! [davidw] I think some thanks to [jcw] are in order! ---- [Category Tcler's Wiki]