Taking photographs at slow rates (e.g. 1 frame per day, 1 frame per minute) and playing them back as a movie at normal movie rates (e.g. 25 frames per second) creates a perception that time in the movie passes faster. Time-lapse photography is a technique used for exposing slowly varying processes, such as cloud and celestial motion, plant growth etc. For more details, see [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_lapse] Most photographic cameras, even digital ones, offer limited (if any) control for time-lapse photography and that at a high price. Webcams on the other hand are far cheaper, but in most cases images are of inferior quality. [tilaphos] is an experiment for taking '''ti'''me-'''la'''pse '''pho'''tograph'''s'''. It is written mostly for portable devices that can be mounted close to the scene, and for this reason it has oversized buttons and makes use of [piemenu]s in its GUI, in an effort to provide easier control for touch screens operated with fingers. The GUI needs further development, with consideration to the different screen resolutions and form factors of mobile devices. Here is a screen shot of '''tilaphos''' running on a DIALOGUE Flybook. [http://tilaphos.sourceforge.net/images/tilaphos_th.png] At present, the size of the photos ([dzach], in my particular setup) is limited to 320x240 pixels, due to a limitation in the version of [tkvideo] used ('''1.21'''). Recent versions of tkvideo may have this limitation removed. More details at tilaphos's home page [http://tilaphos.sourceforge.net] YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/tilaphos <> Multimedia