[KBK] observes: At one point, I had a customer who wanted an entry field that would validate a time of day (HH:MM:SS); actually, since the application was for video processing, the time also included a frame count within the second, but that's not really relevant to the discussion. The customer found "validate-on-focus-out" to be unacceptable: he wanted the field NEVER to have invalid content. What the customer (and, surprisingly, the users) actually liked was to put a sample time in the field, and set up the keyboard bindings to function in overtype mode. The key bindings got to be a bit complicated, since they were dependent on the location of the entry cursor. Here's the code, in case anyone else finds the idea useful: ---- (ugh, I've found that it's too big for my browser to accept in the text area. I promise to find another place to put it.) ''[RS] is happy again that he likes tiny code snippets which fit between thumb and index finger..;-)'' ---- Also see [timeentry]. [KPV] Also see [tcl-only datefield] for a similar widget that also overrides key bindings to insure there's always a valid date value. [TkLib] comes with an older version of this widget.