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Unknow state transition: LINE -> END






INNER {returnImm {Unknow state transition: LINE -> END} {}} CALL {my render_wikit {Timing Photo Image Loading under Pixane} {***Timing Photo Image Loading under Pixane  ***
This page is under development. Comments are
welcome, but please load any comments
in the comments section 
at the middle of the page. Thanks,[gold]
[gold] Here is an eTCL  script  
to estimate timing photo image loading under [pixane].
This script was largely derived from posting
of [Eric Hassold] on [The comp.lang.tcl newsgroup]
The timing statements were pulled from the 
program below after the timing info was calculated.
The impetus for the script was an [ask9] question about time 
of "loading  single image ...". 
My solution to a different application on Unix
some grey hairs ago was creating
batch thumbnails with [ImageMagick], before loading the
application script.
If one can work with thumbnails, a tcl or perl script
can use [ImageMagick] to thumbnail every image
in a directory or tailor to specific megabyte size.
Since now, I'm using etcl and [pixane] on an Acer Aspire pc notepad,
it might be desirable to establish some peg points or
timing results with the [pixane] image library.
The timing results with [pixane] are similar to those reported
for [ImageMagick] on a Pentium, [Fast image resizing] 
In planning any software, there is 
a need to develop testcases.  
 Testcase 1.
  Output of timing statements.
&|photo size of bird.jpg| 1.6| m |&
&| loading| 1595970 |microseconds per iteration|&
&|Scaling |(1944 x 2592) => (180 x 240)|pixels|&
&| resizex| 68 |microseconds per iteration|&
&|blanking| 4283| microseconds per iteration|&
&| rescale| 230934 |microseconds per iteration|&
&| saving| 14458 |microseconds per iteration|&
&| proc time |1863222| microseconds per iteration|&

***Screenshots Section***
'''Comments Section'''

Please place any comments here, Thanks.

   * [Oneliner's Pie in the Sky] timing statements in calculator
   * [pixane] : a graphical library to read, write and transform images from Tcl 
   * Especially look at [Fast image resizing] 
****Appendix TCL programs and scripts ****

**** Pretty Print Version*** 

        # Pretty print version from autoindent
        # and ased editor
        # program of image load under pixane
        # written on Windowws XP on eTCL
        # working under TCL version 8.5.6 and eTCL 1.0.1
        # gold on TCL WIKI , 25may2011
  package require Tk  
  package require pixane
    console show
        global targetpix photox
    proc jackpix {} {
        global targetpix photox
        set fin [file join [file dirname [info script]] bird6.jpg]
        set fout [file rootname $fin]_new[file extension $fin]
        set p [pixane create]
        pixane load $p -file $fin 
        set w [pixane width $p]
        set h [pixane height $p]
        set maximumwidth 240
        set maximumheight 240
        set ratiopicture 1
        if {$ratiopicture} {
            set sourcewidth [pixane width $p]
            set sourceheight [pixane height $p]
            if {$maximumwidth*$sourceheight<$maximumheight*$sourcewidth} {
                set virtualwidth $maximumwidth
                set virtualheight [expr {($sourceheight*$maximumwidth)/$sourcewidth}]
            } else {
                set virtualwidth [expr {($sourcewidth*$maximumheight)/$sourceheight}]
                set virtualheight $maximumheight
        } else {
                set virtualwidth $maximumwidth
                set virtualheight $maximumheight
        set targetpix [pixane create]
        pixane resize $targetpix $virtualwidth $virtualheight 
        pixane blank $targetpix  
        pixane scale $targetpix $p 
        pixane save $targetpix -file $fout -format jpg 
        set photox [pixane create]
        set tkpicturex [pixcopy $targetpix]
        pack [button .pixanes -image $tkpicturex -bd 30 -bg tan] -fill both -expand true
        wm title . "Timing Photo Image Loading under Pixane "
        tkwait window .
*** Code scraps, timing statements***
        puts " loading [time {pixane load $p -file $fin} ]"        
        puts "Scaling ($sourcewidth x $sourceheight) => ($virtualwidth x $virtualheight)"
        puts " resizex [time {pixane resize $targetpix $virtualwidth $virtualheight } ]"
        puts " blanking [time {pixane blank $targetpix } ]"
        puts " rescale [time {pixane scale $targetpix $p } ]"
        puts " saving [time {pixane save $targetpix -file $fout -format jpg } ]"
        puts " proc time [time { jackpix } ]"
*** Code scraps, find and convert under unix***
        $ convert *.png images.jpg
        $ convert '*.jpg' -resize 120x120 thumbnail%03d.png
        find *.jpg -maxdepth 0 -print -exec convert "{}" -resize 120x160 "thumbnails/{}" \;
<<categories>> Testing | Toys | Performance | Image Processing |Graphics| Example | Mathematics} regexp2} CALL {my render {Timing Photo Image Loading under Pixane} {***Timing Photo Image Loading under Pixane  ***
This page is under development. Comments are
welcome, but please load any comments
in the comments section 
at the middle of the page. Thanks,[gold]
[gold] Here is an eTCL  script  
to estimate timing photo image loading under [pixane].
This script was largely derived from posting
of [Eric Hassold] on [The comp.lang.tcl newsgroup]
The timing statements were pulled from the 
program below after the timing info was calculated.
The impetus for the script was an [ask9] question about time 
of "loading  single image ...". 
My solution to a different application on Unix
some grey hairs ago was creating
batch thumbnails with [ImageMagick], before loading the
application script.
If one can work with thumbnails, a tcl or perl script
can use [ImageMagick] to thumbnail every image
in a directory or tailor to specific megabyte size.
Since now, I'm using etcl and [pixane] on an Acer Aspire pc notepad,
it might be desirable to establish some peg points or
timing results with the [pixane] image library.
The timing results with [pixane] are similar to those reported
for [ImageMagick] on a Pentium, [Fast image resizing] 
In planning any software, there is 
a need to develop testcases.  
 Testcase 1.
  Output of timing statements.
&|photo size of bird.jpg| 1.6| m |&
&| loading| 1595970 |microseconds per iteration|&
&|Scaling |(1944 x 2592) => (180 x 240)|pixels|&
&| resizex| 68 |microseconds per iteration|&
&|blanking| 4283| microseconds per iteration|&
&| rescale| 230934 |microseconds per iteration|&
&| saving| 14458 |microseconds per iteration|&
&| proc time |1863222| microseconds per iteration|&

***Screenshots Section***
'''Comments Section'''

Please place any comments here, Thanks.

   * [Oneliner's Pie in the Sky] timing statements in calculator
   * [pixane] : a graphical library to read, write and transform images from Tcl 
   * Especially look at [Fast image resizing] 
****Appendix TCL programs and scripts ****

**** Pretty Print Version*** 

        # Pretty print version from autoindent
        # and ased editor
        # program of image load under pixane
        # written on Windowws XP on eTCL
        # working under TCL version 8.5.6 and eTCL 1.0.1
        # gold on TCL WIKI , 25may2011
  package require Tk  
  package require pixane
    console show
        global targetpix photox
    proc jackpix {} {
        global targetpix photox
        set fin [file join [file dirname [info script]] bird6.jpg]
        set fout [file rootname $fin]_new[file extension $fin]
        set p [pixane create]
        pixane load $p -file $fin 
        set w [pixane width $p]
        set h [pixane height $p]
        set maximumwidth 240
        set maximumheight 240
        set ratiopicture 1
        if {$ratiopicture} {
            set sourcewidth [pixane width $p]
            set sourceheight [pixane height $p]
            if {$maximumwidth*$sourceheight<$maximumheight*$sourcewidth} {
                set virtualwidth $maximumwidth
                set virtualheight [expr {($sourceheight*$maximumwidth)/$sourcewidth}]
            } else {
                set virtualwidth [expr {($sourcewidth*$maximumheight)/$sourceheight}]
                set virtualheight $maximumheight
        } else {
                set virtualwidth $maximumwidth
                set virtualheight $maximumheight
        set targetpix [pixane create]
        pixane resize $targetpix $virtualwidth $virtualheight 
        pixane blank $targetpix  
        pixane scale $targetpix $p 
        pixane save $targetpix -file $fout -format jpg 
        set photox [pixane create]
        set tkpicturex [pixcopy $targetpix]
        pack [button .pixanes -image $tkpicturex -bd 30 -bg tan] -fill both -expand true
        wm title . "Timing Photo Image Loading under Pixane "
        tkwait window .
*** Code scraps, timing statements***
        puts " loading [time {pixane load $p -file $fin} ]"        
        puts "Scaling ($sourcewidth x $sourceheight) => ($virtualwidth x $virtualheight)"
        puts " resizex [time {pixane resize $targetpix $virtualwidth $virtualheight } ]"
        puts " blanking [time {pixane blank $targetpix } ]"
        puts " rescale [time {pixane scale $targetpix $p } ]"
        puts " saving [time {pixane save $targetpix -file $fout -format jpg } ]"
        puts " proc time [time { jackpix } ]"
*** Code scraps, find and convert under unix***
        $ convert *.png images.jpg
        $ convert '*.jpg' -resize 120x120 thumbnail%03d.png
        find *.jpg -maxdepth 0 -print -exec convert "{}" -resize 120x160 "thumbnails/{}" \;
<<categories>> Testing | Toys | Performance | Image Processing |Graphics| Example | Mathematics}} CALL {my revision {Timing Photo Image Loading under Pixane}} CALL {::oo::Obj1471208 process revision/Timing+Photo+Image+Loading+under+Pixane} CALL {::oo::Obj1471206 process}




Unknow state transition: LINE -> END
    while executing
"error $msg"
    (class "::Wiki" method "render_wikit" line 6)
    invoked from within
"my render_$default_markup $N $C $mkup_rendering_engine"
    (class "::Wiki" method "render" line 8)
    invoked from within
"my render $name $C"
    (class "::Wiki" method "revision" line 31)
    invoked from within
"my revision $page"
    (class "::Wiki" method "process" line 56)
    invoked from within
"$server process [string trim $uri /]"
