Version 5 of TkMailMonitor

Updated 2002-12-19 01:13:09


This app is not much more than a frontend to fetchmail that checks for new mail periodically and displays how much new mail you have waiting and will then fetch your mail when you tell it to by clicking on the "Mail Waiting" area.

Yes I know fetchmail can run in daemon mode and do it all itself, without any display of course. I wrote this app mostly as an exercise in Tcl/Tk but I ended up making it a regular part of my X desktop so I'm making it available to others too.

  • Requirements
 Linux kernel that provides /proc/net/dev
 Tcl/Tk >= 8.3.4  (Not tested on earlier versions but might work)
  • Screenshots




  • Application usage
 Mouse-Left-Button on the "Next Check" display area will 
   do an immediate check for mail and reset the timer.
 Mouse-Left-Button on the "Mail Waiting" area will fetch
    any waiting mail.
 Mouse=Center-Button anywhere on the screen will popup a menu
 Mouse-Right-Button anywhere on the screen will toggle the screen
   through the 3 possible screen sizes.
 Ctrl-c anywhere on the screen will also exit the app safely.

MT [L1 ]