[NEM] ''26 Mar 2003'' - Here is a little game I've started putting together to simulate the game of pool. I might also make it so you can play snooker or billiards, or one of the other pool variations. This is just the beginnings, as I try to get it all working. Most of the physics has been taken from [Colliding Balls], with a bit extra (friction, etc) added by me. The physics I've added is not particularly true to nature, but it is reasonably realistic, and easy to calculate. Any suggestions, bug fixes, etc much appreciated. Please remember, though, that this is still a work in progress. This is 8-ball pool, using the rules at the English Pool Association: http://www.epa.org.uk/wrules.htm , although I haven't done much to implement those rules yet. I am going to try and create an abstract way to enter the rules, so that it can be adapted for different games easily (you can already specify the initial layout of the balls at start). Oh, yes - almost forgot to tell you how to play: At the start click anywhere below the white line to place the cue ball. Then click on the table to take a shot - the cue ball will move towards where you clicked. The longer you hold down the mouse the more force behind the shot. If you pot the cue ball click below the line again to replace it on the table. '''Known Issues''' * Copying and pasting this into a tclsh from this page gave weird results, with the collision detection not working at all. If this happens to you, save the text into a file and then run that. Not sure what has caused this. * The score boxes to the right never change! Not implemented yet. * Sometimes (particularly if you hit really hard) the cue ball passes straight through the other balls. This is because of the collision detection algorithm used. I'm gonna say this is a feature, as [DKF] said in the chatroom that I'd be done when you could get the cue ball to jump balls for a trick shot ;) Also, if any of the balls are moving fast enough they can pass through the cushions! ---- #!/bin/sh # Next line restarts with Tcl \ exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} # TkPool -- # # A "simple" simulation of the game of Pool using Tcl/Tk. Based on the ideas # and code from Colliding Balls: http://wiki.tcl.tk/8573 by David Easton. package require Tcl 8.4 package require Tk 8.4 namespace eval tkpool { # List of created balls variable balls {} # Unique id for creating balls variable uniqueid 0 # Mapping from id to name variable id2name variable radius 10 # The friction coefficient of the surface variable fcoefficient 0.01 namespace export ball } # Representation of state associated with a ball proc tkpool::ball {canvas xpos ypos mass colour} { variable balls variable uniqueid variable radius variable id2name # Create a unique name for this ball set name "ball[incr uniqueid]" lappend balls $name # And a command to access it from interp alias {} ::$name {} ::tkpool::ball_cmd $name # Create the state of this ball variable $name upvar 0 $name state set state(pos) [list $xpos $ypos] #set state(vel) [list [expr rand()*8.0] [expr rand()*8.0]] set state(vel) [list 0.0 0.0] set state(mass) $mass set state(colour) $colour set x1 [expr {$xpos - $radius}] set x2 [expr {$xpos + $radius}] set y1 [expr {$ypos - $radius}] set y2 [expr {$ypos + $radius}] set state(id) [$canvas create oval $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 \ -outline black -fill $colour -tags [list $name ball]] set id $state(id) set id2name($id) $name } proc tkpool::ball_cmd {name cmd args} { variable balls variable $name upvar 0 $name state switch $cmd { set { if {[llength $args] == 1} { return $state([lindex $args 0]) } elseif {[llength $args] == 2} { set state([lindex $args 0]) [lindex $args 1] } else { return -code error "wrong # args" } } unset { unset state([lindex $args 0]) } delete { set idx [lsearch $balls $name] catch { set balls [lreplace $balls $idx $idx] } .c delete $state(id) unset state } default { return -code error "unknown command \"$cmd\"" } } } # # Given the initial velocities and masses calculates the velocities following # a collision. proc tkpool::postColVels {u1 u2 m1 m2} { # No collision if velocity of ball2 > velocity of ball1 if {$u2 > $u1} { return [list $u1 $u2] } set u1 [expr {1.0 * $u1}] set u2 [expr {1.0 * $u2}] set m1 [expr {1.0 * $m1}] set m2 [expr {1.0 * $m2}] set M [expr {$m1 / $m2}] set b [expr {($M * $u1) + $u2}] set c [expr {($M * $u1 * $u1) + ($u2 * $u2)}] set q [expr {2 * $M * $b}] set p [expr {4 * $M * $M * $b * $b}] set r [expr {4 * ($M + ($M * $M)) * (($b * $b) - $c)}] set s [expr {2 * ($M + ($M * $M))}] if {$r > $p} { return -code error "no solution" } else { set root [expr {sqrt($p-$r)}] set v1 [expr {($q - $root) / $s}] set v2 [expr {$b - ($M * $v1)}] return [list $v1 $v2] } } proc tkpool::checkForCollisions {canvas ball} { variable radius variable id2name global State set didCollide 0 set overlapList [list] foreach {ourX ourY} [$ball set pos] {break} set searched [list [$ball set id]] set id [$canvas find closest $ourX $ourY $radius [$ball set id]] while {[lsearch $searched $id] == -1} { if {[lsearch -glob [$canvas gettags $id] "ball*"] > -1} { set didCollide 1 lappend overlapList $id } elseif {[lsearch [$canvas gettags $id] "pocket"] > -1} { # Ball has been potted if {$ball eq $::cue} { puts "Potted the cue ball!" $ball set pos [list 150 500] $ball set vel [list 0.0 0.0] $canvas coords $ball 140 490 160 510 return 2 } else { puts "[$ball set colour] ball potted!" $ball delete } } lappend searched $id set id [$canvas find closest $ourX $ourY $radius $id] } if {[llength $overlapList] > 0} { foreach id $overlapList { collide $ball $id2name($id) } } return $didCollide } proc tkpool::move {canvas} { variable balls variable fcoefficient set canvasHeight [winfo height $canvas] set canvasWidth [winfo width $canvas] foreach ball $balls { foreach {xpos ypos} [$ball set pos] {break} foreach {xvel yvel} [$ball set vel] {break} # Take friction into account set mass [$ball set mass] set decel [expr {$fcoefficient * $mass}] if {$xvel != 0.0} { set phi [expr {atan(abs($yvel / $xvel))}] set vel [expr {sqrt(pow($xvel,2) + pow($yvel,2))}] set vel [expr {$vel - $decel}] if {$vel < 0.0} { set vel 0.0 } if {$xvel < 0.0} { set xvel [expr {-1.0 * $vel * cos($phi)}] } else { set xvel [expr {$vel * cos($phi)}] } if {$yvel < 0.0} { set yvel [expr {-1.0 * $vel * sin($phi)}] } else { set yvel [expr {$vel * sin($phi)}] } } set xpos [expr {$xpos + $xvel}] set ypos [expr {$ypos + $yvel}] $canvas move $ball $xvel $yvel # Bounce off edges foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$canvas bbox $ball] {break} # Left edge if {$x1 < 0 && $xvel < 0} { set xvel [expr {-1.0 * $xvel}] } if {$x2 > $canvasWidth && $xvel > 0} { set xvel [expr {-1.0 * $xvel}] } if {$y1 < 0 && $yvel < 0} { set yvel [expr {-1.0 * $yvel}] } if {$y2 > $canvasHeight && $yvel > 0} { set yvel [expr {-1.0 * $yvel}] } set ret [checkForCollisions $canvas $ball] if {$ret == 2} { # Potted the cue ball } elseif {$ret == 1} { # Collided $ball set pos [list $xpos $ypos] } else { $ball set pos [list $xpos $ypos] $ball set vel [list $xvel $yvel] } } after 50 [list ::tkpool::move $canvas] } proc tkpool::collide {ball1 ball2} { foreach {x1 y1} [$ball1 set pos] {break} foreach {x2 y2} [$ball2 set pos] {break} # Always call ball on right (2) and one on left (1) if {$x1 > $x2} { set temp $ball2 set ball2 $ball1 set ball1 $temp foreach {x1 y1} [$ball1 set pos] {break} foreach {x2 y2} [$ball2 set pos] {break} } # Get velocity of each ball foreach {ux1 uy1} [$ball1 set vel] {break} foreach {ux2 uy2} [$ball2 set vel] {break} # Work out angle of collision set diffX [expr {1.0 * ($x2 - $x1)}] set diffY [expr {1.0 * ($y2 - $y1)}] if {$diffX == 0.0} { set diffX 0.0000001 } set phi [expr {atan($diffY / $diffX)}] # Work out velocity parallel and perpendicular set uparr1 [expr {($ux1 * cos($phi)) + ($uy1 * sin($phi))}] set uperp1 [expr {($ux1 * sin($phi)) - ($uy1 * cos($phi))}] set uparr2 [expr {($ux2 * cos($phi)) + ($uy2 * sin($phi))}] set uperp2 [expr {($ux2 * sin($phi)) - ($uy2 * cos($phi))}] # If they are not going towards each other, then they will not collide if {$uparr2 > $uparr1} { return } set mass1 [$ball1 set mass] set mass2 [$ball2 set mass] foreach {vparr1 vparr2} [postColVels $uparr1 $uparr2 $mass1 $mass2] \ {break} # Perpendicular velocities are unchanged set vperp1 $uperp1 set vperp2 $uperp2 # Convert back into x and y movements set vx1 [expr {($vparr1 * cos($phi)) + ($vperp1 * sin($phi))}] set vy1 [expr {($vparr1 * sin($phi)) - ($vperp1 * cos($phi))}] set vx2 [expr {($vparr2 * cos($phi)) + ($vperp2 * sin($phi))}] set vy2 [expr {($vparr2 * sin($phi)) - ($vperp2 * cos($phi))}] # Update new velocities $ball1 set vel [list $vx1 $vy1] $ball2 set vel [list $vx2 $vy2] } # # Racks the balls on the table, using the positions indicated. The positions # argument should be a list of lists, where each element is a letter or x # (meaning no ball in this position). The rows go from the back to the front. # Here is English pool setup: # { # {y r y y r} # { r y r y } # {x y b r x} # { x r y x } # {x x r x x} # } proc tkpool::rack {canvas mass positions} { variable radius variable balls global cue foreach ball $balls { $ball delete } set w [winfo width $canvas] set h [winfo height $canvas] set x0 [expr {($w /2.0) - (4 * $radius)}] set y0 [expr {150 - ($radius * 4)}] for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} { # Calculate row offset if {($i % 2) != 0} { set offset $radius } else { set offset 0 } foreach item [lindex $positions $i] { switch $item { x { } y { ball $canvas [expr {$x0 + $offset}] \ $y0 $mass yellow } r { ball $canvas [expr {$x0 + $offset}] \ $y0 $mass red } b { ball $canvas [expr {$x0 + $offset}] \ $y0 $mass black } default { return -code error "unknown identifier \"$item\""} } incr offset [expr {$radius * 2}] } incr y0 [expr {$radius * 2}] } set ::State(state) start } proc tkpool::mousedown {} { variable time set time [clock clicks -milliseconds] } proc tkpool::mouseup {canvas x y} { global cue global State variable time if {$State(state) eq "start"} { # Must be behind the line if {$y < 480} { puts "Must start from behind the line" return } set cue [tkpool::ball $canvas $x $y 15 white] set State(state) "game" } else { set newtime [clock clicks -milliseconds] set speed [expr {($newtime - $time) / 30.0}] # Work out component velocities. foreach {oldx oldy} [$cue set pos] {break} set diffX [expr {1.0 * ($x - $oldx)}] set diffY [expr {1.0 * ($y - $oldy)}] set vel [expr {sqrt(pow($diffX,2) + pow($diffY,2))}] set ratio [expr {$speed/$vel}] set xvel [expr {$ratio * $diffX}] set yvel [expr {$ratio * $diffY}] $cue set vel [list $xvel $yvel] } } # Draw some pockets onto the canvas proc tkpool::drawpockets {canvas} { variable radius set r [expr {$radius + 5}] set w [winfo width $canvas] set h [winfo height $canvas] $canvas create oval [expr {0 - $r}] [expr {0 - $r}] \ $r $r -fill black -tags [list pocket] $canvas create oval [expr {$w - $r}] [expr {0 - $r}] \ [expr {$w + $r}] $r -fill black -tags [list pocket] $canvas create oval [expr {0 - $r}] [expr {$h - $r}] \ $r [expr {$h + $r}] -fill black -tags [list pocket] $canvas create oval [expr {$w - $r}] [expr {$h - $r}] \ [expr {$w + $r}] [expr {$h + $r}] -fill black -tags [list pocket] set mid [expr {$h / 2}] $canvas create oval [expr {0 - $r}] [expr {$mid - $r}] \ $r [expr {$mid + $r}] -fill black -tags [list pocket] $canvas create oval [expr {$w - $r}] [expr {$mid - $r}] \ [expr {$w + $r}] [expr {$mid + $r}] -fill black -tags [list pocket] } # Create a frame to show the players' scores frame .info labelframe .info.p1 -text "Player 1" label .info.p1.colour -text "Colour:" label .info.p1.col -textvariable State(player1,colour) label .info.p1.score -text "Score:" label .info.p1.scr -textvariable State(player1,score) labelframe .info.p2 -text "Player 2" label .info.p2.colour -text "Colour:" label .info.p2.col -textvariable State(player2,colour) label .info.p2.score -text "Score:" label .info.p2.scr -textvariable State(player2,score) labelframe .info.turn -text "Turn" label .info.turn.t -textvariable State(currentplayer) array set State { player1,colour "" player1,score 0 player2,colour "" player2,score 0 currentplayer "Player 1" currentp 1 state start } pack .info.p1.colour .info.p1.col -anchor w pack .info.p1.score .info.p1.scr -anchor w pack .info.p2.colour .info.p2.col -anchor w pack .info.p2.score .info.p2.scr -anchor w pack .info.p1 -anchor n -fill x pack .info.p2 -anchor n -fill x pack .info.turn.t -fill both pack .info.turn -anchor n -fill x pack .info -side right -fill y set canvas [canvas .c -bg darkgreen -width 300 -height 600] pack $canvas set layout { {y r y y r} { r y r y } {x y b r x} { x r y x } {x x r x x} } button .info.rerack -text "Re-Rack" -command \ [list tkpool::rack $canvas 10 $layout] -width 15 button .info.quit -text "Quit" -command exit -width 15 pack .info.quit -side bottom -padx 5 -pady 5 pack .info.rerack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady 5 wm resizable . 0 0 wm title . "TkPool V0.1" update # Draw the spot and line $canvas create oval 147 147 153 153 -fill white -outline white $canvas create line 0 480 300 480 -fill white tkpool::drawpockets $canvas # Create some balls tkpool::rack $canvas 10 $layout # Create the cue ball - with a slightly larger mass bind $canvas [list tkpool::mousedown] bind $canvas [list tkpool::mouseup $canvas %x %y] tkpool::move $canvas ---- [Category Games]