Version 8 of Tkfp Medical Practice Management

Updated 2004-06-02 07:14:21

Tkfp stands for Tk Family Practice


A large Tcl/Tk application that has almost everything a doctor needs to run a paperless medical practice.

  • Schedule
  • Demographics
  • Insurance Information
  • Accounting
  • Insurance claim generation and submission
  • Prescription transmission (fax based) and management
  • Drug database with drug interaction checking and checking against contraindications in patient's record.
  • Creating and managing office patient chart notes
  • Allergy, Past Medical History and Problem lists
  • XML database
  • Network server with Tk GUI clients.
  • Designed to run on Linux. Uses a number of Unix based utilities in some areas like RCS, a few small PERL utilities and one PYTHON module.

It is too big to post here. It actually is a large diverse collection of the best stuff I could find in Tcl that I could apply to the problem. I embedded several other large Tcl/Tk apps in it like TclHttpd, Browsex, Plume, and I used a lot of Tcl extensions, Img, tDOM, TclXML, Incr Tcl Tkext, SSLtcl and more.

I was thinking I would like to give it back to the Tcl community in turn for all the help I've gotten in getting it working. Perhaps some unemployed or under-employed Tcl programmers could make a business out of providing service and support for a program like this to physicians :-) .

I also was hoping some really good Tcl programmers might see what I was trying to do and figure out ways to do it better.

Sourceforge Project Developer Site:

A Medical Practice in Iowa that is using it: [L1 ]

Alex Caldwell M.D.

Category Business Category Medicine