Version 12 of Tkpaint

Updated 2003-12-02 18:09:12

What: Tkpaint

 Description: Tcl/Tk drawing package.  Draw slides, diagrams,
        simple pictures, etc.  Supports 50 level undo/redo, arc chord
        and pie slice drawing, rotation, reflection, and editing of
        group of objects, grids, arrow shape tool, font selection, etc.
        Works well for Windows 95/NT and Linux. 
        Currently at version 1.6 (unix version is only 1.5.4) .
 Updated: 12/2003
 Contact: See web site

escargo 1 Dec 2003 - I downloaded this version (1.6) and verified that it at least starts and appears to function with ActiveTcl on Windows XP Pro.

I downloaded tkpaint 1.6 and tried it. However, when I selected the menu option to edit the current text font, I got an error about a missing proc dkf_fontsel . It _looked_ like it should have been loaded from the fontsel.tcl code - perhaps there's a problem with tcl/tk 8.4.4 and tkpaint so that it doesn't load that code?

Category Application | Category Graphics