I recently had a need to generate triangle strips for [OpenGL] triangle meshes and found Pierre Terdiman's nice C++ code at http://www.codercorner.com/Strips.htm. I was in the middle of converting it to plain C when it occurred to me that this would be a nice little project to implement in Tcl, not only to validate my specfic conversion, but also to share with the community. So I came up with this : package provide tristrip namespace eval tristrip { # public variable oneside 1 ;# generate one-sided triangle strips variable cnctall 0 ;# connect all strips variable SGIalgo 0 ;# use SGI algorithm for trilist traversal variable oppoext 1 ;# do opposite direction strip extension #Generate Triangle Strips from Triangle List # proc genTriStrips {trilst {one 1s} {cnc noconnect} {sgi nosgi}} { variable edgmap; catch { array unset edgmap } variable usegbl; catch { array unset usegbl } # set options (this needs reworking (suggestions welcome)...) # variable oneside; variable cnctall; variable SGIalgo if {[string equal $one "1s"]} { set oneside 1 } else { set oneside 0 } if {[string equal $cnc "connect"]} { set cnctall 1 } else { set cnctall 0 } if {[string equal $sgi "sgi"]} { set SGIalgo 1 } else { set SGIalgo 0; } # create edge -> triangles mapping # newEdgMap $trilst ; # unimplemented (exercise for the reader :) # variable SGIalgo if {$SGIalgo} { # sort trilst ascending based on the number of neighbors # per tri. i.e., visit most-isolated tris first. } # create strips # set stripLst [list] foreach tri $trilst { # starting from unused triangles ... if {![info exists usegbl($tri)]} { # generate a strip, save it, mark its tri's used foreach {s u} [genBestStrip $tri] { break } lappend stripLst $s foreach t $u { set usegbl($t) 1 } } } catch { array unset edgmap; array unset usegbl } if {$cnctall} { set stripLst [list [connectAllStrips $stripLst]] } return $stripLst } # private variable edgmap ;# triangles sharing an edge variable usegbl ;# triangles in use globally proc genBestStrip {tri0} { # best strip so far for input tri set bestVtxLst {}; set bestTriLst {} # generate strips in all three directions # foreach \ fwdDir {{old mid dum} {mid dum old} {dum old mid}} \ bakDir {{mid old dum} {old dum mid} {dum mid old}} \ { # initialize for this strip catch {array unset uselcl}; foreach $fwdDir [set tri $tri0] { break } set vLst [list $old $mid]; set tLst [list] # extend strip foreach {vLst tLst} \ [extendStrip $vLst $tLst $tri $old $mid uselcl] { break } # if opposite-direction strip extension is configured variable oppoext if {$oppoext} { # look backwards from original tri foreach $bakDir [set tri $tri0] { break } # for an adjacent unused tri set tri [unusedTri [otherTri $tri0 $old $mid] uselcl] if {$tri != ""} { # found one so reverse strip reverseLst vLst; reverseLst tLst # extend again foreach {vLst tLst} \ [extendStrip $vLst $tLst $tri $old $mid uselcl] \ { break } # for one-sided strips, # reverse strip and check/correct original windings # variable oneside if {$oneside} { reverseLst vLst; reverseLst tLst; set idxtri0 0; foreach t $tLst { if {$t == $tri0} { break }; incr idxtri0 } if {[expr {$idxtri0%2}] == 1} { set vLst [linsert $vLst 0 [lindex $vLst 0]] } } } } # save strip if longer than current best strip # set tLen [llength $tLst] set bLen [llength $bestTriLst] if {$tLen > $bLen} { set bestVtxLst $vLst; set bestTriLst $tLst } } return [list $bestVtxLst $bestTriLst] } # extend input strip (and it's trilst) in the old/mid direction proc extendStrip {vLst tLst tri old mid uselclnam} { upvar 1 $uselclnam uselcl while {$tri != ""} { lappend vLst [set new [otherVtx $tri $old $mid]] lappend tLst $tri; set uselcl($tri) 1 set tri [unusedTri [otherTri $tri $mid $new] uselcl] set old $mid; set mid $new } return [list $vLst $tLst] } # flatten all strip lists to one strip if configured proc connectAllStrips {stripLst} { variable oneside set vLst [list]; set vLen 0 foreach s $stripLst { if {$vLst != ""} { set vEnd [lindex $vLst end] set sBeg [lindex $s 0] lappend vLst $vEnd $sBeg; incr vLen 2 # check/correct for one sided strip winding flip if {$oneside && [expr {$vLen%2}] == 1} { foreach {v1 v2 rest} $s { break } if {$v1 != $v2} { lappend vLst $v1; incr vLen } } } # append the existing strip foreach v $s { lappend vLst $v; incr vLen } } return $vLst } # Create an edge-to-triangles map. Keys are ordered pairs of # vertex indices and values are a list of triangles sharing the edge # proc newEdgMap {trilst} { variable edgmap; array unset edgmap foreach tri $trilst { foreach {v1 v2 v3} $tri { break } addEdgTri $v1 $v2 $tri addEdgTri $v2 $v3 $tri addEdgTri $v3 $v1 $tri } # can't handle non-manifold meshes foreach edg [array names edgmap] { if {[llength $edgmap($edg)] > 2} { return -code error \ "Non-manifold input : edge $edg $edgmap($edg)" } } } # add a triangle to the list of triangles sharing edge ab proc addEdgTri {a b tri} { variable edgmap; if {$a < $b} { set lo $a; set hi $b } else { set lo $b; set hi $a } lappend edgmap($lo,$hi) $tri } # get the list of triangles sharing edge ab proc getEdgTriLst {a b} { variable edgmap if {$a < $b} { set lo $a; set hi $b } else { set lo $b; set hi $a } return $edgmap($lo,$hi) } # reverse list variable in the caller's scope proc reverseLst {lstvarnam} { upvar 1 $lstvarnam lst set revlst [list]; set n [llength $lst] while {[incr n -1] >= 0} { lappend revlst [lindex $lst $n] } set lst $revlst } # find the other vertex of a triangle when given two proc otherVtx {tri a b} { foreach {v1 v2 v3} $tri { break } if {$v1 == $a && $v2 == $b || $v1 == $b && $v2 == $a} { return $v3 } if {$v2 == $a && $v3 == $b || $v2 == $b && $v3 == $a} { return $v1 } if {$v3 == $a && $v1 == $b || $v3 == $b && $v1 == $a} { return $v2 } } # find the other triangle sharing the edge ab proc otherTri {tri a b} { variable edgmap foreach {t1 t2} [getEdgTriLst $a $b] { break } if {$tri == $t1} { set oth $t2 } else { set oth $t1 } return $oth } # return input triangle if unused both globally and in the given map proc unusedTri {tri lclusenam} { variable usegbl; upvar 1 $lclusenam uselcl set unused $tri if {[info exists usegbl($tri)]} { set unused "" } ;# in use globally if {[info exists uselcl($tri)]} { set unused "" } ;# in use locally return $unused } } I suppose we need some code to test this too. proc genShape {typ} { set vclst [list] if {[string equal $typ "o"]} { # octahedron vertices on unit sphere set p [expr {double(1)}]; set m [expr {double(-1)}]; set z [expr {double(0)}]; set xp [list $p $z $z] ; set xm [list $m $z $z] set yp [list $z $p $z] ; set ym [list $z $m $z] set zp [list $z $z $p] ; set zm [list $z $z $m] # octohedron (all tris ccw) lappend vclst \ [list $xp $yp $zp] [list $xp $zm $yp] [list $xp $zp $ym] \ [list $xp $ym $zm] [list $xm $yp $zm] [list $xm $zm $ym] \ [list $xm $zp $yp] [list $xm $ym $zp] } elseif {[string equal $typ "d"]} { # triangular dipyramid (a convex deltahedron) # vertices on unit sphere set Pi [expr {3.14159265358979323846}] set cos60 [expr {cos($Pi*30/180.0)}] set sin60 [expr {sin($Pi*30/180.0)}] set p [expr {double(1)}] set m [expr {double(-1)}] set z [expr {double(0)}] set top [list $z $p $z]; set bot [list $z $m $z] set bak [list $z $z $m] set lft [list -$cos60 $z $sin60]; set rit [list $cos60 $z $sin60] # triangular dipyramid lappend vclst \ [list $rit $top $lft] [list $lft $bot $rit] \ [list $rit $bot $bak] [list $bak $top $rit] \ [list $top $bak $lft] [list $lft $bot $bak] } elseif {[string equal $typ "t"]} { # tetrahedron vertices on unit sphere set sqrt3p [expr {0.5773502692}] set sqrt3m [expr {-0.5773502692}] set PPP [list $sqrt3p $sqrt3p $sqrt3p] ;# +X, +Y, +Z set MMP [list $sqrt3m $sqrt3m $sqrt3p] ;# -X, -Y, +Z set MPM [list $sqrt3m $sqrt3p $sqrt3m] ;# -X, +Y, -Z set PMM [list $sqrt3p $sqrt3m $sqrt3m] ;# +X, -Y, -Z # tetrahedron (all tris ccw) lappend vclst \ [list $PPP $MPM $MMP] [list $PPP $MMP $PMM] \ [list $MPM $PMM $MMP] [list $MPM $PPP $PMM] } else { return -code error "unknown shape type $typ" } return $vclst } # repeatedly subdivide a list of triangles to the given depth # normalizes all generated vertices to lie on the unit sphere # returns new list of triangle vertices # proc sphdivtrilst {tclst {depth 3}} { proc K {a b} {set a}; # local K combiner if {$depth < 0} { set depth 0 } elseif {$depth > 5} { set depth 5 } set curlst $tclst set nxtlst [list] while {[incr depth -1] >= 0} { foreach t [K $curlst [set curlst [list]]] { # get triangle vertex coordiates foreach {v1 v2 v3} $t break foreach {x1 y1 z1} $v1 {x2 y2 z2} $v2 {x3 y3 z3} $v3 \ break set x [expr {($x1+$x2)}] set y [expr {($y1+$y2)}] set z [expr {($z1+$z2)}] set l [expr {sqrt($x*$x + $y*$y + $z*$z)}] set v12 [list [expr {$x/$l}] [expr {$y/$l}] [expr {$z/$l}]] set x [expr {($x2+$x3)}] set y [expr {($y2+$y3)}] set z [expr {($z2+$z3)}] set l [expr {sqrt($x*$x + $y*$y + $z*$z)}] set v23 [list [expr {$x/$l}] [expr {$y/$l}] [expr {$z/$l}]] set x [expr {($x3+$x1)}] set y [expr {($y3+$y1)}] set z [expr {($z3+$z1)}] set l [expr {sqrt($x*$x + $y*$y + $z*$z)}] set v31 [list [expr {$x/$l}] [expr {$y/$l}] [expr {$z/$l}]] lappend nxtlst \ [list $v1 $v12 $v31] \ [list $v2 $v23 $v12] \ [list $v3 $v31 $v23] \ [list $v12 $v23 $v31] \ } set curlst $nxtlst set nxtlst [list] } return $curlst } proc genSphere {ndv {typ o} {regen 0}} { if {!$regen} { global sphereCache; if {[info exists sphereCache($typ,$ndv)]} { return $sphereCache($typ,$ndv) } else { array unset sphereCache ;# only cache 1 typ,ndv pair } } set trilst [sphdivtrilst [genShape $typ] $ndv] # create vertex list from sphere's triangles set unqvtxlst {} foreach t $trilst { foreach {v1 v2 v3} $t { lappend unqvtxlst $v1 $v2 $v3 } } set unqvtxlst [lsort -unique $unqvtxlst] # create unique vertex map set idx 0 foreach v $unqvtxlst { if {![info exists vtxidxmap($v)]} { set vtxidxmap($v) $idx incr idx } } # create triangle list using vertex indices set i 0 set trivtxidxlst {} foreach t $trilst { foreach {v1 v2 v3} $t { lappend trivtxidxlst \ [list $vtxidxmap($v1) $vtxidxmap($v2) $vtxidxmap($v3)] } } #puts "[llength $trivtxidxlst] tris [llength $unqvtxlst] unqvtx" return [set sphereCache($typ,$ndv) [list $unqvtxlst $trivtxidxlst]] } proc statStripList {vL tL sL} { set vLen [llength $vL] set tLen [llength $tL] set sLen [llength $sL] puts "\t$tLen input triangles $vLen vertices $sLen strips" set vr 0; set lL [list] foreach s $sL { incr vr [set l [llength $s]]; lappend lL $l } puts -nonewline "\ttotal vtx refs : $vr : #/strip :" foreach l $lL { puts -nonewline " $l" }; puts "" puts "\ttri/tristrip vtx ref ratio : [expr {$tLen*3.0/$vr}]" puts "\t#tristrip refs/~#min refs ratio : [expr {$vr/2.0/$vLen}]" } proc runtstTriStrip {n {typ o} {onesid 1s} {cnc connect}} { set et0 [time { foreach {vL tL} [genSphere $n $typ 1] { break } }] set et1 [time { set sL [tristrip::genTriStrips $tL $onesid $cnc] }] puts "genTriStrips \$tl $onesid $cnc : $et1" puts "\tgenSphere $n $typ 1: $et0" statStripList $vL $tL $sL } proc tstTriStrip {{nlst {0 1}} {tlst {t d}} {slst {2s}} {clst {connect}}} { foreach n $nlst { foreach t $tlst { foreach s $slst { foreach c $clst { puts "runtstTriStrip $n $t $s $c" runtstTriStrip $n $t $s $c puts "" } } } } } #tstTriStrip {0 1 2 3 4 5} {t d o} {2s 1s} {connect !connect} ;# test everything I don't currently have a way to easily visualize this directly since I haven't yet found a Tcl/Tk OpenGL widget (I must admit I haven't looked thoroughly) that handles indirect vertex references and tristrips at the scripting level. [Mark K. Greene]