Version 5 of Universal Translator

Updated 2005-04-13 13:12:53 by lwv

The main concept behind this program is that an universal language can be used as interface between spoken languages. The first module is a basical tokenizer, that will output a line for every word in the input, with a list of all possible translations. Nouns have usually just one translation, verbs from english have several. There is no definite language for the intermediate product: I chose the most expressive. To mean specific concepts, I used the language which expresses them better: i.e. for he-man, latins would have used vir. I can use this to remind me the meaning, and use it later to associate with greek aner.

 proc tokenize { fil dict verb } {

 while { [gets stdin line ] >= 0 } {
    foreach word $line {
    seek $dict 0 start
    set found 0
    while ![eof $dict ] {
      gets $dict buff
      set token [lindex $buff 0]
      if ![ string compare $word $token ] {
        puts $verb "-=-=- Found word '$word' -=-=-"
        foreach entry [lrange $buff 1 end ] {
                set token [lindex $entry 0]
                puts $verb "Part of speech: $token"
                puts -nonewline $fil " $token "
                set token [lindex $entry 1]
                puts $verb "Root: $token"
                puts -nonewline $fil "$token "
                foreach token [lrange $entry 2 end ] {
                        puts -nonewline $fil "$token "
        puts -nonewline $fil "|"
        puts $fil ""
        set found 1
    if !$found {
      puts $verb "Error -- word '$word' not found in dictionary!"
      return -1

 set verb stderr
 if [expr $argc<1 || $argc>2] {
    puts $verb "Format: tokenize <dictionary_file> {to_file}\nNote: input is from stdin\n"
    exit 1

 set verb stdout
 if [catch {open [lindex $argv 0 ] r } dict ] {
    puts $verb [format "Error -- could not open dictionary '%s' for reading!\nerror %s\n" [lindex $argv 0 ] $dict]
    exit 2

 if $argc==1 {
    set fil stdout
    set verb stderr
 } else {
    if [ catch { open [lindex $argv 1] w} fil ] {
      puts $verb [format "Error -- could not open '%s' for writing!\nerror %s\n" [lindex $argv 1 ] $fil ]
      exit 2

  tokenize $fil $dict $verb

  close $fil
  close $dict

The program will need a dictionary to find the translation from a language to the generic interface, and right now works well only with an easily tokenizable language as english (latin language have a lot of endings with infinite exceptions).

For easy reference, I add here some a entries:

 a { D a 3 s }
 abuse { N abuse 3 s } { V abuse 1 s } { V abuse 1 p } { V abuse 2 s } { V abuse 2 p } { V abuse 3 p } { V abuse inf }
 abuses { N abuse 3 p } { V abuse 3 s }
 accept { V accept 1 s } { V accept 1 p } { V accept 2 s } { V accept 2 p } { V accept 3 p } { V accept inf }
 accepts { V accept 3 s }
 am { X be 1 s modal }
 and { P and mul } { W and mul }

The format of definition is:

  • Type of word: D for Det, N for noun, V for verb and so on
  • Root: the logical meaning in the intermediate language, this will be needed later
  • a list of attributes as needed, like mode and number in verbs

The second program will then test every combination of the items in the lists associated to tokens, and output only sequences which reduce the grammar. At that moment I had only tyacc, to produce the code from the grammar, and it produces a long and difficult to edit code. Here it goes:

 set yysccsid "@(#)yaccpar 1.8 (Berkeley) 01/20/91 (Tcl 2.0 12/31/92)";
 set YYBYACC 1
 set N 257 
 set ADJ 258 
 set DET 259 
 set V 260 
 set PRON 261 
 set AUX 262 
 set ADV 263 
 set PCONJ 264 
 set WCONJ 265 
 set YYERRCODE 256 
 set yylhs {                                               -1 
    0     7     7     8     8     1     1     2     2     2 
    4     4     3     3     6     5     5 
 set yylen {                                                2 
    1     3     1     3     2     3     1     3     2     1 
    2     0     2     3     1     2     0 
 set yydefred {                                             0 
    0     0    10     0     0     0     0     1     0    11 
    0    15     0     0     0     0     0     9     0     8 
   16     4    13     0     6     2    14 
 set yydgoto {                                              4 
    5     6    14     7    15    16     8     9 
 set yysindex {                                          -255 
 -258  -258     0     0  -251  -256  -242     0  -248     0 
 -240     0  -245  -255  -241  -245  -255     0  -255     0 
    0     0     0  -239     0     0     0 
 set yyrindex {                                          -237 
 -237  -237     0     0  -238     1     0     0    23     0 
    0     0  -238     2     0  -238  -237     0  -237     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
 set yygindex {                                             0 
   -9     0     0    12    -6     0     5     0 
 set yytable {                                              1 
    7     5     1     2    22     3    21    25    17    24 
   12    13    10    11    18    19    20    13    23    12 
   27    17     3    26     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0    12     0 
    7     0     7     7     7     5 
 set yycheck {                                            258 
    0     0   258   259    14   261    13    17   265    16 
  262   263     1     2   257   264   257   263   260   257 
  260   260     0    19    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1 
   -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1   257    -1 
  260    -1   262   263   264   264 
 set YYFINAL 4 
 #ifndef YYDEBUG
 #define YYDEBUG 0
 set YYMAXTOKEN 265 
 set yyname { 
 end-of-file TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull  TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull 
 TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull 
 TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull 
 TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull 
 TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull 
 TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull 
 TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull TclNull N ADJ DET V PRON AUX 
 set yyrule {
 {$accept : p1}
 { p}
 { s PCONJ p}
 { s}
 { np vp np}
 { np vp}
 { ns WCONJ np}
 { ns}
 { DET adjp N}
 { adjp N}
 { PRON}
 { ADJ adjp}
 { post_modal_advs V}
 { modal_aux post_modal_advs V}
 { AUX}
 { ADV post_modal_advs}

 proc yyclearin {} { global yychar ; set yychar -1 }

 proc yyerrok   {} { global yyerrflag ; set yyerrflag 0 }

 set YYMAXDEPTH  500
 set yyss($YYSTACKSIZE) 0
 set yyvs($YYSTACKSIZE) 0
 set yyptvs($YYSTACKSIZE) 0

 proc yyerror {errormessage} {
   global yynerrs
   incr yynerrs
   puts stderr $errormessage
 # end of yyerror

 proc yy_err_recover {} {
     global yydefred yysindex yycheck yyrindex yyerrflag yysindex yyss yyssp
     global YYERRCODE yychar yytable yyvsp yyn yystate yydebug yylval yyvs yyptvs
  if {$yyerrflag < 3} {
    set yyerrflag 3
    while 1 {
      if {[set yyn [lindex $yysindex $yyss($yyssp)]] && 
          [incr yyn $YYERRCODE]>=0 && 
          [lindex $yycheck $yyn]==$YYERRCODE } then {
                    if ($yydebug) {
                      puts stderr "yydebug: state $yyss($yyssp), error recovery shifting" 
                      puts stderr " to state $yytable($yyn)\n" 
        set yyss([incr yyssp]) [set yystate [lindex $yytable $yyn]]
        set yyvs([incr yyvsp]) \"$yylval\"
        set yyptvs($yyvsp) [list [concat LEAF \"$yylval\"]]
        # perl: next yyloop
        return 0
      } else {
                    if ($yydebug) {
                      puts stderr "yydebug: error recovery discarding state $yyss($yyssp), " 
        if {$yyssp <= 0} {return 1} 
        incr yyssp -1
        incr yyvsp -1
  } else {
       if {$yychar == 0}  {return 1}
                    if ($yydebug) {
                      set yys TclNull
                      if {$yychar <= $YYMAXTOKEN} {set yys [lindex $yyname $yychar]}
                      if {$yys == "TclNull"} {set $yys illegal-symbol} 
                      puts stderr "yydebug: state $yystate, error recovery discards token $yychar($yys)" 
       set yychar -1
 #      perl: next yyloop
       return 0
 return 0
 # end of yy_err_recover

 proc yyparse {} {
     global yydefred yysindex yycheck yyrindex yyerrflag yysindex yyssp yyss yynerrs
     global yychar yytable yylval yyvsp yystate yylen yylhs yygindex yydgoto YYFINAL yyn yyval
     global yyptval yyrule yydebug yyname yyvs yyptvs
     global yyParseTree yyParseTreeList yyStateTable yyParseLoopCount

  set yynerrs 0
  set yyerrflag 0
  set yychar -1

  set yyssp 0
  set yyvsp 0
  set yyss($yyssp) [set yystate 0]

 while 1 {
      set yyn [lindex $yydefred $yystate] 
      if {!$yyn} { 
        if {$yychar < 0} {
          set yychar [yylex] 
          if {$yychar<0} {set yychar 0}
          lappend yyStateTable [list $yystate read [lindex $yyname $yychar] $yylval]
                    if $yydebug {
                      set yys TclNull
                      if {$yychar <= [llength $yyname]} {set yys [lindex $yyname $yychar]}
                      if {$yys == "TclNull"} {set yys illegal-symbol}
                      puts stderr "yydebug: state $yystate, reading $yychar ($yys : \"$yylval\")" 
        if { [set yyn [lindex $yysindex $yystate]] &&
             [expr [incr yyn $yychar]>=0] &&
             [lindex $yycheck $yyn]==$yychar } {
          lappend yyStateTable [list $yystate shift [lindex $yytable $yyn]] 
                    if ($yydebug) {
                      puts stderr "yydebug: state $yystate, shifting to state [lindex $yytable $yyn]" 
          set yyss([incr yyssp]) [set yystate [lindex $yytable $yyn]]
          set yyvs([incr yyvsp]) \"$yylval\"
          set yyptvs($yyvsp) [list [concat LEAF \"$yylval\"]]
          set yychar -1
          if {$yyerrflag > 0} [incr yyerrflag -1]
        if {!([set yyn [lindex $yyrindex $yystate]] &&
              [expr [incr yyn $yychar]>=0] &&
              [lindex $yycheck $yyn]==$yychar) } then {
          if {!$yyerrflag} {
            yyerror "syntax-error"
            incr yynerrs
          if [yy_err_recover] then {return 1}
          } else { 
          set yyn [lindex $yytable $yyn]
 # put debug statement inside branch 
       lappend yyStateTable [list $yystate reduce [lindex $yylen $yyn]]
                    if ($yydebug) {
                      puts stderr "yydebug: state $yystate, reducing by rule $yyn" 
    set yym [lindex $yylen $yyn]
    set yyval [lindex $yyvsp [expr 1-$yym]]
 # this can go? 
    set yyval ""
    set yyptval ""
    set rhslen [lindex $yylen $yyn]
    for {set mi 0} {$mi < $rhslen } {incr mi} { 
       lappend yyptval [concat [lindex [lindex $yyrule $yyn] $mi] $yyptvs([expr $yyvsp-$rhslen+$mi+1])]
    set yyParseTreeList([incr yyParseLoopCount]) $yyptval 

    case $yyn in {
   1  {
 # line 27 "engl.y"

                  global yyretvalue
                  set yyretvalue $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])
   2  {
 # line 34 "engl.y"

                  set yyval [list MUL $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0]) ]
   3  {
 # line 38 "engl.y"

                  set yyval $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])
   4  {
 # line 44 "engl.y"

                  if [string compare [get_num $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2])] [get_num $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1])] ] {
                        yyerror "Subject number does not match verb number in sentence."
                        return 1
                  if [expr [get_pers $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2])] != [get_pers $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1])] ] {
                        yyerror "Subject person does not match verb person in sentence."
                        return 1
                  if [ expr [is_pronoun $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2])] && [check_mark $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2]) "pronobj"] ] {
                        yyerror "Subject pronoun is objective case."
                        return 1
                  if [ expr [is_pronoun $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])] && ![check_mark $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0]) "pronobj"] ] {
                        yyerror "Object pronoun is not objective case."
                        return 1
                  set yyval [list 0 $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])]
   5  {
 # line 64 "engl.y"

                  if [string compare [get_num $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1])] [get_num $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])] ] {
                        yyerror "Subject number does not match verb number in sentence."
                        return 1
                  if [expr [get_pers $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1])] != [get_pers $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])] ] {
                        yyerror "Subject person does not match verb person in sentence."
                        return 1
                  if [ expr [is_pronoun $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1])] && [check_mark $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1]) "pronobj"] ] {
                        yyerror "Subject pronoun is objective case."
                        return 1
                  set yyval [list 0 $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1]) 0]
   6  {
 # line 82 "engl.y"

                  set num p
                  set pers [min [get_pers $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2]) ] [get_pers $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])]]
                  set marks [concat [list $pers $num] [lrange $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2]) 4 end] [lrange $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0]) 4 end]]
                  set yyval [concat [list MUL [list $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1]) ]] $marks]
   7  {
 # line 89 "engl.y"

                  set yyval $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])
   8  {
 # line 95 "engl.y"

                  if [string compare [get_num $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2])] [get_num $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])] ] {
                    yyerror "Determiner and noun number do not match in noun phrase"
                    return 1
                  if [expr [get_pers $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2])] != [get_pers $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])] ] {
                    yyerror "Determiner and noun person do not match in noun phrase"
                    return 1
                  set marks [lrange [split [string trim $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0]) "\""]] 2 end]
                  set yyval [concat [list 0 [list $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])]] $marks ]
   9  {
 # line 109 "engl.y"

                  set marks [lrange [split [string trim $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0]) "\""]] 2 end]
                  set yyval [concat [list 0 [list 0 $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])]] $marks ]
   10  {
 # line 114 "engl.y"

                  set marks [lrange [split [string trim $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0]) "\""]] 2 end]
                  set yyval [concat [list PRON $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])] $marks ]
   11  {
 # line 121 "engl.y"

                  set yyval [concat $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1])]
   12  {
 # line 125 "engl.y"

   13  {
 # line 130 "engl.y"

                  set marks [lrange [split [string trim $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0]) "\""]] 2 end]
                  set yyval [concat [list 0 [list 0 $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])]] $marks ]
   14  {
 # line 135 "engl.y"

                  if ![check_mark $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0]) "inf" ] {
                    yyerror "Verb used with aux is not infinitive."
                    return 1
                  set marks [lrange [split [string trim $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2]) "\""]] 2 end]
                  set yyval [concat [list 0 [list $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-2]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1]) $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])]] $marks ]
   15  {
 # line 146 "engl.y"

                          if ![check_mark $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0]) "modal" ] {
                            yyerror "Auxilliary is not modal!"
                            return 1
                          set yyval $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])
   16  {
 # line 156 "engl.y"

                          set yyval $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-0])
                          set yyval [lappend $yyval $yyvs([expr $yyvsp-1])]
   17  {
 # line 161 "engl.y"

 # line 411 ""
 # end of actions case statement
    incr yyssp -$yym
    set yystate $yyss($yyssp)
    incr yyvsp -$yym
    set yym [lindex $yylhs $yyn]
    if {$yystate == 0 && $yym == 0} then {
    lappend yyStateTable [list $yystate rshift $YYFINAL] 
                    if {$yydebug} {
                      puts stderr "yydebug: after reduction, shifting from state 0 to state $YYFINAL" 
      set yystate $YYFINAL
      set yyss([incr yyssp]) $YYFINAL
      set yyvs([incr yyvsp]) $yyval
      set yyptvs($yyvsp) $yyptval
      if {$yychar < 0} {
        set yychar [yylex] 
        if {$yychar<0} { set yychar 0 }
       lappend yyStateTable [list $yystate readb [lindex $yyname $yychar] $yylval]
                    if ($yydebug) {
                      set yys TclNull
                      if {$yychar <= [llength $yyname]} { set yys [lindex $yyname $yychar] }
                      if {$yys == "TclNull"} { set yys illegal-symbol }
                      puts stderr "yydebug: state $YYFINAL, reading $yychar ($yys)" 
      if {$yychar == 0} {return 0}
      # yyloop
    if {[set yyn [lindex $yygindex $yym]] && [expr [incr yyn $yystate]]>=0 &&
        [expr $yyn<=[llength $yycheck]] && [expr [lindex $yycheck $yyn]==$yystate]} then {
        set yystate [lindex $yytable $yyn]
    } else {
        set yystate [lindex $yydgoto $yym]
    lappend yyStateTable  [list $yyss($yyssp) rshift $yystate]
                    if {$yydebug} {
                      puts stderr "yydebug: after reduction, shifting from state $yyss($yyssp) to state $yystate" 
    set yyss([incr yyssp]) $yystate
    set yyvs([incr yyvsp]) $yyval
    set yyptvs($yyvsp) $yyptval
 #end  yyparse
 # line 165 "engl.y"

 proc check_mark { a b } {
        set a [string trim $a " \""]
        return [expr [lsearch -exact [lrange $a 2 end] $b] >= 0]

 proc get_num { a } {
        set a [string trim $a " \""]
        return [lindex $a 3]

 proc get_pers { a } {
        set a [string trim $a " \""]
        return [lindex $a 2]

 proc is_pronoun { a } {
        set a [lindex [string trim $a " \""] 0 ]
        if [string compare $a PRON] {
                return 0
        } else {
                return 1

 proc min { a b } {
        return [expr $a<$b?$a:$b]
 # line 487 ""
 proc is_mul { a } {
        return ![string compare MUL [lindex $a 0]]

 proc find_etok { file root type } {
        seek $file 0
        while { [gets $file line ] >= 0 } {
                set line [split $line]
                if ![string compare $root [lindex $line 0]] {
                        if ![string compare $type [lindex $line 1]] {
                                return [lindex $line 2]
        return ""

 proc conj { conj } {
        set conj [string trim $conj " \""]
        switch [lindex $conj 1] {
        and { return "'ej" }
        but { return "'ach" }
        or { return "qoj" }
        return -code 1 ""

 proc con { conj } {
        set conj [string trim $conj " \""]
        switch [lindex $conj 1] {
        and { return "je'" }
        or { return "joq" }
        return -code 1 ""

 proc n_1 { noun } {
        if [check_mark $noun "large"] { return "'a'" }
        if [check_mark $noun "small"] { return "Hom" }
        if [check_mark $noun "dear"] { return "oy" }
        return ""

 proc n_3 { adjs } {
        foreach adj $adjs {
                if [check_mark $adj "so-called"] {return "qoq"}
                if [check_mark $adj "apparent"] {return "Hey"}
                if [check_mark $adj "definite"] {return "na'"}
        return ""

 proc n_4 { adjs } {
        foreach adj $adjs {
                if [check_mark $adj "my" ] { return "wIj" }
                if [check_mark $adj "your" ] { return "lIj" }
                if [check_mark $adj "his" ] { return "Daj" }
                if [check_mark $adj "her" ] { return "Daj" }
                if [check_mark $adj "its" ] { return "Daj" }
                if [check_mark $adj "our" ] { return "maj" }
                if [check_mark $adj "yourpl" ] { return "raj" }
                if [check_mark $adj "their" ] { return "chaj" }
                if [check_mark $adj "this" ] { return "vam" }
                if [check_mark $adj "that" ] { return "vetlh" }
        return ""

 proc plur { noun } {
        if [check_mark $noun "lang"] { return "pu'" }
        if [check_mark $noun "bodypart"] { return "Du'" }
        return "mey"

 proc adjs { adjlist etok } {
        set retv ""
        foreach adj $adjlist {
                set adj [lindex $adj 1]
                if [llength [set k_word [find_etok $etok $adj "A" ]]] {
                        append retv " $k_word"
        return $retv

 proc tran_noun { noun file expl } {
 global prons
        if [is_mul $noun] {
                set first [lindex [lindex $noun 1] 0]
                set second [lindex [lindex $noun 1] 1]
                set conj [lindex [lindex $noun 1] 2]
                if [catch {tran_noun $first $file 1} k_1 ] {
                        return -code 1 ""
                if [catch {tran_noun $second $file 1} k_2 ] {
                        return -code 1 ""
                if [catch {con $conj } c ] {
                        return -code 1 ""
                return "$k_1 $k_2 $c "
        if ![is_pronoun $noun] {
                set wd [lindex [lindex $noun 1] end]
                set wd [lindex [split $wd] 1]
                if ![llength [set k_word [find_etok $file $wd "N" ]]] {
                        puts stderr "\nError -- Noun '$wd' not in English to Klingon dictionary"
                        return -code 1 ""
                append k_word [n_1 $noun]
                if ![string compare [get_num $noun ] p ] {
                        append k_word [plur $noun]
                set adjlist [lindex [lindex $noun 1] 1]
                append k_word [n_3 $adjlist]
                append k_word [n_4 $adjlist]
                append k_word [adjs $adjlist $file]

                return "$k_word "
        } else {
                if $expl {
                        set sn [expr [string compare [get_num $noun ] p ]?0:4]
                        set pers [get_pers $noun]
                        if [expr ($pers==3) && [check_mark $noun "lang"] ] {
                                incr pers
                        return [lindex $prons [expr $sn+$pers-1]]
                return ""

 proc v_5 { verb } {
        set modal [lindex $verb 0]
        if [string compare $modal "0" ] {
                if [check_mark $modal "can"] { return "laH" }
        return ""

 proc v_not { verb } {
        foreach adv [lindex $verb 1] {
                if [check_mark $adv "not"] { return "be'" }

 proc tran_verb { verb subj obj etok } {
 global vpref
        set wd [lindex [lindex $verb 1] end]
        set wd [lindex [split $wd] 1]
        if ![llength [set k_word [find_etok $etok $wd "V"]]] {
                puts stderr "\nError -- Verb '$wd' not in English to Klingon dictionary"
                close $etok
                return -code 1 ""
        if ![string compare $obj "0"] {
                set sn [expr [string compare [get_num $subj] p]?3:0]
                set pref [lindex $vpref [expr $sn+[get_pers $subj]-1]]
                set pref [lindex $pref 0]
        } else {
                set sn [expr [string compare [get_num $subj] p]?3:0]
                set pref [lindex $vpref [expr $sn+[get_pers $subj]-1]]
                set on [expr [string compare [get_num $obj] p]?3:0]
                set pref [lindex $pref [expr $sn+[get_pers $obj]-1]]
        append k_word [v_5 [lindex $verb 1]]
        append k_word [v_not [lindex $verb 1]]
        return $pref$k_word

 proc to_klingon { sent } {
 global argv
        if [is_mul $sent] {
                set first [lindex $sent 1]
                set second [lindex $sent 3]
                set conj [lindex $sent 2]
                set result [to_klingon $first]
                append result [conj $conj] " " [to_klingon $second]
                return $result
        set file [lindex $argv 0]
        if [catch { open $file r } etok ] {
                puts stderr "Couldn't open English to Klingon dictionary '$file'"
                return -code 2 ""
        puts stderr "Translating a valid sentence..."
        set obj [lindex $sent 3]
        set subj [lindex $sent 2]
        set verb [lindex $sent 1]

        if [string compare $obj "0" ] {
                if [catch {tran_noun $obj $etok 0} k_word] {
                        close $etok
                        return -code 1 ""
        set phrase $k_word

        set k_word [tran_verb $verb $subj $obj $etok]
        append phrase "$k_word "

        if [string compare $subj "0" ] {
                if [catch {tran_noun $subj $etok 0} k_word] {
                        close $etok
                        return -code 1 ""
        append phrase $k_word
        return $phrase

 proc yylex {} {
 global lexindex trylist yylval yyname yydebug

        set yylval [string trim [lindex $trylist $lexindex] " \""]

        set j [lindex [lindex $trylist $lexindex] 0]
        switch $j {
                N {set rval $N}
                A {set rval $ADJ}
                D {set rval $DET}
                V {set rval $V}
                R {set rval $PRON}
                X {set rval $AUX}
                B {set rval $ADV}
                P {set rval $PCONJ}
                W {set rval $WCONJ}
                default {set rval ""}

        incr lexindex
        if $yydebug {
                puts stderr "LEX:\t lexeme value is $yylval, lexeme type code is $rval"
        return $rval

 proc print_word { r } {
        set i [lindex $r 2]
        set j [lindex $r 3]
        switch [lindex $r 0] {
                N { puts -nonewline stderr "NOUN{$i$j} "}
                R { puts -nonewline stderr "PRON{$i$j} "}
                X { puts -nonewline stderr "AUX{$i$j} "}
                V { puts -nonewline stderr "VERB{$i$j} "}
                B { puts -nonewline stderr "ADV "}
                P { puts -nonewline stderr "PCONJ "}
                W { puts -nonewline stderr "WCONJ "}
                D { puts -nonewline stderr "DET{$i$j} "}
                A { puts -nonewline stderr "ADJ "}
                default { puts stderr "? " }

 proc load_words {fil} {
 global replist word_ptr

        while { [gets $fil buff] >= 0 } {
                set repword {}
                set j 0
                set entry [split $buff |]
                lappend replist [lreplace $entry end end]
        set i 0
        foreach word $replist {
                set j [llength $word]
                puts stderr [format "Done with word $i ($j alternative%s)" \
                        [expr ($j==1) ?"":"s"]]
                incr i
        puts stderr [format "%s words loaded" [llength $replist]]
        for {set j 0} {$j<$i} {incr j} {set word_ptr($j) 0}

 # Main

 if [string match -* [lindex $argv 0]] {
        if [string match -debug [lindex $argv 0]] {
                set deberr -1
                set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
                incr argc -1
        } else {
                puts stderr "Format: parse ?-debug? <etok_dict_file> <file>"
                puts stderr "    or: parse ?-debug? <etok_dict_file> < <file>"
                exit 1
 } else {
        set deberr 0

 if [expr $argc>2 || $argc<1] {
        puts stderr "Format: parse ?-debug? <etok_dict_file> <file>"
        puts stderr "    or: parse ?-debug? <etok_dict_file> < <file>"
        exit 1
 set etok_dict [lindex $argv 0]
 if {$argc==2} {
        if [catch {open [lindex $argv 1] r} fil] {
                puts stderr [format "Error -- couldn't open file '%s' errno $fil" [lindex $argv 1]]
                exit 2
        load_words $fil
        close $fil
 } else {
        load_words stdin

 set total [set Qapla 0]
 set l [llength $replist]
 set k 0
 set yydebug 0
 set yyParseLoopCount 0
 set YYERROR 1
 set prons { jIH SoH 'oH maH tlhIH bIH chaH }
 set vpref {{ "jI" "" "qa" "vI" "" "Sa" "vI" }\
           { "bI" "cho" "" "Da" "ju" "" "Da" }\
           { "" "mu" "Du" "" "nu" "lI" "" }\
           { "ma" "" "pI" "wI" "" "re" "DI" }\
           { "Su" "tu" "" "bo" "che" "" "bo" }\
           { "" "mu" "nI" "lu" "nu" "lI" "" }}

 while {$k!=$l} {
        set posn 0
        set first 0
        if $deberr {
                puts stderr "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-"
                puts -nonewline stderr "TRYING SEQUENCE "
        set lexindex 0
        set trylist ""
        set i 0
        foreach word $replist {
                set w [lindex $word $word_ptr($i)]
                lappend trylist $w
                if $deberr { print_word [lindex $word $word_ptr($i)] }
                incr i
        if $deberr {
                puts stderr ""

        if [yyparse] {
                if $deberr {
                        puts stderr "THIS SEQUENCE DID NOT PARSE."
        } else {
                puts stderr "THIS SEQUENCE PARSED SUCCESSFULLY!"
                incr Qapla
                puts stdout [to_klingon $yyretvalue]
        incr total

        set k 0
        foreach wl $replist {
                incr word_ptr($k)
                set j [llength $wl]
                if [llength $wl]==$word_ptr($k) {
                        set word_ptr($k) 0
                } else {
                incr k
 puts stderr "Total sequences: $total Total successes: $Qapla"
 if !$Qapla {
        exit 9
 return 0

As You can see, this attempt was to translate from english to Klingon, the warrior language. This is an example of the dictionary:

 abuse N ghong
 abuse V ghong
 accept V laj
 and P 'ej

Some code to conjugate verbs and the like has been added.

A simple example can be:

the yeoman hits the boy

will produce this tokenization:

 D the 3 s | D the 3 p |
 N yeoman 3 s lang |
 V hit 3 s |
 D the 3 s | D the 3 p |
 N boy 3 s lang |

The parser will then provide following translation:

 Done with word 0 (2 alternatives)
 Done with word 1 (1 alternative)
 Done with word 2 (1 alternative)
 Done with word 3 (2 alternatives)
 Done with word 4 (1 alternative)
 5 words loaded
 Translating a valid sentence...
 loDHom lIqIp ne'
 Determiner and noun number do not match in noun phrase
 Determiner and noun number do not match in noun phrase
 Determiner and noun number do not match in noun phrase
 Total sequences: 4 Total successes: 1

It is a very long time, since I wrote this code. Now I think it would be worth to evolve to a more defined structure, with a cleaner structure. Any person willing to help is welcome.

Category Human Languages