Version 2 of Uploading Type1 fonts to a network printer

Updated 2006-05-01 14:17:48

I bought an HP2840 Color LaserJet, and wanted to use it in Postscript mode, but CUPS in Linux doesn't automatically upload document required fonts. I call this script from rc.local so that it runs when I start my computer. Make sure your printer is on first. The script sends data to the JetDirect port 9100.

        #The next line restarts using tclkit \
        exec `which tclkit` "$0" ${1+"$@"}

        # package name -- fontupload.tcl
        #        Abstract:  sent type1 postscript fonts to network laserjet directjet
        # usage: fontupload.tcl /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts

        set host [lindex $argv 0]
        set fontdir [lindex $argv 1]

        puts "$host $fontdir"
        set count 0
        set err 1
        while {$err && $count < 100} {
          puts "connecting $count"
          set err [catch {set sock [socket $host 9100]}]
          incr count
          after 5000

        puts $sock "serverdict begin 0 exitserver"

        foreach font [glob -directory $fontdir *.pfa] {
                puts "uploading $font"        
                set fh [open [file join $fontdir $font] r]
                puts $sock [read $fh]
                close $fh

        puts $sock "%%EOF"
        close $sock