Version 2 of Use Hv3 to view ActiveTcl docs

Updated 2007-10-07 10:49:34 by dk

Hv3%2c the Tcl%2fTk web browser%2c now uses fts3%2c the new full-text-search extension%0afor SQLite by Scott Hess%2c for searching the bookmarks database. To make this%0amore effective%2c it allows the entire text of the webpage to be saved in%0athe database along with the bookmark.%0a%0aAs well as saving bookmarks from the web%2c it can recursively import%0adirectories full of HTML files. Then you can do full text searches on the%0aimported files. I use this trick to make it more convenient to use the%0abundle of html docs distributed as part of ActiveTcl. This page describes%0ahow you can do the same.%0a%0aStep 1%3a Obtain software%3a%0a%0aYou need to obtain two packages%2c the Hv3 web browser and the ActiveTcl%0adocumentation bundle. Executable (starpack) versions of Hv3 for Windows and%0aLinux x86 are available here%3a%0a%0a now%2c the latest ActiveTcl documentation is available from this%0asite (right down the bottom - 3.38 MB)%3a%0a%0a 2%3a Untar docs%2c start Hv3%0a%0aUntar the documentation and start up Hv3. You must pass a "-statefile"%0aoption to Hv3 (otherwise it uses an in-memory database as a 'statefile'%2c%0ameaning that all changes will be discarded when Hv3 exits). i.e.%0a%0a $ .%2fhv3-linux-nightly-07_1004 -statefile 3%3a Import documentation%0a%0aImport documentation into an Hv3 'statefile' (Hv3 stores bookmarks%2c cookies%2c%0aoptions and other stuff in an SQLite database that I call a 'statefile').%0a%0aDo this by clicking "Import Data..."%2c then "Import Document Tree". Then select%0athe directory where you untarred the documentation bundle.%0a%0aThe import might take a while (about 3 minutes on my 1.4GHz laptop). A dialog%0abox displays the 4%3a Search Documentation Tree%0a%0aType some fts3 compatible search into the search box and marvel at the%0asearch the top link in the preceding screenshot takes us documentation tree entry currently being viewed is colored bold in the %0aleft-hand panel.