'''[http://laurent.riesterer.free.fr/regexp/%|%Visual REGEXP]''', by Laurent Riesterer, is a program that illustrates the mechanics of [regular expressions], quickly build efficient regular expressions, etc. Currently at ** Attributes ** current version: 3.1 release time: 2006-03-07 contact: mailto:laurent.riesterer@free.fr ** See Also ** [VisualRegExp]: ** Description ** [http://laurent.riesterer.free.fr/regexp/screenshot1.png] [http://laurent.riesterer.free.fr/regexp/screenshot2.png] [http://laurent.riesterer.free.fr/regexp/screenshot3.png] ---- My raving was deleted, but I reiterate it: never mind similar tools: this app can be improved, but it can't be beaten. [RLH]: I use this app all the time. I have tweaked it (wider buttons and a quit button) but other than that I really like it. [aspect]: as of 2015-02-26 I have made some tiny tweaks for this so I don't have to https://xkcd.com/208/%|%be this guy%|%. Eventually it will get into a [chiselapp] repo. Ping me if you want to hurry that process along. <> Application | Dev. Tools | Regular Expressions