Version 4 of Whitejack

Updated 2015-06-25 14:25:35 by MiHa

if 0 {


MiHa 2015-06-24: One of the example-programs on my HelloWorld-page creates a deck of cards,
so I had the idea to expand that into a simple cardgame.

Blackjack is quite simple, and with (debug-)options still in place to show the cards "in the open",
this would nicely double as a tcl-tutorial and a Blackjack-trainer.

With ideas and code from the following pages:



 # Whitejack.tcl - MiHa - 2015-06-24

  puts "Whitejack:"
  set deckList {}                                 ;# create empty list
  set i 0

  # For unicode, see also: : [HTML character entity references]

                     # Spades    Hearts    Diamonds  Clubs
  foreach {suit sym} { S \u2660  H \u2665  D \u2666  C \u2663 } {   
    foreach rank { A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K } { ;# Ace 2 .. 10 Jack Queen King
      incr i
      set card "$rank$sym"
      puts -nonewline " $rank$suit=$card "
  while { $cmd ne "q" } {
      lappend deckList  $card                     ;# add card to list

    puts ""
  set maxCard $i
  puts "\ndeckList : $deckList"

  set cmd "."
    set cmd [gets stdin]
    puts -nonewline "Enter command, q to quit: "

    if {$cmd=="h"} { help }
    if {$cmd=="q"} { puts "Bye!"; exit }
    puts "card #3 : [lindex $deckList 2]"        ;# index is zero-based

  puts "Bye!"


  # EOF #


Start with 'n' to get a fresh pack of cards.


MiHa 2015-06-26: The most basic functionality is done,


This is the Alpha-version, there will be bugs, so use with caution
... with regard to changing values outside the proc.