It doesn't, with rare exceptions. [[Details.]] [TCT] takes memory leaks [[ref]] very seriously. Few ever escape into a release, and few known ones survive long. '''However''', there are at least an order of magnitude more ''perceived'' memory leaks. These result mainly from two causes: * mis-measured memory use * userland, or application-level, memory leaks. An example of what I mean by an application-level memory leak is a failure to clean up such Tcl global variables as the token the [http] [package] returns from a getURL invocation. [[More explanation.]] [[Pertinent posts [] [] by [tclguy] on [Tcl]'s allocator, high-water marking, ...]] ---- [EKB] 12 Mar 2006 - I have two memory-related questions: * Are compiled regular expressions released from memory? If they are, at what point does this happen? (And if not, can I call them up again without recompiling them?) ''[Lars H]: As I recall it, there are at least two places where compiled regular expressions are stored. One is in the [Tcl_Obj], and that goes away when the Tcl_Obj does or changes representation. The other is that the regular expression compiler maintains a cache of recently compiled regexps and their compiled form; I think this cache is limited to 20-or-so elements. I don't know if there are any others. [EKB] - Thanks!'' * Are bindings for a window released from memory when the window is destroyed? I ask because I'm debugging a tough memory leak, and these are two prime culprits. If this is the wrong place to put such questions, please send me to the right place. ''Thanks!'' ---- Also of interest: * "[memory]" * "[memory leak finding with memory trace]" * "[Why Do Programs Take Up So Much Memory ?]" * "[How to debug memory faults in Tcl and extensions]" * "[Memory introspection]" * "[Measuring memory usage]" * "[Memory Footprint Comparisons]" * "[Memory costs with Tcl]"