Wikit supports a number of configuration settings, defined by a number of configuration variables: '''WIKIT_ADMIN''': Set this to ignore the protected-pages list, which normally prevents editing certain pages '''WIKIT_BASE''': Set this to define the URL of the wiki pages - this causes generated pages to always refer to wiki pages with this base location (no more cgi-bin URLs), see below for more info. '''WIKIT_CACHE''': Set this to a writable dir, and wikit will save new pages in HTML form in this area. This can be used with Apache to maintain a fast-access page cache so most accesses never launch CGI. '''WIKIT_CSS''': Set this to the URL of the style sheet to use, and wikit will become CSS-enabled. '''WIKIT_DUMP''': This is a debug facility, set this to a writable file and all accesses will append info to that file. '''WIKIT_HIST''': Set this to a writable directory, and wikit will save every modified page in raw text form, under a unique name. It also appends entries to a ".index" text file in there. This is used by the Tcl'ers Wiki to move all page edits into a CVS repository (this is an independent cron script). '''WIKIT_SAVE''': If this is set to "0", and WIKIT_CACHE is set as well, then clear the cache on edit changes, but do not save changes back to it. This is needed in special cases, i.e. when accessing the same wiki from two different URLs, one using CSS and the other not. The format which should not be saved back in the cache should use WIKIT_SAVE=0 in the corresponding CGI script. ---- '''Static page access in Apache''' There is a way to make Apache use static page copies, based on an error-redirect trick. The idea is to make all pages static, and remove them from the cache when edited. An access to a page which is not in the cache forces a CGI call, which generates the page and updates the cache. Here's what I do to make this work: * say the area you want to present is "mywiki" * create a "mywiki/" dir, writable for CGI (usually user apache, www, or nobody) * create a file "mywiki/.htaccess" containing: ErrorDocument 404 /mywiki/nph-blah.cgi DirectoryIndex /mywiki/nph-blah.cgi/0 Options MultiViews * create a file "mywiki/nph-blah.cgi" containing: #!/bin/sh echo HTTP/1.0 200 OK cd /path/to/my/datafile WIKIT_BASE=http:///mywiki/ export WIKIT_BASE WIKIT_CACHE=/path/to/mywiki export WIKIT_CACHE #WIKIT_CSS=http://url/of/my/style/sheet.css #export WIKIT_CSS # uncomment following as needed #WIKIT_DUMP=/path/to/mywikilogfile #export WIKIT_DUMP #WIKIT_HIST=/path/to/mywikihistdir #export WIKIT_HIST exec /path/to/tclkit wikit.kit mywikit.tkd * (add "-readonly" at the end to make the wiki readonly) The "Options MultiViews" cause an access for page "123" to be satisfied when file "123.html" is present. Note that the "nph-" part of the naming of the script '''is''' significant. I had a number of problems which turned out to be because I didn't do this. ---- Hmmm... is '''WIKIT_CACHE''' really available?? It doesn't seem to work at all. Also, just a wee small thingy, can WIKIT_CACHE be '''/path/to/my/htdocs'''? Will that work? I generally do not want people to be able to poke their browsers into my cgi area ;^) 12nov02 [jcw] - Yes it is, that's how the Tclers' Wiki is set up. The trick is the redirect everything to a CGI. So what you do is create a dir ''just for the cache'', make that the public one, i.e. the "real" public area, then redirect page misses to a CGI elsewhere, telling that CGI to update this area. When it does, the page will exist, i.e. not trigger an error from then on, hence be served statically. ''If you follow what I'm saying...'' ---- 13dec2002 [ps] I wonder why the above .cgi has [[echo HTTP/1.0 200 OK]], my apache doesn't like it... It works fine without that statement. (I had similar problems so left it off until I realised that the "nph-" part of the script name '''is''' significant to Apache, and once you name the script thus, it needs to have the "echo" statement). And if you are having trouble with the parameters in the .htaccess file (like I had), it could well be that you need to set the options in a entry in your httpd.conf like this: ServerName AddHandler cgi-script .cgi ErrorDocument 404 /mywiki/wiki.cgi DirectoryIndex /mywiki/wiki.cgi/0 Options ExecCGI MultiViews Because your httpd.conf may (quite rightly) have global '''AllowOverride None''', which prevents .htaccess from working... ---- '''Wikit and AOLserver''' Although the Apache solution is the better one, with the possibility for static page access, I use AOLserver a lot so I want wikit to work in AOLserver too. The first thing that needs to be done is add a couple of lines to wikit/lib/wikit/web.tcl, near the beginning of [[ProcessCGI]] is a line: set ::script_name $::env(SCRIPT_NAME) Right before that, insert: if { [string first "AOLserver/3" $::env(SERVER_SOFTWARE)] > -1 } { #Aolserver does not provide a correct SCRIPT_NAME #fix this by parsing the WIKIT_BASE (which is mandatory anyway) catch { regexp -nocase {^http://[^/]+(/.+)/$} $::env(WIKIT_BASE) -> ::env(SCRIPT_NAME) } } This fixes the problem that the edit pages do not allow you to save the page (because the URL is wrong). I am working on a [[ns_register_proc]] to handle static page access, like the apache solution. Any chance someone has already done that? Should be simple enough: if { the_static_page_exists } { ns_returnfile 200 text/html $static_file } else { ns_returnredirect /mywiki/wiki.cgi/$pagenumber } But might need some tweaks to wikit so two different types of urls are used for internal links. -- [PS]. ---- [Category Wikit]