This is a little script that allows you to edit the Windows environment path. I '''HATE''' the built in windows method of editing the path so I whipped up this script to make it easy. I have ONLY tested this under windows XP. [PSW] ---- # # # Simple editor for fixing paths on Windows # package require Tk package require tile ############################################################################## namespace eval ::pathedit { variable list variable pathlist } proc ::pathedit::updateList { } { variable list variable pathlist $list delete 0 end foreach path $pathlist { $list insert end $path } } proc ::pathedit::read { } { variable list variable pathlist puts "pathedit::read" set regPath {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment} set curPath [registry get $regPath "Path"] set pathlist [ split $curPath ";" ] ::pathedit::updateList } proc ::pathedit::save { } { variable pathlist puts "::pathedit::save" set newPath "" foreach path $pathlist { append newPath "$path;" } puts $newPath set regPath {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment} registry set $regPath "Path" "$newPath" registry broadcast "Environment" } proc ::pathedit::moveup { } { variable list variable pathlist set selIndex [ $list curselection ] if { ( [ string length $selIndex ] > 0 ) && ( $selIndex > 0 ) } { set swapIndex [ expr { $selIndex - 1 } ] set select [ lindex $pathlist $selIndex ] set swap [ lindex $pathlist $swapIndex ] lset pathlist $swapIndex $select lset pathlist $selIndex $swap ::pathedit::updateList $list selection set $swapIndex $list see $swapIndex } } proc ::pathedit::movedown { } { variable list variable pathlist set selIndex [ $list curselection ] set lastIndex [ $list index end ] if { ( [ string length $selIndex ] > 0 ) && ( $selIndex < ( $lastIndex - 1) ) } { set swapIndex [ expr { $selIndex + 1 } ] set select [ lindex $pathlist $selIndex ] set swap [ lindex $pathlist $swapIndex ] lset pathlist $swapIndex $select lset pathlist $selIndex $swap ::pathedit::updateList $list selection set $swapIndex $list see $swapIndex } } proc ::pathedit::add { } { variable pathlist variable list set file [ tk_chooseDirectory -mustexist true ] if { $file ne "" } { set selIndex [ $list curselection ] if { $selIndex eq "" } { set selIndex 0 } set pathlist [ linsert $pathlist $selIndex [ file native $file ] ] ::pathedit::updateList } } proc ::pathedit::remove { } { variable pathlist variable list set selIndex [ $list curselection ] if { $selIndex ne "" } { set pathlist [ lreplace $pathlist $selIndex $selIndex ] ::pathedit::updateList } } proc ::pathedit::makeGui { } { variable list frame .f frame .b frame .r ttk::button .b.exit -text "Exit" -command exit ttk::button -text "Re-read" -command ::pathedit::read ttk::button -text "Save" -command ::pathedit::save ttk::button .r.up -text "Move Up" -command ::pathedit::moveup ttk::button .r.down -text "Move Down" -command ::pathedit::movedown ttk::button .r.add -text "Add path" -command ::pathedit::add ttk::button .r.remove -text "Remove Path" -command ::pathedit::remove set list [ listbox .f.list -yscrollcommand { .f.scroll set } ] ttk::scrollbar .f.scroll -command { .f.list yview } pack .r -side right -fill y pack .b -side bottom -fill x pack .f -side left -fill both -expand true pack .f.list -side left -fill both -expand true pack .f.scroll -side right -fill y pack .b.exit -side left pack .r.up .r.down .r.add .r.remove -side top } # For Debugging bind . { console show } ######################################################3 pathedit::makeGui pathedit::read ---- [Category Windows]