Version 8 of YAWA - Yet Another Weather App

Updated 2003-11-24 00:51:50

Current source:

NOTICE YAWA is an unfininished app. Not all features work yet, and some that are supposed to work do not work properly, such as the auto updating of station reports.

I expect to complete the app eventually but my apologies to the Tcl/Tk community for putting it up prematurely.

YAWA, a better name is solicited, accesses METAR weather data for over 6,200 locations worldwide from the NOAA sites.


  • Automated or manual data updates
  • Autmoated or manual display scrolling
  • Unlimited number of stations
  • Displays both your local time and time at station
  • Displays the time of the current report and the next scheduled
  • Searchable list of available stations
  • Configurable Mouse-over or Clickable extra info fields

METAR weather data is mostly meant for airline pilots and airlines so mostly the sations are airports, military stations, govt stations, etc... Stations are always scheduled to update their data hourly.

IMPORTANT: This application is incomplete and still under development. I am putting it up here to get feedback, bug reports, and ideas for improvement. The README file is still woefully incomplete but I think you can figure out most of how the application works by simply clicking around and exploring it. NOT every feature works yet. Application is for linux or unix only. I don't have a windows system to test on so I don't try to write for it. Requires tcllib for the html module.

Mike Tuxford

JMN 2003-09-04

Manual installation on WinNT appears to work. (I didn't try the install.tcl script). I get reasonable looking figures for my home town of Sydney... but unless someone's dropped a thermonuclear device on Perth (YPPH) - the figures look.. suspicious. 1830C ;) I don't know if that's the app or the data service. MT: Odd... If you right-click to raise the menu and then click on Show Clipable Data then you'll see they have a field called INTER that I've not seen before in the METAR specs. The app tried to reassign the temp fields by the data following that. I'll do something to fix that. Thanks for the bug-report.

04 Sept 2003 MT: JMN's reported bug fixed in version 0.2 although it's really a temporay work-around and I'll figure out better later.

Category Application