So that this is not forgotten... On [comp.lang.tcl], [Kevin Kenny] wrote on 14 September 2001: In the face of the catastrophe in New York, the daily work of [Tcl'ers] in improving our language can seem pedestrian and futile. Nevertheless, everyone who has contributed to the [Tcl] [core] over the years can take some small measure of pride in helping with the recovery from this week's heinous attack upon the United States. In just the applications of which I have detailed knowledge, I know that Tcl is used in * instrumentation on the 95+ generators being brought to a staging site in New Jersey to provide electricity for rebuilding Manhattan, * testing (and sometimes defining protocols) on the medical imaging equipment being used to treat the survivors, * configuration management at the factories that built the light tower units that light the way for the ambulances going to St Vincent's and Bellevue, * and of course in bringing the news of this disaster out to an anxious world. Thanks, folks.