Version 10 of a delicious api

Updated 2012-01-16 11:53:17 by dkf

A tcl api to everyone's favorite social bookmarking site, by AF. This code should work but you can check [L1 ] for a possibly more up to date version.

See [L2 ] for documentation.

 package require http
 package require tls
 package require tdom
 package require base64
 package require json
 package require md5

 package provide delicious 1.0
 ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket]

 namespace eval delicious {
    variable user {}
    variable pass {}
    namespace export get_posts recent_posts get_all_posts post_dates \
        add_post delete_post updated get_tags rename_tag set_bundle \
        delete_bundle get_bundles public_network public_tags public_url \
        public_posts public_fans

 proc ::delicious::_call {url} {
    variable user
    variable pass
    lappend headers Authorization "Basic [base64::encode $user:$pass]"
    #puts "geturl $url"
    set t [http::geturl $url -headers $headers]
    if {[http::ncode $t] != "200"} {
        #parray $t
        return -code error "HTTP [http::ncode $t]"
    set data [http::data $t]
    #puts "data: $data"
    http::cleanup $t
    return $data

 proc ::delicious::_xml_to_list {xml top each} {
    set data {}
    set d [[dom parse -simple $xml] getElementsByTagName $top]
    foreach node [$d getElementsByTagName $each] {
        lappend data [lindex [$node asList] 1]
    return $data

 proc ::delicious::_check_result {xml} {
    if {[regexp {<result code=\"(.*)\"} $xml -> result]} {
        if {$result != "done"} {
            return -code error $result
        return -code ok
    if {[regexp {<result>(.*)</result>} $xml -> result]} {
        if {$result != "ok" && $result != "done"} {
            return -code error $result
        return -code ok
    return -code error "could not parse result"

 proc ::delicious::_options {valid in var} {
    upvar $var blah
    set query {}
    foreach x $in {
        set opt [split $x =]
        if {[lsearch -exact $valid [lindex $opt 0]] > -1} {
            if {[lindex $opt 0] == "dt"} {
                lappend query dt [clock format [clock scan [lindex $opt 1]] -format "%Y-%m-%dT%TZ"]
            } else {
                lappend query [lindex $opt 0] [lindex $opt 1]
    append blah [eval ::http::formatQuery $query]

 proc delicious::get_posts {args} {
    set url
    _options {url tag dt} $args url
    return [_xml_to_list [_call $url] posts post]

 proc ::delicious::recent_posts {args} {
    set url
    _options {tag count} $args url
    return [_xml_to_list [_call $url] posts post]

 proc ::delicious::get_all_posts {args} {
    set url
    _options {tag} $args url
    return [_xml_to_list [_call $url] posts post]

 proc ::delicious::post_dates {args} {
    set url
    _options {tag} $args url
    return [_xml_to_list [_call $url] dates date]

 proc ::delicious::add_post {args} {
    set url
    _options {url description extended tags dt replace shared} $args url
    return [_check_result [_call $url]]

 proc ::delicious::delete_post {args} {
    set url
    _options {url} $args url
    return [_check_result [_call $url]]

 proc ::delicious::updated {} {
    set url
    set xml [_call $url]
    regexp {<update time=\"(.*)\"} $xml -> update
    return [clock scan [string map {T " " Z " UTC"} $update]]

 proc ::delicious::get_tags {} {
    set url
    return [_xml_to_list [_call $url] tags tag]

 proc ::delicious::rename_tag {old new} {
    set url
    _options {old new} [list old=$old new=$new] url
    return [_check_result [_call $url]]

 proc ::delicious::set_bundle {bundle tags} {
    set url
    _options {bundle tags} [list bundle=$bundle tags=$tags] url
    return [_check_result [_call $url]]

 proc ::delicious::delete_bundle {bundle} {
    set url
    _options {old new} [list bundle=$bundle] url
    return [_check_result [_call $url]]

 proc ::delicious::get_bundles {} {
    set url
    return [_xml_to_list [_call $url] bundles bundle]
 proc ::delicious::public_network {user} {
    set url$user
    return [json::json2dict [_call $url]]

 proc ::delicious::public_tags {user args} {
    set url$user?
    _options {atleast count sort} $args url
    regexp {Delicious.tags = (.*)} [_call $url] -> json
    return [json::json2dict $json]

 proc ::delicious::public_fans {user} {
    set url$user
    return [json::json2dict [_call $url]]

 proc ::delicious::public_posts {user args} {
    set url$user?
    _options {count} $args url
    regexp {Delicious.posts = (.*)} [_call $url] -> json
    return [json::json2dict $json]

 proc ::delicious::public_url {urls} {
    set url
    foreach u $urls {
        append url &hash=[string tolower [md5::md5 -hex $u]]
    return [json::json2dict [_call $url]]

 proc ::delicious::modify_post {post args} {
    foreach x $args {
        set x [split $x =]
        set new([lindex $x 0]) [lindex $x 1]
    foreach {k v} $post {
        if {$v == ""} { continue }
        if {$k == "hash" || $k == "others" } { continue }
        if {$k == "href"} { lappend string url=$v; continue }
        if {$k == "tag"} { set k tags }
        if {$k == "time"} {
            set k dt
            if {[info exists new(dt)]} { set v $new(dt) }
            set v [string trimright $v Z]
        } elseif {[info exists new($k)]} { set v $new($k) }
        lappend string $k=$v
    # shared attribute may not exist in post so check for it after
    if {[info exists new(shared)] && [lsearch -glob $string shared=*] < 0} {
        lappend string shared=$new(shared)
    eval delicious::add_post $string

 proc ::delicious::add_tag {post tags} {
    array set in $post
    set out [split $in(tag)]
    foreach x $tags {
        if {[lsearch -exact $out $x] < 0} { lappend out $x }
    modify_post $post "tags=[join $out]"

 proc ::delicious::delete_tag {post tags} {
    array set in $post
    set out [split $in(tag)]
    foreach x $tags {
        if {[set i [lsearch -exact $out $x]] < 0} { continue }
        set out [lreplace $out $i $i]
    modify_post $post "tags=[join $out]"

An example:

 package require delicious
 set delicious::user username
 set delicious::pass password
 if [catch {delicious::add_post url= "description=the tclers wiki" tags=tcl} result]} {

I would love to see examples of using this package. Anyone tried it?

LV 2007-Aug-09 In looking at the api web page mentioned above, I see a few requirements listed for libraries:

  • one second wait between queries are required
  • library must watch for http 503 errors and respect them

AF Well I know it says "library", but I left these up to the user of the library. Http errors are returned so the user can watch for 503s (or any other error) and do whatever needs to be done. its also up to the user to throttle the requests.