[https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/alited/%|%alited v1.0.6%|%] stands for "a lite editor". The main features of ''alited'' are: * structured code * easy access to the code * born for Tcl/Tk development only It satisfies most requirements of [Tcl Editors], adding its own features. Edited by ''alited'' are Tcl/Tk files. The C/C++ code is another target of ''alited'', still for ''Tcl/Tk development only'' all the same. ''alited'' facilitates the development and the maintenance of Tcl/Tk code, particularly because of the unit tree being a sort of documentation. ''alited'' is suspected of being very good with large [Tcl/Tk] projects, i.e. when, in one session, you deal with 30-40-50... [Tcl/Tk] scripts, to say nothing of others. It's quick at starting. It's quick at switching projects. It's quick at organizing [Tcl/Tk] code. It's quick at navigating [Tcl/Tk] code. It's quick at searching [Tcl/Tk] code. It's quick at writing [Tcl/Tk] code. It's quick at testing [Tcl/Tk] code. It's quick at saving [Tcl/Tk] code. It's quick at maintaining [Tcl/Tk] code. Briefly, alited is totally quick, being at that ''a pure [Tcl/Tk] application.'' Links: * [https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/alited%|%Description%|%] * [https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/alited/alited.html%|%Reference%|%] * Download from: ** [https://chiselapp.com/user/aplsimple/repository/alited/download%|%chiselapp%|%] ** [https://github.com/aplsimple/alited%|%github%|%] For a quick acquaintance of ''alited'', a few of demo videos are available: * [https://github.com/aplsimple/alited/releases/download/1.Start_alited-1.0.6/1.Start_alited-1.0.6.mp4%|%1. First start%|%] * [https://github.com/aplsimple/alited/releases/download/2.Units_alited-1.0.6/2.Units_alited-1.0.6.mp4%|%2. Units%|%] (main point of ''alited'') * [https://github.com/aplsimple/alited/releases/download/3.Projects_alited-1.0.6/3.Projects_alited-1.0.6.mp4%|%3. Projects%|%] * [https://github.com/aplsimple/alited/releases/download/4.Find_alited-1.0.6/4.Find_alited-1.0.6.mp4%|%4. Find and replace%|%] * [https://github.com/aplsimple/alited/releases/download/5.Tools_alited-1.0.6/5.Tools_alited-1.0.6.mp4%|%5. Tools%|%] * [https://github.com/aplsimple/alited/releases/download/6.Themes_alited-1.0.6/6.Themes_alited-1.0.6.mp4%|%6. Themes%|%] Below is a screenshot of ''alited'', just to glance at it: [https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/alited/files/alited-en.png%|%alited-en%|%] ... and its localized and themed variant: [https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/alited/files/alited-ru.png%|%alited-ru%|%] ... and its themed variant on Windows 10: [https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/alited/files/alited-win10.png%|%alited-win10%|%] '''tma 30.12.2021''': Under Windows 'alited' creates a directory '.config' in the users home directory with every start. Application config files should be in APPDATA=C:\Users\''''\AppData\Roaming\''''. <> GUI | Editor utility