Special name for an argument to a [proc] - if it's last in the argument list, it will contain a list (possibly empty) of all the remaining arguments. proc demo {first {second "none"} args} { puts "first = $first" puts "second = $second" puts "args = $args" } demo one demo one two demo one two three four five results in: first = one second = none args = first = one second = two args = first = one second = two args = three four five ---- '''example args''' Class Club -parameter {id {name unknown}} Class Player -superclass Club -parameter {{name unknown} {position unknown}} Player proc show_players '''args''' { if { [string length $args] == 0} { puts "Show players DB" foreach p [my info instances] { puts "[$p name] [$p position]" } return } set pos [string toupper $args] puts "Players with postition $pos:" foreach p [my info instances] { foreach char [split $pos {}] { if {[string first $char [$p position]] == 1} { puts "[$p name] [$p position]" break } } } } ---- Is it just me, or is that a pretty poor example of args? for one, it uses rather unconventional quoting (what's with all the single quotes?). Second, you do [[string length $args]] and [[string toupper $args]] but you firmly established that args is a list, not a string. It is generally accepted as bad practice to perform string operations on lists. ---- [MG] offers a quick example off the top of his head, on his way through... proc randomCmd {args} { set error {wrong # args: should be "randomCmd ?-arg value ...? string"} set num [llength $args] if { $num == "0" || [expr {($num%2)==0}] } { error $error; } array set opts [list -width 5 -height 5 -fg [list] -bg [list] -foreground blue -background red] if { $num > 1 } { foreach {x y} [lrange $args 0 end-1] { if { ![info exists opts($x)] } { error "unknown option \"$x\""; } set opts($x) $y } } foreach {x y} [list -fg -foreground -bg -background] { if { [llength $opts($x)] > 0 } { set opts($y) $opts($x) } } } echo "String is \"[lindex $args end]\". Apply these args: [array get opts]" } ---- See also [magic names]. ---- [Category Documentation]