**awlight ttk theme** [bll] 2018-9-1: See also: [awdark ttk theme]. Uses graphics for the checkbuttons, radiobuttons and the notebook tab top color. Everything else is based on the clam theme. * Focus box around notebook tabs is larger. * Focus box for checkbuttons and radiobuttons covers both the indicator and the text. * Includes helper routines to set the colors for [menu], [listbox] and [text]. On Mac OS X, to override the aqua styled scrollbars, use: ====== ttk::scrollbar .sb -style Vertical.TScrollbar ttk::scrollbar .sb -style Horizontal.TScrollbar ====== The -style option must be present when the scrollbar is created, an aqua scrollbar cannot be reconfigured. '''Current Version: 2.0''' <>Change Log 2.0: * Add setBackground(), setHighlight() routines. If wanted, these require the colorutils package. * Remove the 'option add' statements and use a bind to set the combobox's listbox colors. * Merge awdark and awlight themes into a single package. * More color cleanup. * Make notebook top bar use dynamic colors. 1.1: change button anchor to default to center to follow majority of themes <> ---- `::ttk::theme::awlight::setMenuColors .menuwidget` Sets the menu colors and also changes any checkbutton and radiobutton types to use thematic images. Run this after adding all the menu items to the menu. Side effect: The menu will have -hidemargin set to true. If you don't want the thematic images, run it before adding your menu items (and set -hidemargin back to false). `::ttk::theme::awlight::setTextColors .textwidget ?-dark?` Sets the text widget colors. If -dark is specified, the darker background color (as for entry) will be used. `::ttk::theme::awlight::setListboxColors .listboxwidget` Sets the listbox widget colors. `::ttk::theme::awdark::setBackground color` Changes the background color and all other colors to match. (like [tk_setPalette]). This will also call setTextColors, setListboxColors and setMenuColors on all registered widgets. `::ttk::theme::awdark::setHighlight color` Changes the highlight color. ---- For the moment, available at: https://gentoo.com/tcl/awthemes.tcl colorutils package for use with `setBackground` and `setHighlight`: https://gentoo.com/tcl/colorutils.tcl The demo code to display the widgets is: https://gentoo.com/tcl/demottk.tcl ---- [img-awlight] ---- See also: [List of ttk Themes] <>GUI