Version 11 of calendar

Updated 2004-12-26 20:10:27

Purpose: to discuss items known as calendar in the Tcl world.

Unfortunately, this name is used both as a widget that is part of incr Widgets as well as a package in tcllib.

Docs for the iwidgets widget can be found at and

GWM Note that the iwidgets calendar uses the same date formula as used by Unix. This uses a 4 byte integer to specify seconds since 1900 (or 1901 maybe). Attempts to move a calendar widget beyond 2027/28 results in the integer overflowing, and the calendar fails, sometimes catastrophically. This needs to be addressed in the next 24 years, in the short term a calendar does not need second precision (time does of course). So I think best would be to use 2 variables - the day (from which year can be derived)and seconds of day (perhaps with millisecond or microsecond precision). Both these values could be held in 4 byte integers.

The tcllib group of modules contains some calendar support code. It does not yet have any reference docs though.

tcllib calendar module has a number of calendar printing functions, similar to the unix "cal" command. Despite the name of this page, it is not actually part of the tcllib.

BLT comes with a calendar example and efftcl has a calendar example. BLT comes with a calendar example? Where would that be found?

Category Command, a part of incr Widgets Category Package, subset Tcllib