Version 4 of calling pdflatex

Updated 2008-04-01 03:34:46 by tonytraductor
 ::if 0 {
 @tclkitsh "%~dp0\%~n0.bat" %*
 @goto :EOF

 # pl.bat - helper/shell for pdflatex (TexLive)
 # call pdflatex with specific or with newest file (win-doubleclick)
 # 05.07.2007, MHo
 # if no arg specified, it's assumed that the newest .tex file should be processed

 if {![llength $argv]} {
    set res [list ]
    foreach texfile [glob -nocomplain -- *.tex] {
       lappend res [list $texfile [file mtime $texfile]]
    if {[llength $res]} {
       lappend argv [file rootname [lindex [lindex [lsort -integer -index 1 $res] end] 0]]
       puts "using '$argv'"

 # Trivial wrappers by DKF
 proc pdflatex args {
    # With plenty of experience, 'nonstopmode' or 'batchmode' are most useful
    eval [list exec -- pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode] $args
 proc viewPdf filename {
    exec -- $env(comspec) /c $filename &; # att: auto_execok-error with cmd /c

 # to be reorganized later
 # 3 steps to keep tocs and indices etc. accurate - later cond' breaks
 # better use bgExec to catch the output?
 set root [lindex $argv 0]
 puts [pdflatex $root]
 puts [pdflatex $root]
 puts [pdflatex $root]
 viewPdf $root.pdf

tonytraductor: In tickle text [L1 ] I just did:

proc texpdf {} {

        if {$::filename != " "} {
   set data [.txt.txt get 1.0 {end -1c}]
   set fileid [open $::filename w]
   puts -nonewline $fileid $data
   close $fileid
   eval exec pdflatex $::filename
        } else {
   set filename [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $::file_types]
   set data [.txt.txt get 1.0 {end -1c}]
   wm title . "Now Tickling: $::filename"
   set fileid [open $::filename w]
   puts -nonewline $fileid $data
   close $fileid
   eval exec pdflatex $::filename


Am I over simplifying this? It works. But, I'm kind of new to both tcl and LaTeX, so, maybe I'm missing something (?).