Version 0 of carto

Updated 2005-03-27 22:43:41

package provide carto 0.3

 # Creates the carto command handler for canvas widgets.
        # The canvas coordinate space is changed to a cartographic coordinate space
        # where y coordinates are positive northt. A number of functions
        # facilitating cartography are added for convinience.
        # The shape primitives of the canvas widget are not affected by the carto command.
        # Two new virtual primitives are added: symbol and crosshair which are special
        # composit canvas primitives.
        # Usage :
        # carto pathName ?options?
        # Example:
        # carto .c -setview {0 200 200 200}
        # pack .c
        # (C) 2004-2005, Dimitrios Zachariadis
        # Licensed under the BSD License
 proc carto {w args} {
        namespace eval ::carto::${w} {
                variable var
                array set var [list \
                        -autoscale "meet" \
                        -detail 1 \
                        -meets "x" \
                        -pixelaspectratio 1 \
                        -space cartesian \
                        w 200 \
                        h 200 \
                        scale 1 \
                        cxy {}
        upvar ::carto::${w}::var v
        if {![winfo exists $w]} {
                eval [list canvas $w -width 200 -height 200]
        rename ::$w ::_$w
        ::carto::dispatchConfig $w $args
        # the window dimensions returned by winfo include border and highlight
        # which we must subtract to get the actual width and height
        set brdrs [expr {2*([::_$w cget -highlightthickness]+[::_$w cget -borderwidth])}]
        scan [winfo geometry $w] "%dx%d" v(ww) v(wh)
        set v(ww) [expr {$v(ww)-$brdrs}]
        set v(wh) [expr {$v(wh)-$brdrs}]
        ::_$w configure -xscrollincrement 1
        ::_$w configure -yscrollincrement 1
        bind $w <Configure> {::carto::setScale %W}
        proc ::$w {cmd args} "return \[eval ::carto::Handler $w \$cmd \$args]"
        set w

 namespace eval carto {
        proc Handler {w cmd args} {
                 set debug 0
                upvar ::carto::${w}::var v
                switch -- $cmd {
                        center {
                                set vcx [expr {([::_$w canvasx 0]+$v(ww)/2.0)/($v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio))}]
                                set vcy [expr {-([::_$w canvasy 0]+$v(wh)/2.0)/$v(scale)}]
                                if {$args=={}} {
                                        return [list $vcx $vcy $v(scale)]
                                if {[llength $args]!=3} {
                                        error "wrong # args: should be \"$w center x y scale\""
                                set redraw 0
                                # Set center of cartoview and scale
                                foreach {x y scale} $args {}
                                # if scale has changed find the new viewbox width
                                if {$scale!="-"} {
                                        set v(scale) $scale
                                        if {$debug} {puts "...set scale to $v(scale)"}
                                        set v(w) [expr {double($v(ww))/($v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio))}]
                                        set v(h) [expr {double($v(wh))/$v(scale)}]
                                        # scale changed so force a redraw
                                        set redraw 1
                                # if x or y did not change, get them from current view
                                if {$x=="-" || $x==""} {
                                        set x $vcx
                                if {$y=="-" || $y==""} {
                                        set y $vcy
                                # set viewbox according to the new center
                                set x0 [expr {$x-$v(ww)/(2.0*$v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio))}]
                                set y0 [expr {$y+$v(wh)/(2.0*$v(scale))}]
                                # Redraw or just scroll canvas to view
                                if {$redraw} {
                                        if {$debug} {puts "...generating event $w <<CartoRedraw>>"}
                                        event generate $w <<CartoRedraw>>
                                setScroll $w $x0 $y0
                        cget {
                                switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
                                        -autoscale {return $v(-autoscale)}
                                        -detail {return $v(-detail)}
                                        -meets {return $v(-meets)}
                                        -space {return $v(-space)}
                                        -pixelaspectratio {return $v(-pixelaspectratio)}
                                        default {eval {::_$w $cmd } $args}
                        config -
                        configure {eval [list dispatchConfig $w] $args}
                        create {
                                switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
                                        crosshair {
                                                if {[llength $args]<2} {
                                                        error "wrong # args: should be \"$w create crosshair tag ?option value?\""
                                                set tag [lindex $args 1]
                                                eval [list ::_$w create line -3000 0 3000 0  -tag [list $tag ${tag}x]] [lrange $args 2 end]
                                                eval [list ::_$w create line 0 -3000 0 3000  -tag [list $tag ${tag}y]] [lrange $args 2 end]
                                                foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [::_$w bbox $tag] {}
                                                set v($tag,offset) [list [expr {(abs($x1)+abs($x2))/2.0}] [expr {(abs($y1)+abs($y2))/2.0}]]
                                                # save tag in a list so that we can find it for redraw
                                        default {eval [list ::_$w $cmd] $args}
                        delete {
                                set tag [lindex $args 0]
                                if {[info exists v($tag,offset)]} {
                                        unset v($tag,offset)
                                eval [list ::_$w $cmd] $args
                        destroy {
                                # destroy canvas widget and carto command
                                namespace delete ::carto::${w}
                                destroy ::$w
                                rename ::$w {}
                                rename ::_$w {}
                        forget {
                                # destroy carto command but retain carto widget
                                namespace delete ::carto::${w}
                                rename ::$w {}
                                rename ::_$w ::$w
                        Move {
                                if {[llength $args]<3} {error "wrong # args: should be \"$w Move tagOrId x y\""}
                                foreach {tag x y} $args {}
                                # calculate tag's center coords
                                foreach {bbx1 bby1 bbx2 bby2} [::_$w bbox $tag] {}
                                if {![info exists bbx1]} {
                                        # couldn't find tag
                                if {![info exists v($tag,offset)]} {
                                        # tag is not a symbol
                                        set cx0 $bbx1
                                        set cy0 $bby1
                                } else {
                                        set cx0 [expr {($bbx1+[lindex $v($tag,offset) 0])}]
                                        set cy0 [expr {($bby1+[lindex $v($tag,offset) 1])}]
                                set cx [expr {$x*$v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio)}]
                                set cy [expr {-$y*$v(scale)}]
                                ::_$w move $tag [expr {$cx-$cx0}] [expr {$cy-$cy0}]
                        Plot {
                                # accepts one of:
                                # pathName Plot x y ?-tag tag? ?-mode [abs|rel]? ?-space [cartesian|polar]? ?-option option?
                                # pathName Plot {x y ...} ?-option option?
                                if {$debug} {puts "Plot...args=$args"}
                                set arglen [llength $args]
                                if {$arglen==0 || $arglen==2 || $arglen==4} {
                                        return;error "wrong # args: should be \"$w Plot tagOrId ?x y ... ?\""
                                foreach  {tag x1 y1 x2 y2} [lrange $args 0 4] {}
                                if {[::_$w find withtag $tag]=={}} {
                                        # this is a new tag
                                        if {$x2=={}} {
                                                set x2 $x1
                                                set y2 $y1
                                        ::_$w create line \
                                                [expr {$x1*$v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio)}]  [expr {-$y1*$v(scale)}] \
                                                [expr {$x2*$v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio)}]  [expr {-$y2*$v(scale)}] \
                                                -tag $tag -fill grey
                                        if {$arglen>5} {
                                                set d [::_$w coords $tag]
                                                foreach {x y} [lrange $args 5 end] {
                                                        lappend d  [expr {$x*$v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio)}]  [expr {-$y*$v(scale)}]
                                                ::_$w coords $tag $d
                                } else {
                                        set d [::_$w coords $tag]
                                        foreach {x y} [lrange $args 1 end] {
                                                lappend d  [expr {$x*$v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio)}]  [expr {-$y*$v(scale)}]
                                        ::_$w coords $tag $d
                        lPlot {
                                if {$debug} {puts "lPlot...args=$args"}
                                if {[llength $args]<=5} {return;error "wrong # args: should be \"$w lPlot tagOrId ?x1 y1 x2 y2 ... ?\"" }
                                set tag [lindex $args 0]
                                if {[::_$w find withtag $tag]!={}} {
                                        foreach {x y} [lrange $args 1 end] {
                                                lappend d  [expr {$x*$v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio)}]  [expr {-$y*$v(scale)}]
                                } else {
                                        foreach  {tag x1 y1 x2 y2} [lrange $args 0 4] {}
                                        lappend d  [expr {$x1*$v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio)}]  [expr {-$y1*$v(scale)}]
                                        lappend d  [expr {$x2*$v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio)}]  [expr {-$y2*$v(scale)}]
                                        ::_$w create line $d -tag $tag -fill grey
                                        foreach {x y} [lrange $args 5 end] {
                                                lappend d  [expr {$x*$v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio)}]  [expr {-$y*$v(scale)}]
                                ::_$w coords $tag $d
                        setview {
                                set args [join $args]
                                set vx0 [expr {[::_$w canvasx 0]/($v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio))}]
                                set vy0 [expr {-[::_$w canvasy 0]/$v(scale)}]
                                if {$args=={}} {
                                        return [list $vx0 $vy0 [expr {$v(ww)/($v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio))}] [expr {$v(wh)/$v(scale)}]]
                                if {[llength $args]!=4} {
                                        error "wrong # args: should be \"$w setview x y w h\""
                                set redraw 0
                                foreach {x0 y0 wi hi} $args {}
                                # do we need this ?
                                if {$x0=="-"} {
                                        set x0 $vx0
                                if {$y0=="-"} {
                                        set y0 $vy0
                                # if viewbox width changed force redraw
                                if {$wi!="-"} {
                                        set v(w) $wi
                                        set redraw 1
                                # if viewbox height changed force redraw
                                if {$hi!="-"} {
                                        set v(h) $hi
                                        set redraw 1
                                # Redraw or just scroll canvas to view
                                if {$redraw} {
                                        setScale $w
                                setScroll $w $x0 $y0
                        symbolize {
                                if {[llength $args]!=1 && [llength $args]!=3} {
                                        error "wrong # args: should be \"$w symbolize tag ?offsetx offsety?\""
                                set symbol [lindex $args 0]
                                if {[$w find withtag $symbol]=={}} {
                                        error "tag $symbol does not exist"
                                if {[llength $args]==1} {
                                        foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [::_$w bbox $symbol] {}
                                        set v($symbol,offset) [list [expr {($x2-$x1)/2.0}] [expr {($y2-$y1)/2.0}]]
                                } else {
                                        set v($symbol,offset) [lrange $args 1 end]
                        default {eval [list ::_$w $cmd] $args}

        #dispatch configure pairs
        proc dispatchConfig {w args} {
                set debug 0
                if {$debug} {puts "dispatchConfig called by [expr {[info level]>1?[lindex [info level -1] 0]:[list user]}]"}
                # strip possible ::_ so that namespace is referenced properly
                regexp {^(::_)*(.*)} $w m pre wg
                upvar ::carto::${wg}::var v
                if {[llength $args]==0} {
                        return [concat [eval {::_$w configure}] \
                                [list [list -space $v(-space)]] \
                                [list [list -pixelaspectratio $v(-pixelaspectratio)]] \
                                [list [list -autoscale $v(-autoscale)]] \
                foreach {opt val} $args {
                        switch -- $opt {
                                -autoscale {
                                        if {$val=={}} {return $v(-autoscale)}
                                        if {![regexp -- {meet|slice|none} $val]} {
                                                error "unknown option $val: should be meet, slice or none"
                                        set v(-autoscale) $val
                                -detail {
                                        if {$val=={}} {return $v(-detail)}
                                        if {![string is int $val]} {
                                                error "expected integer but got $val"
                                        set v(-detail) $val
                                -space {
                                        if {$val=={}} {return $v(-space)}
                                        if {![regexp -- {meet|slice|none} $val]} {
                                                error "unknown option $val: should be cartesian or polar"
                                        set v(-space) $val
                                -pixelaspectratio {
                                        if {$val=={}} {return $v(-pixelaspectratio)}
                                        if {![string is double $val]} {
                                                error "expected real but got $val"
                                        set v(-pixelaspectratio) $val
                                default {eval {::_$w configure} $opt $val}

        proc setScale wg {
                set debug 0
                if {$debug} {puts "setScale called by [expr {[info level]>1?[lindex [info level -1] 0]:[list user]}]"}
                upvar ::carto::${wg}::var v
                scan [winfo geometry $wg] "%dx%d" v(ww) v(wh)
                set brdrs [expr {2*([::_$wg cget -highlightthickness]+[::_$wg cget -borderwidth])}]
                set v(ww) [expr {$v(ww)-$brdrs}]
                set v(wh) [expr {$v(wh)-$brdrs}]
                set aspectratio [expr {double($v(ww))/$v(wh)}]
                switch -regexp -- $v(-autoscale) {
                        meet {
                                # max(viewbox) -> min(window)
                                if {$v(wh)!=0 && $v(w)!=0 && $v(h)!=0} {
                                        if {double($v(w))/$v(h)>$aspectratio} {
                                                set v(-meets) "x"
                                                set v(scale) [expr {double($v(ww))/$v(w)}]
                                        } else {
                                                set v(-meets) "y"
                                                set v(scale) [expr {double($v(wh))/$v(h)}]
                        slice {
                                # min(viewbox) -> max(window)
                                if {$v(wh)!=0 && $v(w)!=0 && $v(h)!=0} {
                                        if {double($v(w))/$v(h)>$aspectratio} {
                                                set v(-meets) "y"
                                                set v(scale) [expr {double($v(wh))/$v(h)}]
                                        } else {
                                                set v(-meets) "x"
                                                set v(scale) [expr {double($v(ww))/$v(w)}]
                        none {
                                # no event is generated
                        default {
 #                set v(w) [expr {double($v(ww))/$v(scale)}]
 #                set v(h) [expr {double($v(wh))/$v(scale)}]
                if {$debug} {puts "...event generate $wg <<CartoRedraw>>"}
                event generate $wg <<CartoRedraw>>
                if {$debug} {puts "...set scale to $v(scale)"}

        proc setScroll {w x0 y0} {
                upvar ::carto::${w}::var v
                ::_$w xview scroll [expr {round($x0*$v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio)-[::_$w canvasx 0])}] u
                ::_$w yview scroll [expr {-round($y0*$v(scale)+[::_$w canvasy 0])}] u

        proc screentocarto {w x y} {
                upvar ::carto::${w}::var v
                return [list \
                                [expr {($x+[::_$w canvasx 0])/($v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio))}] \
                                [expr {-($y+[::_$w canvasy 0])/$v(scale)}]]
        proc tocarto {w x y} {
                upvar ::carto::${w}::var v
                return [list [expr {$x/($v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio))}] [expr {-$y/$v(scale)}]]
        proc tocanvas {w x y} {
                upvar ::carto::${w}::var v
                return [list [expr {$x*$v(scale)*$v(-pixelaspectratio)}] [expr {-$y*$v(scale)}]]
        proc centertoview {w args} {
        proc viewtocenter {w args} {