Version 4 of chan configure

Updated 2013-12-02 23:58:12 by pooryorick

[chan configure], a built-in Tcl command, sets and retrieves options for channels. It replaces the older [fconfigure].


fconfigure channelId
fconfigure channelId name
fconfigure channelId name value ?name value ...?


official reference

See Also



Instruct Tcl to always send output to stdout immediately, whether or not it is to a terminal:

chan configure stdout -buffering none

Instruct Tcl to read pure bytes from a channel and write bytes to it, rather than characters:

chan configure $binaryDataFile -translation binary


The real name of the binary encoding is iso8859-1. -encoding binary was introduced as a migration aid to help with either the 7.6 -> 8.0 or the 8.0 to 8.1 transitions.

ref dgp in Tcl Chatroom ,2013-12-02


LV 2008 Feb 28:

Some of the wiki pages talk about the construct,

chan configure $serial_port -mode "$baudRate,$plex,$bits,$polarity"

or some such thing. The -mode flag, used for specifying baud rate, etc, has moved to open now. I don't know how one would change those values on an open descriptor...