Version 4 of cmdline

Updated 2003-06-12 13:28:49

Package cmdline is a part of Tcllib. Documentation can be read online at , and examples of cmdline usage appear in ftpd, htmlparse, and pop3.

Glenn Jackman offers and as "examples of cmdline in action".

The cmdline package can be used for both programs which accept arguments via the argv list as well as procs which have specific needs for argument processing.

Here is an example of its use ( ):

    package require cmdline

    proc test {args} {
        set options {
            {first.arg  1 "1st arg"}
            {second.arg 2 "2nd arg"}
            {third.arg  3 "3rd arg"}
            {fourth.arg 4 "4th arg"}

        # cmdline::getoptions will throw an error for unknown option
        array set params [::cmdline::getoptions args $options]

        # do other stuff...
        parray params

    test -fourth last -first one

Category Package, a subset of Tcllib.