While http://purl.org/tcl/home/man/tcl8.4/TkCmd/colors.htm , included in the standard core distribution, completely answers most questions about the [color values available for syntactic use in Tcl scripts], several other facts about color might interest programmers. This page aims to collect all this sort of information. ---- Okay, here's the standard (and rather reliably portable) 6x6x6 color cube. This page has been around forever: http://the-light.com/colclick.html ---- The source file which realizes the description which appears in the hyperlink at the top of this page is xlib/xcolor.c. X11 (Unix) systems often have a `showrgb` command and/or .../lib/X11/rgb.txt which give the same (?) data. Programmatic access to the English-to-RGB-code map is available as winfo rgb . $color ---- [chooseColor] answers some questions on this subject. ---- The [W3C] maintains a list [http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Guide/Style#colors] of "Web-safe" colors. ---- xcolors is an interesting command under X11. ---- International Color Consortium maintains a page [http://www.color.org] which has information on ICC color profiles for computer color matching. Mildly related to this is "[Selecting visually different RGB colors]". ---- '''Percent to color''': The following routine produces a color from an integer between 0 and 100, where 0 is red, 50 is yellow, and 100 is green (useful e.g. for painting progress bars): proc percent2rgb {n} { # map 0..100 to a red-yellow-green sequence set n [expr {$n < 0? 0: $n > 100? 100: $n}] set red [expr {$n > 75? 60 - ($n * 15 / 25) : 15}] set green [expr {$n < 50? $n * 15 / 50 : 15}] format "#%01x%01x0" $red $green } ;# RS ---- [Tk syntax help] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] - [Category Command]