Version 5 of csound and cecilia

Updated 2008-10-21 11:47:29 by KWizzz

csound -- sound synthesis

From the home page of csound ( ):

Csound is a sound design, music synthesis and signal processing system, providing facilities for composition and performance over a wide range of platforms. It is not restricted to any style of music, having been used for many years in the creation of classical, pop, techno, ambient, experimental, and (of course) computer music, as well as music for film and television.

And the handbook continues


TclCsound was introduced to provide a simple scripting interface to Csound. Tcl is a simple language that is easy to extend and provide nice facilities such as easy file access and TCP networking. With its Tk component, it can also handle a graphic and event interface. TclCsound provides three ‘points of contact' with Tcl:

1. a csound-aware tcl interpreter (cstclsh)

2. a csound-aware windowing shell (cswish)

3. a csound commands module for Tcl/Tk (tclcsound dynamic lib)''

Category Signal Processing