Version 9 of doubleclick

Updated 2008-08-27 13:50:08 by dkf

wdb When double-clicking on an opening paren in Emacs, the whole expression is selected. This feature is which I like mostly at Emacs, and which I miss mostly on almost all other program editors.

So I have written a little package which changes the core bindings of Tk's text widget and published under oll. If you source it, double-clicking on opening paren, brace, bracket, or quote searches the closing counterpart and extends the selection to that point.

So, you can write an own IDE in Tcl/Tk, or extend an existing one.

 # package doubleclick
 # (c) Wolf-Dieter Busch
 # license: OLL (One Line Licence):
 # Use it, change it, but do not blame me.
 # changes behaviour of mouse <Double-1> as follows:
 # <Double-1> on word char selects word characters only
 # <Double-1> on other char selects non-space characters
 # <Double-1> on opening brace selects to matching counterpart
 # <Double-1> on opening paren or brace or double quote does the same
 # changed binding on tag Text and event <Double-1>
 # changed procedure: ::tk::TextSelectTo
 # changed procedure: ::tk::TextNextPos
 # new procedure: ::tk::TextCharAtXYescaped
 # new procedure: tcl_findClosingBrace
 # contents of pkgIndex.tcl:
 # package ifneeded doubleclick 0.4 [list source [file join $dir doubleclick.tcl]]

 package require Tk
 package provide doubleclick 0.4

 bind Text <Double-1> {
    if {[regexp \\w [%W get @%x,%y]]} then {
        set tcl_wordchars \\w
        set tcl_nonwordchars \\W
    } else {
        set tcl_wordchars \\s
        set tcl_nonwordchars \\S
    set tk::Priv(selectMode) word
    tk::TextSelectTo %W %x %y
    catch {%W mark set insert sel.last}

 proc tcl_findClosingBrace {str start} {
    # if letter at $start is \{ or \[ or \" or \(
    # then return index of closing counterpart -- if any
    # else return [tcl_wordBreakAfter $str $start]
    set brace [string index $str $start]
    array set close [list \{ \} \[ \] \" \"]
    switch $brace {
        \( {
            tcl_findClosingBrace [string map [list \( \{ \) \}] $str] $start
        \{ - \[  - \" {
            set end [expr {$start + 1}]
            set let $close($brace)
            while true {
                set end [string first $let $str $end]
                if {$end < 0} then {
                    return [tcl_wordBreakAfter $str $start]
                } elseif {[info complete [string range $str $start $end]]} then {
                    return [expr {$end + 1}]
                } else {
                    incr end
        default {
            tcl_wordBreakAfter $str $start

 proc ::tk::TextCharAtXYescaped {w x y} {
    # return true if char at x, y is backslash (\) escaped
    set index [$w index @$x,$y]
    set str [$w get "$index linestart" $index]
    set index [string length $str]
    set i 0
    while {[string index $str [incr index -1]] eq "\\"} {
        incr i
    expr {$i % 2 == 1 ? yes : no}

 proc ::tk::TextSelectTo {w x y {extend 0}} {
    global tcl_platform
    variable ::tk::Priv
    set cur [TextClosestGap $w $x $y]
    if {[catch {$w index anchor}]} {
        $w mark set anchor $cur
    set anchor [$w index anchor]
    if {[$w compare $cur != $anchor] || (abs($Priv(pressX) - $x) >= 3)} {
        set Priv(mouseMoved) 1
    switch $Priv(selectMode) {
        char {
            if {[$w compare $cur < anchor]} {
                set first $cur
                set last anchor
            } else {
                set first anchor
                set last $cur
        word {
            if {[$w compare $cur < anchor]} {
                set first [TextPrevPos $w "$cur + 1c" tcl_wordBreakBefore]
                if { !$extend } {
                    set last [TextNextPos $w "anchor" tcl_wordBreakAfter]
                } else {
                    set last anchor
            } else {
                if {[TextCharAtXYescaped $w $x $y]} then {
                    set last [TextNextPos $w "$cur - 1c" tcl_wordBreakAfter]
                } else {
                    set last [TextNextPos $w "$cur - 1c" tcl_findClosingBrace]
                set last [TextNextPos $w "$cur - 1c" tcl_findClosingBrace]
                if { !$extend } {
                    set first [TextPrevPos $w anchor tcl_wordBreakBefore]
                } else {
                    set first anchor
        line {
            if {[$w compare $cur < anchor]} {
                set first [$w index "$cur linestart"]
                set last [$w index "anchor - 1c lineend + 1c"]
            } else {
                set first [$w index "anchor linestart"]
                set last [$w index "$cur lineend + 1c"]
    if {$Priv(mouseMoved) || $Priv(selectMode) ne "char"} {
        $w tag remove sel 0.0 end
        $w mark set insert $cur
        $w tag add sel $first $last
        $w tag remove sel $last end
        update idletasks

 proc ::tk::TextNextPos {w start op} {
    set text ""
    set cur $start
    while {[$w compare $cur < end]} {
        if {$op eq "tcl_findClosingBrace"} then {
            # here you can adjust how many lines are checked
            set cur1 [$w index "$cur lineend +1c + 500l"]
            # set cur1 [$w index end]
        } else {
            set cur1 [$w index "$cur lineend +1c"]
        set text $text[$w get $cur $cur1]
        set pos [$op $text 0]
        if {$pos >= 0} {
            ## Adjust for embedded windows and images
            ## dump gives us 3 items per window/image
            set dump [$w dump -image -window $start "$start + $pos c"]
            if {[llength $dump]} {
                set pos [expr {$pos + ([llength $dump]/3)}]
            return [$w index "$start + $pos c"]
        set cur [$w index $cur1]
    return end