[RZ] I'm working to enhance [doxygen] with Tcl support. Until included in the main doxygen branch files can be found under The Patch is submitted as #633448 on the doxygen bug tracker. * '''doxygen+tcl/doxygen''' Linux binary * '''doxygen+tcl/doxygen+tcl.patch''' Patch against doxygen svn revision number 746 The last version is from 20101222. ---- '''Documentation blocks in Tcl''' Doxygen documentation can be included in normal Tcl comments. To start a new documentation block start a line with ## (two hashes). All following comment lines and continuation lines will be added to this block. The block ends with a line not starting with a # (hash sign). A brief documentation can be added with ;#< (semicolon, hash and lower then sign). The brief documentation also ends at a line not starting with a # (hash sign). Inside doxygen comment blocks all normal doxygen markings are supported. The ony difference are described in the following two paragraphs. If a doxygen comment block ends with a line containing only #\code or #@code all code until a line only containing #\endcode or #@endcode is added to the generated documentation as code block. If a doxygen comment block ends with a line containing only #\verbatim or #@verbatim all code until a line only containing #\endverbatim or #@endverbatim is added verbatim to the generated documentation. To detect namespaces, classes, functions and variables the following Tcl commands are recognized. Documentation blocks can be put on the lines before the command. * `namespace eval ..` Namespace * `proc ..` Function * `variable ..` Variable * `common ..` Common variable * `itcl::class ..` Class * `itcl::body ..` Class method body definition. Will be appended to method documentation. * `oo::class create ..` Class * `oo::define ..` OO Class definition * `method ..` Class method definitions * `constructor ..` Class constructor * `destructor ..` Class destructor * `public ..` Set protection level * `protected ..` Set protection level * `private ..` Set protection level * `inherit ..` `superclass ..` Set class relations. To use your own keywords you an map these keyword to the recognized commands using the "TCL_SUBST" entry in the config file. The entry contain a list of word-keyword mappings. To use the itcl::* commands without the leading namespace use p.e.: 'TCL_SUBST = class itcl:class body itcl:body' Following is a example using doxygen style comments: ====== ## \file tclexample.tcl # File documentation. #\verbatim # Startup code:\ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" #\endverbatim ## Documented namespace \c ns . # The code is inserted here: #\code namespace eval ns { ## Documented proc \c ns_proc . # param[in] arg some argument proc ns_proc {arg} {} ## Documented var \c ns_var . # Some documentation. variable ns_var ## Documented itcl class \c itcl_class . itcl::class itcl_class { ## Create object. constructor {args} {eval $args} ## Destroy object. destructor {exit} ## Documented itcl method \c itcl_method_x . # param[in] arg Argument private method itcl_method_x {arg} ## Documented itcl method \c itcl_method_y . # param[in] arg Argument protected method itcl_method_y {arg} {} ## Documented itcl method \c itcl_method_z . # param[in] arg Argument public method itcl_method_z {arg} {} ## Documented common itcl var \c itcl_Var . common itcl_Var ## \protectedsection variable itcl_var1;#< Documented itcl var \c itcl_var1 . variable itcl_var2;#< Documented itcl var \c itcl_var2 . } ## Documented oo class \c oo_class . oo::class create oo_class { ## Create object. # Configure with args constructor {args} {eval $args} ## Destroy object. # Exit. destructor {exit} ## Documented oo var \c oo_var . # Defined inside class variable oo_var ## \private Documented oo method \c oo_method_x . # param[in] arg Argument method oo_method_x {arg} {} ## \protected Documented oo method \c oo_method_y . # param[in] arg Argument method oo_method_y {arg} {} ## \public Documented oo method \c oo_method_z . # param[in] arg Argument method oo_method_z {arg} {} } } #\endcode itcl::body ::ns::itcl_class::itcl_method_x {argx} { puts "$argx OK" } oo::define ns::oo_class { ## \public Outside defined variable \c oo_var_out . # Inside oo_class variable oo_var_out } ## Documented global proc \c glob_proc . # param[in] arg Argument proc glob_proc {arg} {puts $arg} variable glob_var;#< Documented global var \c glob_var\ with newline #< and continued line # end of file ====== ---- '''Bugs''' ---- '''Wish list''' ---- <> '''[RobertHeller] - 2010-09-09 11:18:36''' I've written a Tcl-coded filter that 'generates' a pseudo C++ header. It handles SNIT objects (snit::type, snit::widget, snit::widgetadaptor, and snit::macro). It is available at the URL ftp://ftp.deepsoft.com/pub/deepwoods/Other/tcl2dox.tar.gz Feel free to download it and have a look. It is pretty simple and does what *I* need it to do. [RZ] I will have look on it. ---- '''[arjen] - 2010-09-15 03:15:13''' [AM] I just happened to get involved in something similar for MATLAB code. But we use the ''filter'' functionality of doxygen to mold the code into something digestible to doxygen. doxygen offers the possibility to run Perl scripts, but I you put my Tcl code in a starpack and that is happily accepted. The output has C++ syntax and comment style. [RZ] Yes, you can use the doxygen filters. But you are loosing references (line number) to the original code. ---- '''[WTS] - 2010-09-15 19:50:00''' There is http://therowes.net/~greg/2009/04/03/tcl-dox-083-available%|%tcl-dox%|%. It is no longer maintained so I started a new one http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcl2doxy%|%tcl2doxy%|%. I tried a parser only approach first, but quickly gave up. Now it has a simple parser which is recursively called for script arguments. [RZ] Is it a filter to oxygen? '''[WTS] - 2010-010-03 18:15:00''' Yes, both are filters. And yes, there is the problem with line numbers. I tried to preserve the original formatting as far as possible. However, code that resides outside of any procedure may lead to unwanted results. I usually include the filtered code into the documentation. This way, the links to line numbers point correctly. The filtered code is readable enough. ---- '''[Googie] - 2010-11-17''' - I downloaded Linux binary from kbskit download area (the link at the top of this page). I guess that's the binary with patch included. Correcty? [RZ] yes If yes, then I cannot make it to get work done. I configured it so it scans tcl files (I see it on stdout), but the output documents are empty, even I have some procedures defined in tcl files. Any tips? [RZ] Check your settings in Doxyfile. To check the binary try the following: Run: doxygen -g Set in Doxyfile: INPUT = test.tcl Create test.tcl with: ## Brief comment # additional comment # @param[in] input some input proc myproc {input} { } # end of file Run: doxygen '''[Googie] - 2010-11-17''' - It doesn't work, so I guess the binary isn't patched. I'll try to compile it myself then. [RZ] Found it offline. Currently the namespace :: is not shown. It seems the doc generator ignore it. This need some investigation. You can workaround by commenting your file with: ## @file test.tcl ... The proc in :: will then be shown in the file documentation. '''[Googie] - 2010-11-18''' - I used workeround to see results. It works, but I noticed other problem: I created procedure with 4 arguments, where the last one is optional (has default value). It handles default value correctly in detailed description, but on that "Functions" list, the optional argument is not separated by whitespace. It looks like this: myproc in1 in2 in3{input true} [RZ] The output in the function description is ok. So it seems a problem in the formatting code inside doxygen. I will remember this but I do not think I will have time to fix it soon. And one more thing - I'd like to be able to use @fn myproc {input} but now I'm not. When I use it the doxygen prints warning on stdout: Member myproc {input} (function) of file test.tcl is not documented. and function is not documented in files section anymore (just listed, with no details). [RZ] Could you post your code? Also remember that all documentation in commments is parsed by doxygen directly. So the normal doxygen rules apply. There will be a difference in the next version. Everything between the two lines `#@code` and `#@endcode` or `#@verbatim` and `#@endverbatim` will be included in the current documentation part. [Googie] The code is: ## @file test.tcl ## # @fn myproc {input} # @param input some input proc myproc {input} { } # end of file [RZ] I will try to fix this. In the meantime you can work without the `@fn`. It is also recommended in the doxygen documentation. I also fixed some issues with continuation lines (`\` at end of line) and protection levels. I hope to post the new version on the weekend. [Googie] I updated code above. I also let myself to put this dialog into "discussion" block, as it's a trend lately. I hope that's ok. ---- [Googie] - Great news about the TCL_SUBST implemented! One thing to clarify: if I define TCL_SUBST, then do I overwrite default list of substituted commands (like proc, etc)? [RZ] This depends on your setting. Overwriting commands is possible. Some examples to clarify. # Use 'class' inside your code and create documentation for 'itcl::class' TCL_SUBST = class oo::class # Use 'proc' inside your code and create documentation for 'itcl::class'. TCL_SUBST = proc itcl::class # Use 'variable' inside your code and do not generate documentation. TCL_SUBST = variable dummy ---- '''[jdc] - 2011-02-03 04:48:46''' Anything can be done to display `proc` arguments in Tcl style iso using C style in the generated HTML? <>Category Documentation