Version 9 of dtp

Updated 2003-05-23 18:26:13

The doctools processor. An application for handling and showcasing the doctools format.The sources are in tcllib, module tclapps. A starkit can be found in the sdarchive. [Describe the purpose of dtp and provide examples of its use. Point to online documentation. Point to a description of the formatting language itself.]

The languages are specified in

Note that DTP in the outside world mostly is understood as Desktop Publishing, which this is not.

How to output man ...

  • Get dtp from sdarchive.
  • Get tcllib sources as source of .man files
  • Then:
            dtp doc html tcllib/modules/struct/
  • generates HTML from the manpage for struct/graph. And
            dtp doc nroff tcllib/modules/struct/
  • generates nroff

"dtp script" returns a shell script using some of the advanced features of dtp itself (toc and indices)

Note: Discussion of documentation issues is encouraged, either here, on the doctools page, or the user documentation project.

LV Note that, in the examples above, the may surprise/mislead old Unix hackers. That is because through the years, was one way of specifying that the contents were nroff -man formatted files.

tcllib currently uses file naming convention to imply that the contents are to be formatted with dtp (no, I can't explain why .dtp wasn't used...).

Category Application | Category Documentation