Somewhat like the UNIX command '''du''' ("Disk Usage") - it returns the number of bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes in a directory hierarchy. '''Intentionally does NOT count links!!''' ---- proc du { args } { switch -exact [ llength $args ] { 0 { set dir . set switch -k } 1 { set dir $args set switch -k } 2 { set switch [ lindex $args 0 ] set dir [ lindex $args 1 ] } default { set msg "only one switch and one dir " append msg "currently supported" return -code error $msg } } set switch [ string tolower $switch ] set -b 1 set -k 1024 set -m [ expr 1024*1024 ] set result [ list ] if { ! [ file isdirectory $dir ] } { set ary($dir,bytes) [ file size $dir ] set globpats [ list ] } else { set globpats $dir/* } while { [ llength $globpats ] } { foreach globpat $globpats { set cwd [ string trim $globpat */ ] set ary($cwd,bytes) 0 set files [ glob -nocomplain $globpat ] set globpats [ list ] foreach file $files { if { ! [ catch { file readlink $file } ] } { continue } if { [ file isdirectory $file ] } { lappend globpats $file/* } else { incr ary($cwd,bytes) [ file size $file ] } } } } set dirs [ array names ary ] # since the directories are arranged by nesting level # this can be optimised to not iterate in the inner # loop over directories already processed by the outer # loop. I have no time right now... if { [ llength $dirs ] > 1 } { foreach dir $dirs { set dir [ lindex [ split $dir , ] 0 ] foreach Dir $dirs { set Dir [ lindex [ split $Dir , ] 0 ] if { [ string match $dir/* $Dir ] } { incr ary($dir,bytes) $ary($Dir,bytes) } } } } foreach dir $dirs { set name [ lindex [ split $dir , ] 0 ] set size [ expr { $ary($dir) / [ set $switch ] } ] lappend retval [ list $name $size ] } # copyright 2002 by The LIGO Laboratory return $retval } ---- Anyone that cares to may fill in the missing command line switches... ---- [Category Command] - [Category File]