arw (Dec 2015): here is an example of a fontmap when exporting the canvas content to a postscript ====== package require Tk canvas .c pack .c -fill both -expand TRUE set txt "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..." set f1 "*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-12-*" set f2 [font create -family "DejaVu Sans" -size 14] set f3 TkDefaultFont set f4 [font create -family [lindex [font families] 9] -weight bold] set y 40 foreach f [list $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4] { .c create text 50 $y -text $txt -anchor w -font $f incr y 40 } set fm($f1) [list Helvetica 12] set fm($f2) [list Times 13] set fm($f3) [list Courier 14] set fm($f4) [list Bookman-Demi 15] .c postscript -file -fontmap fm ====== <>Postscript