HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. ---- html is also a module in the [tcllib] library of tcl code. Its purpose is to aid developers in generating HTML programmatically. Related modules are [ncgi], [javascript], and [htmlparse]. Documentation can be found at ---- Many with an interest in HTML will want to know about the [HTML widgets] page, which discusses widgets that ''render'' HTML into a visual representation. ---- If only parsing of HTML is required, without rendering, [htmlparse] (a module in [tcllib]) is a possible solution. Other solutions include [tkHTML] compiled for use without Tk, and [tcltidy]. Some Tclers advertise [tDOM]'s [XPath]-oriented parser as desirable for HTML work. This seems particularly popular among European brethren. Note [Jochen Loewer]'s report on his eBay [Web scraping] at the [Second European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting] ( ). ---- A recent posting to comp.lang.tcl contained a really small example - it can be found at If the task is to 'pull out' some data out of a HTML page, I'm indeed a strong believer in the 'parse the HTML page into a tree and query that tree' approach. For real life problems, I claim that this approach is much simpler and easier to maintain - and for sure, you have to maintain such a thingy, because the layout of HTML pages tend to change frequently - than every regexp approach. Sure, you have to learn another query language - xpath in this case. But if you are really in the web business, there are chances you have to learn xpath anyway. de ---- If the task is to generate HTML or XML, try xmlgen, a package within TclXML and found on . ----- Can Someone submit a sample example code for using html:: package . I need to know how all functions glue together.I read cgi.tcl based examples. More exactly I am wondering If I need to call html::closetags for closing. That is not the case with cgi.tcl. Because of this lack of info I could not use. I am just new to TCL but appreciate its "power from simplicity" approach. Does html:: really a substitute for cgi.tcl -valli ----- Some example code from comp.lang.tcl : > Hi, > I'm just starting to work with the html generation package of tcllib (ver > 1.2.2). Can anyone point me to some examples of how the tcllib html > generation package is used? Quicj taste, (bin) 15 % package req html 1.1 (bin) 16 % html::textInput first_name (bin) 17 % html::textInputRow "MY LABEL" test_row MY LABEL (bin) 24 % set people {John Doe Mary Poppins Jack {B. Nimble}} John Doe Mary Poppins Jack {B. Nimble} (bin) 25 % html::tableFromList $people
John Doe
Mary Poppins
Jack B. Nimble
similarly there's html::tableFromArray, proc html::checkbox etc... Using the html package with tclhttpd templates makes form/page generation quite simple;-) Reference link ----- [Category Package], subset [Tcllib] | [Category Internet] [Category Acronym]