if 0 {[Larry Smith] - This page supersedes [getparams]. It is the latest and most elegant version of my named parameter parsing routine. It takes a list of parameters and default values. First it initializes the variables in the parameter list to their given defaults in the calling scope, then it parses the args argument (also in the calling scope) to pick out "-var val" pairs and set them properly. In essence, it declares all your local variables and then allows them to be set by command-line switches. Init returns a list of ''-var val'' pairs for all the vars it did not recognize. This allows you to pass through things for later processing. } proc init { args } { upvar args arglist if ![ info exists arglist] { upvar argv arglist } set rest "" if { [ llength $arglist ] == 0 } return if { [ llength $arglist ] == 1 } { eval set arglist $arglist } set varlist {} foreach { var val } $args { uplevel 1 set $var \{$val\} lappend varlist $var } foreach { var val } $arglist { set var [ string range $var 1 end ] if { [ lsearch $varlist $var ] != -1 } { uplevel 1 set $var \{$val\} } else { lappend rest -$var $val } } return $rest } if 0 { Examples: proc foo { args } { init a 1 b 2 c 3 puts "$a, $b, $c" } foo -a 3 prints "3, 2, 3" foo -b 1 -c 4 prints "1, 1, 4" One bit of cleverness: if the calling scope '''has''' no "args" var, init will use argv instead. Thus if called from the global scope, it will parse your command line for you while at the same time declaring and initializing your global vars. [UKo] 2004-11-18: but this cleverness makes it unable to use no arguments :-( So foo gives an error. You can also brace arguments: foo { -a 5 -b 2 } is also valid. } ---- [Category Argument Processing]