Documentation can be found at . ---- [LV] writes: What are some tips for using this package? For instance, can someone provide a skeleton for using logs to a program. One using has several types of msgs in a program: * introductory (Hi, this is program ABC, and I am here to help you learn to tie your shoes) * progress (program ABC is now loading a 256 terabyte database about types of shoes ... loading ... loading ...) * success/results (program ABC has located your language environment) * failure (program ABC is unable to identify shoes called 'sandels') * completion (Well, thanks for stopping by to talk to me - y'all come back now, ya' hear?) How would one code a skeleton for such an application (don't worry about the tcl to do the above actual coding - just the logs)? [[Good question(s), Larry.]] ---- [Category Package], subset [Tcllib] [How one learns to write better code]