'''Mail''' is one of the ''killer apps'' for the [internet] (along with the [WWW] of course). On this page, I hope to accumulate pointers to various related programs, extensions, wiki pages, etc. relating to dealing with mail from Tcl. Here are some other mail-related links in the Wiki: * [IMAP] - Tcl implementations of this mail protocol * [MUA] - mail user agents in Tcl * [mail notification tools (i.e., biff)] ---- "EMail Package for TCL" [http://web.uvic.ca/~erempel/tcl/Email/Email.html] (are the error diagnostics with this primitive?) "[Sendmail]" "mail example" [http://www.phaseit.net/claird/comp.lang.tcl/tcl-examples.html#mail] "mail forwarding example" [http://www.phaseit.net/claird/comp.lang.tcl/examples/forward_tcl] ---- 'OTOH this works fine: % exec cmd /c start "" mailto:xxx@something.yyy?subject=abc^&body=bbb ' [[give ref]] [MG] It looks like this is an MS Windows-only way to launch your default email client, rather than to actually send the mail via Tcl. ''cmd /c start'' (or, for more portability, '''[[auto_execok start]]''') is basically the same as typing into the Start->Run dialog box - which can launch programs, directories, or pretty much any hyperlink/web protocol that Internet Explorer can handle (mailto:, telnet://, ftp://, etc). ---- * [email pretty printer] * [MailStripper] * [Enabled Mail (aka Safe-Tcl)] * "EMail Package for TCL" [http://web.uvic.ca/~erempel/tcl/Email/Email.html] * tcllib's smtp namespace [http://tcllib.sourceforge.net/doc/smtp.html] * [A tcllib based smtp mailer package] - allows to create and send mails including attachements ---- !!!!!! %|[Category Application] | [Category Internet] | [Category Mail]|% !!!!!!