Version 1 of nektomk

Updated 2022-12-30 03:18:23 by nektomk

active projects "Functional iterators"

project contains classic iterators map,filter,fold and his test-suite;

you can program in Tcl in a functional style:

# simplified "counting lines of code" in given $filename
# compose iterators via concatenations
set loc [ \
fold { accum x } {
    # simple, counting elements 
    incr accum
    # begining from 0
    # over other command
} 0 [] \
filter { x } {
    # filter elements
    set x [ string trim $x ]
    if { $x == {} || [ string index $x 0 ] == {#} } {
        # empty lines and lines started from # (comment)
        # wil drop
        return false
    return true
} <| $filename ]

Use special signs and : for compositions

Another my project:

Tcl-f ( )

Was temporary frozen :-(

A small patch to TEBCResume(or TclParse) is needed to implement real lazy calculations. These two functions have a hidden conflict and cannot share the stack. Maybe I'll come back to this project later, it takes a lot of time and even more courage to fix TEBC