This is a modified version of pdf4tcl from SVN trunk with added support for embedding Type1 and TrueType fonts, skew for text. Bug with displaying angled background is fixed. Also, thanks to Martin Walcher for adding document/page configuration option "-rotate ". BUT it requires Tcl 8.5 now. Fonts support is mostly taken (converted) from reportlab and libharu. Examples: 1. dumpfont.tcl --- primitive dumping of font files, usage is: $ dumpfont.tcl filename1.ttf filename1.afm ... filenameN.[afm|pfb|ttf] Produces PDF file for each font. Result format is: unicode (decimal) -- postscript name -- glyph ====== package require pdf4tcl #Provide .afm and .pfb to dump type1 font: proc dumpfontverbose {fname} { set name [string range $fname 0 end-4] set ext [string range $fname end-2 end] if {$ext eq "ttf"} { pdf4tcl::LoadBaseTrueTypeFont BaseFont$fname $fname } elseif {$ext eq "afm"} { pdf4tcl::LoadBaseType1Font BaseFont$fname $fname "${name}.pfb" } elseif {$ext eq "pfb"} { pdf4tcl::LoadBaseType1Font BaseFont$fname "${name}.afm" $fname } else { error $ext } foreach {psname ucode} [array get ::pdf4tcl::GlName2Uni] { set U2PSname($ucode) $psname } #This requires poking into pdf4tcl internals: #Result is list of lists (for each subset). for {set f 0} {$f<=32} {incr f} { lappend baseset $f } set Xchars 32 set f 33 set subsetN 1 set currtxt "" set subtext "" set subset $baseset lappend res MyFont1 foreach {ucode w} $::pdf4tcl::BFA(BaseFont$fname,charWidths) { lappend ucodes $ucode } set ucodes [lsort -integer $ucodes] foreach ucode $ucodes { if {$f==256} { lappend res $subtext #Reinit: pdf4tcl::CreateFont_SpecEnc BaseFont$fname MyFont$subsetN $subset incr subsetN lappend res MyFont$subsetN set f 33 set currtxt "" set subtext "" set subset $baseset } lappend subset $ucode set psname ".notdef" catch {set psname $U2PSname($ucode)} lappend subtext [list $ucode $psname [format %c $ucode]] incr f } #Finish all: lappend res $subtext pdf4tcl::CreateFont_SpecEnc BaseFont$fname MyFont$subsetN $subset pdf4tcl::new mypdf -paper a4 -compress 1 mypdf startPage foreach {w h} [mypdf getDrawableArea] break set h [expr {$h-30.0}] set w [expr {$w-50.0}] set y 30 set x 50 foreach {fontname txtlist} $res { foreach symlst $txtlist { foreach {ucode psname char} $symlst break mypdf setFont 10 Courier mypdf text "$ucode $psname " -x $x -y $y mypdf setFont 12 $fontname mypdf text $char -bg #CCCCCC incr x 180 if {$x>=$w} { set x 50 incr y 22 if {$y>=$h} { mypdf endPage mypdf startPage mypdf setFont 10 $fontname set y 30 } } } } mypdf write -file ${name}_dump.pdf mypdf destroy } foreach fname $argv { dumpfontverbose $fname } ====== 2. multiout.tcl --- example of using same fonts in many pdf4tcl objects. Font file names are hard-coded, replace with ones you want to use. ====== package require pdf4tcl proc multipdf {args} { global G_pdfobjs foreach obj $G_pdfobjs { $obj {*}$args } } proc testmulti {} { global G_pdfobjs pdf4tcl::LoadBaseTrueTypeFont BaseArial "arial.ttf" pdf4tcl::CreateFont BaseArial MyArial cp1251 pdf4tcl::LoadBaseType1Font BaseType1 "a010013l.afm" "a010013l.pfb" pdf4tcl::CreateFont BaseType1 MyType1 cp1251 set G_pdfobjs [list one two three] foreach obj $G_pdfobjs { pdf4tcl::new $obj -paper a4 -compress 1 } multipdf startPage multipdf setFont 20 MyArial multipdf text "QWERTY" -x 50 -y 50 -bg #CACACA multipdf text "qwerty" -x 50 -y 100 -bg #CACACA multipdf setFont 20 MyType1 multipdf text "QWERTY" -x 50 -y 150 -bg #CACACA multipdf text "qwerty" -x 50 -y 200 -bg #CACACA multipdf setFillColor #6A6A6A multipdf setFont 16 Courier multipdf text "This is text for testing purposes." -bg #8A8A8A -x 100 -y 370 multipdf setFont 20 MyType1 multipdf setFillColor #20FA20 multipdf text "Skewed." -bg #000000 -x 200 -y 420 -xangle 10 -yangle 15 -angle 25 foreach obj $G_pdfobjs { $obj write -file $obj.pdf $obj destroy } } testmulti ====== 3. specenc.tcl --- example of "special" encodings. ====== package require pdf4tcl proc example_specenc {} { pdf4tcl::LoadBaseTrueTypeFont BaseArial "arial.ttf" #Subset is a list of unicodes: for {set f 0} {$f<128} {incr f} {lappend subset $f} lappend subset 178 946 pdf4tcl::CreateFont_SpecEnc BaseArial MyArial $subset pdf4tcl::new mypdf -paper a4 -compress 1 mypdf startPage mypdf setFont 16 MyArial set txt "sin\u00B2\u03B2 + cos\u00B2\u03B2 = 1" mypdf text $txt -x 50 -y 100 mypdf write -file font_spec.pdf mypdf destroy } example_specenc ====== Sources: * [pdf4tcl.tcl] * [glyph2uni.tcl] * [stdmetrics.tcl] pkgindex.tcl is: ====== package ifneeded pdf4tcl 0.6.1 [list source [file join $dir pdf4tcl.tcl]] package ifneeded pdf4tcl::stdmetrics 0.1 [list source [file join $dir stdmetrics.tcl]] package ifneeded pdf4tcl::glyph2unicode 0.1 [list source [file join $dir glyph2uni.tcl]] ====== [YS], 07.09.2009. [YS], 22.10.2009: I've added some changes from upstream by Peter Spjuth, as my patch is still not fully integrated: * Added getTextPosition method. * Initialise origxpos to avoid error. [Bug 15246] * addRawImage: Include Length field in addRawImage. [Bug 16264] [Peter Spjuth], 30.01.2010: This patch is now in pdf4tcl 0.7. [AMG]: Is there any reason why this page should remain on the wiki? <> Package | Printing