Version 28 of optcl

Updated 2005-03-03 14:52:54 by stevel

snichols There are two common public (free or open source) Tcl COM packages: tcom and optcl. I recently had some memory errors showing up in Event Viewer in Windows with tcom, so I tried optcl instead. Does anyone have a preference to which one they like better? The syntax is very similar with both from what I can tell. It was not hard to port my tcom Tcl script to user optcl instead.

"Open Tcl is a Tcl extension to provide connectivity to the resident host's component model." Farzad Pezeshkpour wrote and maintains it.

The last release on May 30, 2000 changed the license from GPL to BSD. It can be downloaded from here [L1 ].

[Recommend Leslie Brooks' nice example [L2 ] and commentary ...]

An example:

    # Open Word and read the template for the report.  (The template
    # contains Header and Footer macros that we will use.)
    set word [optcl::new word.application]
    set filename [file join [pwd] "Chapter 5 template.doc"]
    set doc [$word -with documents open $filename]
    # Set the header by running a Word Macro recorded in the
    # template file and passing it the parameters it needs 
    # (System Release, RTP version, and Test Step).
    $word run header "$test_step" "$SR" "$RTP_Version"
    $word run footer "$Operator"    

The template for the header macro is

    Sub Header(TestStep As String, SR As String, RTP As String)
    ' Header Macro
    ' Macro recorded 7/24/01 by Leslie Brooks
    ' Set the Test Step number, the System Release number, and the
    ' RTP version number in the report header.



    End Sub  

Michael Jacobson: Here is some code to display a Microsoft's Internet Explorer ActiveX component in a Tk frame with the IE's scroll bar.

MPJ (5/02) Changed to use ProgId from the registry instead of the CLSID. The CLSID is a string representation of a COM Globally Unique IDentifer (GUID for short). This should make it a little easier to understand instead of the ProgId numbers.

 package require optcl
 wm title . {WebBrowers in Tk with scroll}
 set htm [optcl::new -window .htm Shell.Explorer.2] ;# for MSIE ActiveX Control
 # set htm [optcl::new -window .htm Mozilla.Browser.1] ;# for Mozilla ActiveX Control
 .htm config -width 800 -height 600
 pack .htm -fill both -expand 1
 $htm navigate
 # to view the type information for the control
 pack [button .b  -text "View TypeLibrary for IE container" -command {
                        tlview::viewtype [ optcl::class $htm ]
        } ] -side bottom

Here is the code to do it without the IE's scroll bar. Notice the difference???

 package require optcl
 wm title . {MSIE in Tk without scroll}
 set htm [optcl::new -window .htm {}]
 .htm config -width 800 -height 600
 pack .htm -fill both -expand 1
 # to view the type information for the control
 pack [button .b  -text "View TypeLibrary for IE container" -command {
                        tlview::viewtype [ optcl::class $htm ]
        } ] -side bottom

Scott Gamon - If you have an entry widget and an optcl browser widget in the same window, the entry widget is disabled after you click in the browser window.

One solution for regaining focus from OpTcl hosted ActiveX controls is to use Ffidl.

Another solution is:

 bind all <Enter> {forceFocus %W}
 bind all <ButtonPress-1> {forceFocus %W}

MPJ A little bigger example is how to play a VCD with Microsoft's MediaPlayer using optcl.

 package require optcl
 wm title . {VCD Document in Tk}
 set vcd [optcl::new -start -window .vcd MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1]
 .vcd config -width 640 -height 480
 pack .vcd -fill both -expand 1
 # put location of VCD file here ... need to make much smarter
 $vcd : filename "E:/mpegav/music01.dat"
 $vcd Play
 # view the loaded activex component
 ## tlview::loadedlibs .tmp2
 #how long the file is
 ## clock format [expr int([clock scan 0]+ [$vcd : duration])] -format %T
 # current position in time
 ## clock format [expr int([clock scan 0]+ [$vcd : CurrentPosition])] -format %T

MPJ Display of the Wiki in a Tk frame is yet another example Michael provides:

 package require optcl
 optcl::new -window .htm {}
 .htm config -width 800 -height 600
 pack .htm

MPJ Display the Calendar control being integrated within a Tk widget. Also see the examples files that come with OpTcl to bind events.

 package require optcl
 optcl::new -window .cal MSCAL.Calendar.7
 .cal config -width 300 -height 300
 pack .cal

See also COM on! - a tiny web browser & WippleWobble - A Mini Web Browser (for Windows)

etdxc I put together some of the commands from other peoples postings (sorry for the duplication) and a bunch of stuff I managed to work out by using the Type Library utility.

Hope it helps someone.



 package require optcl

to view the type information for the control

 pack [button .b  -text "View TypeLibrary for IE container" -command {
     tlview::viewtype [ optcl::class $htm ]
 } ] -side bottom

view the loaded libraries

 tlview::loadedlibs .tmp2

view the type hierarchy

 tlview::viewtype [optcl::class $doc]
 tlview::viewtype [optcl::class $htm]
 tlview::viewtype [optcl::class $cal]
 tlview::viewtype [optcl::class $vcd]


Word Start word

 set word [optcl::new word.application] 

New Document

 set doc [$word -with documents add]

Opens a document

 set doc [$word -with documents open $filename] 

Make Word visible

 $word : visible 1

Make Word invisible

 $word : visible 0

Insert text with formatting

 $word -with selection.font : name "Courier New"
 $word -with selection.font : size 10.0
 $doc -with content : text "Text in Courier 10 point \r"  ;# \r Return ???

Change colour of selected text

 $word -with selection : start 0
 $word -with selection : end 5
 $word -with selection.font : color wdcolorblue
 $word -with selection.font : bold 1

 $word -with selection : end 50000          ;# Move to end of doc
 set end [$word -with selection : end]      ;# Get the size of the doc
 $word -with selection : start $end         ;# Move to end of doc
 $word -with selection.font : name "Courier New"
 $word -with selection.font : size 10.0
 $word -with selection.range : text "Text is 14 point Courier"

 $doc select       ;# Select the text start to end I think

Exit Word

 $word quit

Minmise, Maximise, Restore

 $word : Windowstate wdWindowStateMaximize
 $word : Windowstate wdWindowStateMinimize
 $word : Windowstate wdWindowStateNormal

Page Setup

 set pSetUp [$doc PageSetup]
 $pSetUp : LeftMargin 1.0    ;# sets left margin


 $doc PrintOut               ;# Prints strainght away''
  • Background
  • Append
  • Range
  • OutputFileName
  • From
  • To
  • Item
  • Copies
  • Pages
  • PageType
  • PrintToFile
  • Collate
  • ActivePrinterMacGX
  • ManualDuplexPrint
  • PrintZoomColumn
  • PrintZoomRow
  • PrintZoomPaperWidth
  • PrintZoomPaperHeight

Print Preview

 $word : PrintPreview 1

Print Options

 set pOtions [$word : options]         ;# print options
 $p : PrintProperties 1
 $p : PrintBackground 1
 $p : PrintDraft 1


 set d [$word : Dialogs]
 set dia [$d Item wdDialogFilePrintSetup]
 $dia Execute
 $dia Show

Display the document in powerpoint

 $doc PresentIt

Embed/Display word in IE

 $doc WebPagePreview

Turn on form design toolbar

 $doc ToggleFormsDesign

Email document

 $doc SendMail
 # $doc SendMailer FileFormat Priority      ;# not implemented error

Fax document

 # $doc SendFax Address Subject     ;# Needs Microsoft Lacal Fax

Letter Wizard

 # $doc RunLetterWizard                  ;# untested

Repaginate the document

 # $doc Repaginate                       ;# untested

Remove the documents theme

 # $doc RemoveTheme                      ;# untested

Remove Numbers >?????

 # $doc RemoveNumbers                    ;# untested

Reload as

 # $doc ReloadAs Office.MsoEncoding      ;# untested


 # $doc Reload                           ;# untested

''Send to exchange folder'

 $doc Post    


 # $doc Merge filename                   ;# untested

Data Form ?? Header Record Delimiters

 $doc DataForm

Check Spelling

 $doc CheckSpelling

Check Grammar

 $doc CheckGrammar


 $doc AutoSummarize


 $word Activate

Change the open file path

 $word ChangeFileOpenDirectory "C:/"


 # $word CheckGrammar string               ;# untested
 # $word CheckSpelling lots of args
 # $word CleanString string string
 # $word DDE''cmds''

Activate the helptool (?)

 $word HelpTool

Get the CLSID code

 $word ProductCode

Resize window

 $word Resize $x $y              ;# state needs to be normal or maximised


 $word SendFax                   ;# runs registered fax software

Set Default theme

 # $word SetDefaultTheme  args   ;# untested

'' ShowMe ?????'

 $word ShowMe                    ;# Didn't seem to do anything

Run Word macro with parm

 $word run header "arg" "arg" "arg"
 $word run footer "arg"


 $doc saveas "filename" 6
 # where 6 = format
 #  0 (zero) Word document
 #  1 Document template
 #  2 Text only
 #  3 Text only with line breaks
 #  4 MS-DOS text
 #  5 MS-DOS text with line breaks
 #  6 Rich Text Format (RTF)



for MSIE ActiveX Control

 set htm [optcl::new -window .htm Shell.Explorer.2]
 .htm config -width 800 -height 600
 pack .htm

for Mozilla ActiveX Control

 set htm [optcl::new -window .htm Mozilla.Browser.1]
 .htm config -width 800 -height 600
 pack .htm

Open a web page with scroll bars

 $htm navigate

Without the IE's scroll bar.

 set htm [optcl::new -window .htm {}]

Get the URL of current webpage using IE

 set current_site [$htm : LocationURL]

stevel wanted to print without the header and footer. This page seems to indicate that the MS anointed way is to use a registry hack

    set rkey {HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PageSetup}
    set header [registry get $rkey header]
    set footer [registry get $rkey footer]
    registry set $rkey header ""
    registry set $rkey footer ""
    registry set $rkey header $header
    registry set $rkey footer $footer


Play a VCD with Microsoft's MediaPlayer

 set vcd [optcl::new -start -window .vcd MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1]
 .vcd config -width 640 -height 480
 pack .vcd -fill both -expand 1

put location of VCD file here ... need to make much smarter

 $vcd : filename "E:/mpegav/music01.dat"
 $vcd Play

how long the file is

 clock format [expr int([clock scan 0]+ [$vcd : duration])] -format %T

current position in time

 clock format [expr int([clock scan 0]+ [$vcd : CurrentPosition])] -format %T

***************************************************************************** Calendar Control

 optcl::new -window .cal MSCAL.Calendar.7
 .cal config -width 300 -height 300
 pack .cal

Yet another example:

    set ::htm [optcl::new -window $pw.f.html Shell.Explorer.2]
    puts "Currently visible in the browser is '[$htm : LocationURL]'."

[Projects: how to install in a pure tclkit; relations of Application Class to dispatch to methods and properties; asynchronous programming; ...]