Version 1 of pdt

Updated 2012-06-19 15:40:56 by AK

Paul Taylor. See for my projects.

I'm currently working on three projects, Script-tb, ttask, and NSO.

Script-tb is a Tcl environment for testbenching FPGA RTL code using Tcl. See the examples at . Support for coroutines in Tcl8.6 make this type of project possible.

I wrote ttask for use with Script-tb. I wanted a build system that's a bit higher level and quicker/easier to use than make. Essentially, you tell it what the project type is, what the sources are, set some source and build properties, and then invoke tasks from the command line. To see it in use with Script-tb, see near the bottom of .

However, I also want ttask for other things, for example, building C code, Java, and Starkit/Starpacks. See for more details. I find it's fine for my personal projects, which are pretty small.

From the extensions page you can see that I've tried to keep properties fairly common across different extensions. Also, I want ttask to be a fairly thin layer over the underlying tools, which is why extensions have properties like cFlags and tarFlags.

I'm also working on yet another Tcl object system, NSO. It's a single-inheritance object system, with support for interfaces and class libraries. Again, I started writing it for Script-tb. To see it being used with Script-tb, see the SerialDriver class on the page. There are also some shapes examples at .

Currently, Script-tb, ttask, and NSO are all being developed on Linux, for use on Linux. However, NSO is pure Tcl and is cross platform. ttask is also pure Tcl, but it relies on tools installed on the system, so isn't necessarily cross platform - I haven't yet tried it on anything other than Linux.